Who's Her Ex-Husband?

Emily's legs wobbled as she walked forward to take her seat. Her palms were sweaty and worry lines delineated her forehead.

She forced a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "G-good... Good morning."

Her chest was pounding loud and she couldn't help her nerves from jittering. First rule of an interview was to be fucking confident, Emily. Keep it together!

Heaving in a deep sigh, she hoped to start all over again but her second chance was soon robbed off by Jake's puzzling question.

"Did you not wish to be here?" His brows arched up.

Emily squeezed her hands tight so that her nails dug into her fingers. The smile...she brought it back.

"Forgive my tardiness. Good morning everyone." Her confidence was back...as long as she didn't take a moment to look at Jake. 

She could have sworn he was smiling...that son of a--

"Morning to you, Ms Tinsel, that is?" The woman in the room said, her face contorted into a heavy frown.

Emily tried not to be intimidated. "Yes ma'am. My name is Emily Tinsel."

"Nice to meet you, Ms Emily." The other man said to her.

Taking a better look at him now, Emily could see that he was somewhere in his mid or early thirties. Suit fitting his body so nice and well heightened posture making Jake seem like a learner.

He was handsome as well, smiling even as he fixed his gaze on her.

"The pleasure is all mine." Emily returned his smile.

"I'm Michael Scott, we have Madam Reginald and here beside me is--"

"Jake." The man she was once married to said, charmingly.

Emily kept her response as a warm smile. 

"Might I ask something?" Jake asked, minutes into the Interview. He'd been silent for a while.

Emily's brow arched. "Please, go ahead."

"On your file here, it says that you graduated two or is it three years ago?"

Emily nodded. "Yes, sir." The sir came out of her lips forced.

"Could you share an insight on what you happened to have been doing back then? For a whole two years that is." He seemed to have been proud of his question because he leaned back, a satisfying smile resting on his lips.

Emily heaved in a heavy sigh and swallowed hard. The frown had returned on her face. How dare he pop that question in the middle of their interview!

"People said you were married but now newly divorced?" Michael said, though he hadn't noticed, Jake gave him an angry glare.

"Yes. I was once married." Emily said, managing to keep her calm. "It was one of the most expensive mistakes of my life. I gave my entire existence to a man and he shattered me, turning me into crumbs of bread. I want to make it right, now. To become something of myself, because we all deserve second chances. It would be an honor to start my journey here with this firm, sirs, ma'am."

Her whole body melted into a pool of relaxation as she spat out her crying wishes. The expression on Jake's face was...empty. Was he angry? Sad? Remorseful? She couldn't tell.

Again, he went back into a silent mode as the others conducted the whole interview.


Jeremy was the first person to jump forward and squeeze her into a tight hug. 

"Congratulations, you made it! I always knew you could do it!"

A few others approached her too, shaking her hands and welcoming her to the team.

It was like a dream come true. She was employed, just like that!

The smile on Emily's face was genuine this time and she was glad to be in the midst of those people. 

Verona made her way towards her, Holly too tagging behind.

"What are you congratulating her for? Huh?" Her brows arched. Silence fell...everywhere.

"I've been employed, and clearly not as a cleaner." Emily replied, chest puffed out.

Verona let out a mocking laughter. "You're nothing but an intern on probation. You can be fired anytime from now if you mess up. Not so much different from a cleaner if you ask me."

"Whatever cousin."

"Stop calling me that, you disgust me!" Verona snapped.

"Well, since you're only an intern, fetch us tea." Holly said from behind.

This silly request seemed to bring a smile to Verona's face. 

"What? I'm not hired to do that!" Emily protested.

"Wrong! People like me and other faces around here can send you away with just letters...complaints filled in emails and you'll be on your way before you know it, am I right everyone?" Verona yelled out and only a few murmured out.

Her eyes were gleaming with anger. "I said, am I right!"

"Yes, you're right!" One man yelled out.

"Of course, Verona is never wrong!" Then another.

More chirped in and soon, it was a whole mob turned on Emily.

"Emily, fetch us coffee!" Verona barked.

Only Jeremy was trying to stop the mob from rising on her. "Hey hey, keep it down!"

"If you don't answer, I might ask one of my friends here to take that wig off your head."

Emily didn't hear her well. "What? It's not a wig!"

"Tobi!" She called out and a stout looking man walked forward. "Karim! Holly?! Check for me. I have a feeling it's a wig..."

Emily's eyes widened as she saw Verona's minions begin to approach her. She turned to look at Jeremy but he was nowhere to be found.

Damn it, Emily! On your first day at work? What do you do, what do you do!

"Is there a problem here?"

Everyone turned to look at where the voice had come from, Emily included.

Jake was the initiator of the order, with Jeremy beside him.

People knew him, but only as the new CEO of the firm. So who would want to get on his nerves!

"We're sorry sir," one man cried out.

"It was Verona. We're so sorry sir." Then another.

Jake sighed. Verona glared at him like he was some golden ornament or rare gem. Emily waited...

"All of you, listen and listen well." Jake said, and surely enough, everywhere was silent. "Emily is an intern, yes. But she is to work under me, learn from me until she's strong enough to stand on her own. Technically, she's your boss! You will respect her and never bother her, are we clear?"

"Yes sir." They all chorused.

"I know now!" Jeremy's voice came with a thunder. Everyone stopped to stare at him. "Emily had a two year break because she was married. She was married to none other than..."

He stared at Jake obsessively, his grin stretching by the seconds, then it was Emily next. Did he know of their relationship??

"Who's her husband? Or is it ex-husband?" Holly asked.

Others were anxious for a reply too. 

Emily included.