Walking Away.

Emily and Jeremy were at a bar and Emily was grateful that it was calm and not as noisy as she had thought. She was taking a sip from the vodka she had ordered with Jeremy.

"Do you know what is really confusing?" Jeremy said to her.

"What is that?" She forced herself to say. Every muscle in her body ached from sadness.

"I made research on you, provided all certificates I know that shows your ID and full name. Even at work, your details from employment date and all, it's all there! And Jake still wouldn't acknowledge you as his lover, almost as if ...he knows already but doesn't want to accept." he shrugged. "I dunno."

Emily was not even surprised one bit. "Same here. I needed to proof myself. For some reason, he said it was photoshopped at first. Then, he said he doesn't remember our moments together. Now..." She remembered how he had humiliated her in front of her enemies. "I'm not so sure anymore."