Do You Wanna Know A Secret?

Collins had explained that there were bad people on the road, and that Jake and Emily were to walk forward until they saw a fuel station.

"Is this like two hours now? That we've been walking for fuck sake!" Emily yelled, her voice was shaky now.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Teased Jake.

With a wicked side glance, Emily shot him an angry stare. "This is your fault. This is your fau--"

With a finger pointed forward and a calm look resting on his face, Jake said calmly. "Hey look, a fuel station."

There was a store inside and the attendant there was nice, and because of her, they'd been able to get a taxi. She mentioned she knew a plug who carried people in that remote area.

"Great thing they said to wait for 15 minutes." Emily said and went ahead to seat on a bench inside the store.

Jake sat next to her. "But it's a bit disturbing." He said and Emily frowned. "The closest bus terminal to here takes at least an hour."

"Jake, don't complicate things and believe in what he said. 15 minutes."

15 minutes turned two hours. They were both getting furious by now but mostly, tired.

Finally, the attendant had mentioned that there was a small city just around the corner, "you could find an hotel to stay for the night." She'd said.

They took to her advise and began to walk for what seemed like years to Emily. Finally, there were standing in front of a small hotel.

The attendant was a round lady with a hair net on. Her skin was white like Emily's, but dotted with some brown spots like pimples.

"Hi, good evening." Emily started. "We were hoping we could get a--"

"We have only one room. Should I give you the keys?"

Emily did not hear him well. "One key?! What, no. We need two rooms." She enunciated.

Jake said nothing but was looking around with caution.

Emily was still trying to make a good rapor with the woman when Jake leaned in closer to her. 

"Let's just take the damn keys, Em. I can't sleep on the streets tonight." 

Emily couldn't agree to the fact that they might have to share the same room. "There must be two beds there," she thought to herself.

Voices could be heard from behind.

"If you don't want the room, please leave so new people can take it." The woman said without any form of sympathy in her eyes.

"We'll take it. We've taken it already." Jake said, ignoring what Emily had to say.

The room was a small space with one little bed in the center. It's color was poor and all Jake could think of was how fast he would want to leave the next morning.

"I'll get a shower and rest." Jake said and Emily have a an agreement nod. "I already made one or two calls, and we'll be getting transfered into a new hotel tomorrow, hopefully. The conference meeting is in two days time, on Thursday."

"So we leave next week Monday? You said it was a week leave." Emily asked.

"Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me," he said and made his way to the bathroom. Emily wondered what she could do while he was away. Her luggage was still intact and she was glad she brought only one bag.

She brought out her towels and a red shirt gown to change into. Before she knew it, Jake was back already in just his towel.

His broad chest was an inviting page to Emily's own secual desires because she couldn't stop staring now.

He looked taller and more fit than she had last remembered. His eyes was a lot attractive in that dim light that evening. Jake brushed his hands through his still wet hair. 

She feared he had caught her staring because he smiled. "Don't mind half naked. You used to be my wife, so I'm certain you're used to this view."

Only, she wasn't. The only time she and Jake had been together sensually would not be up to the number of fingers on her right hand.

"Your turn." Jake said and Emily frowned. 

Her turn to get half naked too? Her heart skipped a bit at the thought.

"I'll probably be fast asleep by then." He said, then went to have his seat on the bed. 

When Emily came out, he was pressing his phone now and had worn a shirt with shorts. He didn't button up and quick flashes of him on just his towel popped through Emily's mind occasionally. She had to shrug off the thought each time.

"You're not sleeping yet." Emily said, although trying to insinuate that he should be asleep already. "How are we going to sleep?"

Jake's eyes fell on her in a blank stare. "Am I to teach you how to lay on a bed and sleep?"

Emily rolled her eyes. "You know what I'm talking about, Jake." She sat on the bed too but at the far opposite end.

Jake got up to join her so their shoulders were touching now. Emily could breath in his scent, almost like the shared the same breeze of air at the same time.

Then he turned to face her. His eyes concentrated on hers heavily. 

"Nothing has to happen tonight. So let's" He said.

Emily's cheeks flustered. "Who says something will happen? We're here as business partners okay, and nothing more?"

Jake raised a brow. "I thought we were here as friends?"

Emily sat up straight. "Friends? For the past one week, do you think we've been friends? With the way you ignore me?" She frowned at him.

"Then just let's be lovers as we use to be." Jake said and he earned a shocked gasp from Emily. "What? Business partners don't cuddle when they sleep, and don't usually sleep on the same bed."

"Cuddle? Who says we're going to do that!" Emily wished she could cover her hot cheeks now.

Jake gave a chuckle. Now a grin was resting on his face...residing in his eyes. Emily noticed.

"Emily, we don't have to be complicating anymore." His voice was soft and reasonable even.

Emily's eyes widened on his face. She wanted to hear more.

There was a loud sigh from Jake. "Do you want to know why I agreed to the whole divorce? Because I wanted to bring it up. No, I was to bring it up. I was to divorce you and I couldn't bring myself to tell you! That's why I went out for days...I was lost." He seemed genuine.

It made Emily surprised. 

"Then when I heard that you'd left, I began to doubt if you ever loved me. I forgot how stupid I'd been to you, and my family too. I'm sorry you went through everything you--"

"And being realistic and less complicating," Emily stopped him. "This means that you still would be married to someone else. That we can never get together again. Your aunt said so," she waited for a reply...any kind of response.

"Our family is loosing a lot at the moment and the only way to get back on track is if I get married to a rich family. It's crazy and that's how sad my life is."

Emiky was furious, but not at Jake. "Why can't your sis get married to a rich man? Why does it have to be you to make the sacrifice?"

"Gladly, I would have done so. But," he stopped to stare at her. She has pretty eyes. "Your eyes are amazing, Em." He smiled.

Emily was not smiling. "But what?"

Jake looked away. "But I'm in love, Em. With you. And I want to be happy in love for once in my life. I don't want to be with a other woman."

"I didn't divorce you because I stopped loving you. You stopped, and I had to cut my losses already."

"I'm to be the family CEO, Emily." Jake said. "It's crazy. But, we're getting back on our feet, and I landed a huge deal with the general direction. That was why I got transfered here. With time, we'll be fine again. Once I'm the family CEO, I can get married to whoever I want to be with."

"I mean, congratulations..." Emily didn't know how to respond.

Jake held her hand in his. "Look at me, Emily." 

He was asking, Emily thought. Her eyes were on his now.

His finders brushed her hair, tucking it beneath her ears. "Everything will be fine once again. So I dare ask you now." His lips pressed to a pause. 

Emily was too anxious of the suspense but she said nothing.

"If it is true you did not file for the divorce because your heart has stopped beating for me. Then, if I'm to ask once again, what would your reply be?"

Emily's insides were squeezed into a mix of panic and worry, but anxiety too. "What is your question, Jake?"

His eyes flickered. "Will you marry me?"