My Heart's Hard.

Jake had left and now, Emily waited patiently for her mother. Angrily even.

Clara walked in, smiling brightly and even that annoyed Emily more.

She got up and spat out her rage. "What the hell was that? What the hell was that!"

Clara rolled her eyes. "How can you be such a fool--well I know you to always be a fool, but it shouldn't be now. Whether they like it or not, they will find that 10 million dollars and then boom! We're rich again. I'll give you a couple hundred buck, cos what are you using money to do."

Emily couldn't believe her mother would be uttering such nonsense words. How she was patient to hear her, she didn't know. But she remained eerily calm.

"And what is it, why are you so angry anyway? From the looks of things, that imbecile husband of yours seems to be serious with Verona. Else, why aren't you with him right now in his house? Verona is living with him, and they're even planning on traveling out soon!"