A New Story Unfolds.

One Year Later.

How long as it been since she had last saw his face? Oh it's been months.

"A year and sixteen days. I've been keeping count." Jeremy said with a smile planted on his face.

Emily smiled back. "I want to know everything, Jer."

Jeremy shrugged. "Oh you know, the usuals. Nothing big has happened since um, since Mario and May." He said, his eyes showing no interest at all.

"So yea, they're in jail now. It's been months, Jer. I mean, new story, latest news."

"Nothing new has happened. That's the problem. After May cried her eyes out, claiming she was pregnant for Mario and yet, he still betrayed her with Verona--"

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. Verona was involved in this?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you? It's new investigation. The cops found out just few months ago. Turns out she wasn't as quiet as we thought she was. She paid Mario to get rid of May and she paid other people to get rid of Mario."