
It's a sparring match between Sadiq and Nasir, the two were standing in the middle of the field meters away from each other. G was standing at the far end of the field near the old building beside Ahmad and Umar, all with their hands folded ready to observe.


"oya, I want a clean match, first person to get their opponent to the ground on their back. Powers are allowed! Understood!" G said.


"yes sir!" they answered.


"ok… FIGHT!" G commanded.


Sadiq threw a punch but got blocked and was answered with an upper cut from Nasir, he stepped back and rubbed his chin. Nasir followed up blowing strong air blast at Sadiq, launching him from where he was into the river. In mid-air Sadiq commanded the river and caught himself, he then sent all the water at Nasir. He was covered completely in a unending water fall, Nasir held his breath tight and kept calm as he navigated through the water attack, upon citing his opportunity, he jumped out and shot an airball at Sadiq to disorient him. The ball hit Sadiq and blasted him out of the air, he fell (belly first) to ground with a thud and the water he controlled fell everywhere. Nasir propelled himself to the air and landed right on top of Sadiq as he continued to lay there, Nasir turned him over to face him but to his surprise, Sadiq did not react, he just laid breathing heavily.


"stop!" G commanded as he saw what had happened. Nasir helped Sadiq up and the two started walking back to G.


"guy what's wrong?" Nasir asked but Sadiq still remained silent as they continued to walk.


"Sadiq… any problem?" G asked as they came up to him.


"... uhh… yes… there is a big problem." Sadiq answered nervously.


"then what is it? Talk to me." G said.


"I think it'll be better I show you." Sadiq said as he went into the build and later came out with his bag and brought out his phone. He came infront of G who was very confused curious as to what Sadiq was trying to show him. He opened his gallery app and went through a few pictures until he got to a picture of a note book page that was full of drawings, equations and labels.


"this is Mr.Bolaji's note book." Sadiq said.


"why did you take pictures of your teachers note book?" G asked.


"I was talking with someone close to his desk in school, something happened and some books fell over and when this particular book hit the ground, it opened to this page… I don't fully understand what is going on here but we were sure that it has something to do with Nucron cells." Sadiq explained as he handed his phone to G to look at. G look at the picture but was unable to decipher it.


"omo I no be chemistry student ooo, na Islamic studies I read for school(I'm not a chemistry student oh, I read Islamic studies)" G claimed as he handed Sadiq's phone to it.


"so what if he has some equations in his note, as a science teacher it should be somewhat expected." Umar said.


"no, mumu. These equations are for experiments on the nucron cell, turning it into something else." Sadiq said.


"how sure are you?" Ahmad asked. Sadiq became annoyed


"...none of you know chemistry here like me, not only that, me, James and Christina studied this and even though we're not completely sure, we're 90% positive its something suspiscious." Sadiq argued.


"how much time did you have to study it and the three of you are still no match for him in chemistry. You know this." Nasir said.


"what about Zainab, isn't she like the chemistry guru? Did you ask her." Umar asked.


"... she agrees with us, but she wasn't really feeling good." Sadiq answered.


"ok Sadiq, I will take your word for it. I'll have my guy look at it and confirm for us. Send it to me." G said.


"ok." Sadiq answered.


"wait, what's wrong with Zainab? I saw her in class, she looked like she was crying… and you turned back and looked at her when we were walking out." Nasir queried.


"... hmmm… omo…" Sadiq stuttered nervously.


"talk now." Nasir pressed.


"... she… well we were talking and I was telling her about how we used to train and practice using our powers with G and she was telling me about how she's glad that we all took the antidote and how she was releaved finally…" Sadiq explained.


"did you tell her that we still have our powers?" Ahmad asked angrily.


"no no no now… but actually that's the thing… she told me she still has her powers." Sadiq answered. Everyone was shocked to here this, G's eyes widened upon hearing this.


"the antidote did the same thing it did to her that it did to us, she went home, passed out on her bed and vomited in the morning." Sadiq continued.


"kamBalai!" Ahmad exclaimed.


"this is getting serious, I had hoped there was just a problem with the antidote for the four of you. Which means there are more people in your school and all over Abuja that it didn't work for." G said.


"yeah, she's definitely not the only one… Bala has his powers too." Ahmad said. They all turned to him in shock.


"WHAT?" Umar said.


"that's why you didn't want to tell everyone back in class." Sadiq claimed.


"yeah… when they were separating us we locked eyes and he had his purple lightning flickering in his eyes. he also smiled at me when we were leaving the admin building, he knows I saw that… he thinks he scared me." Ahmad continued.


"I knew it, that antidote was fake news!" Umar yelled.


"no, we can't say for sure… although at the moment I'm inclined to agree with you, we can't just assume something is the way it seems… this one you mentioned, Bala, is he ok in the head?" G asked.


"what do you mean?"Ahmad asked.


"can he be reasoned with? Will he be able to cooperate?" G clearified.


"No!" Ahmad answered quickly.


"hmm… he likes to do his thing alone and even if he would cooperate, it would NEVER be with Ahmad." Umar said.


"i understand. Ok then, what about the girl?"G asked.


"yeah, she's cool. But she won't want anything to do with this G." Sadiq answered.


"she's not going to be, all we need her to do is keep her mouth shut. I don't know the type of relationship you two have but if she was comfortable enough to tell you there's a chance she has told others." G hypothesized.


"wait, why did she cry then? When she told you she still has her powers." Nasir asked.


"that's the thing, the only other person she'll tell is her sister, her parents are COMPLETELY against Nucrons. Especially her dad, bro was like she should keep her mouth shut if she finds out she has powers." Sadiq explained.


"wow." Ahmad said.


"that's heavy." Umar said.


"I'm sorry to hear that for her." G sympathized.


"but we can't overlook this, she can keep quiet and the other boy doesn't sound like the type to cheat himself, so we have something going." he continued.


"the only thing is… Ahmad." G said as he looked at Ahmad.


"I want you to avoid Bala. Don't talk to him, don't listen to him, if he does something, ignore it. You haven't mastered control of your powers, I don't want to see any school in flames. You fought once, I will let that go but AVOID BALA… that's an order!" he commanded. 


"... yes sir." Ahmad answered in a soft town but gritting his teeth simultaneously.


"good, now clean up and go home. Sadiq have you sent me that picture?"G asked.


"yes." Sadiq answered


"ok good. I will get back to you soon." G said. 


They gathered their things and went home to rest. Sadiq continued to worry about what he found in Mr.Bolaji's note book and what could be happening to Zainab. Ahmad also battled with the task given to him, being patient with Bala.