The Accident-2

"She's fractured her bones." the doctor before Emily said.

Her eyes shone wide open. "What? Well, okay so --"

"Her spinal cord has been hit with such fierce and then, she has a slight situation close to a brain damage."

Emily had to stop for a second to heaven in deep breaths. Spinal cord? Brain damage? How!

"Lucky for you miss, she'll be alright. But she needs to come here every week for treatments once she wakes up. She'll also need her bills to be paid now, please see the cashier."

The rest of what he said didn't make much sense again to her ears.

Jake joined her soon. "What are we going to do now?" he asked her.

Emily was still thinking. "Something is off. Why did she run forward to kill herself!"

Jake felt a bit bad for the situation Emily was, but why would she think poor Kira ran to kill herself?

"You're right." he said, "it doesn't make any sense. But hey, listen to me. You need to calm down, okay?"