Who Are You?

The trip back home was a disaster. Verona had called that Jake was involved in an accident!

How was he? Was it serious? Where was he now, at home or still at the hospital?

Those were simple enough questions. Why didn't she give her answers!

Her fingers felt soured and her legs and arms trembled. But she would reach Seattle that day, and she would see for herself what exactly had happened.

"Jeremy..." her eyes widened as she accompanied the idea. Before their phones would be useless for phone calls, she dialed his number. 

"Oh, hey Emily." Jeremy's voice was cool on the phone, even cooler in person.

Emily held herself hard enough not to cry. "Jeremy, something is up. I heard about the accident, was it that bad? Why won't anyone tell me anything about it!"

"Accident?" She could hear Jeremy's surprise via the phone. "What accident? Oh my goodness, are you hurt? Is Jake alright?"