Chapter 4: Guiding Ino

The daily training at the field continued. After hitting two targets in one go, Naruto didn't showcase his Shurikenjutsu again. Instead, he sat on the ground to meditate, absorbing the wind elemental power. For him, cultivating elemental power was the best choice to enhance his strength.

Why wasn't this guy practicing Shurikenjutsu anymore? Was it because he got lucky earlier and was now too embarrassed to show us his misses? Hmm! That must be it. There's no way he could suddenly become so strong.

Sakura thought to herself.


"Ino, I need to go home. Let's go together,"

"You go ahead. I'll stay here and practice my Shurikenjutsu a bit more."

Ino wiped her sweat and waved at Sakura with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

Sakura left alone.

On the training field, Sasuke was doing physical training, Naruto was quietly cultivating elemental power by himself, and Ino was looking at the two shurikens in her hand, squinting her eyes.

After her attempt earlier, she found that it was almost impossible for her to hit even a single target with two shurikens at the same time. Naruto succeeded in one try, which probably wasn't a fluke.


He felt different!

After thinking for a while, Ino finally made up her mind and came to Naruto's side. Looking at Naruto who was sitting on the ground cultivating, and feeling the rhythm of the wind around her, she felt a bit nervous.

"What's wrong? Do you have any questions?"

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and asked Ino calmly who had approached him.

"Well... I want to ask about Shurikenjutsu."

Ino said nervously.

"Shurikenjutsu? Forget it. I don't really know anything about it. I just got lucky and hit the target. Sasuke should be better at this. You should ask him."

Naruto answered cleanly.

Was it luck? Ask Sasuke?

Is this what he can say?

Upon hearing this, Ino suddenly realized something. She finally understood what had changed about Naruto. If it were the old Naruto, he would definitely share and teach with great enthusiasm and a strong desire to show off.

But now, Naruto no longer had that strong desire to show off!

His personality had become much more restrained. Although his smile still had the same flavor as before, it was more calm and confident, as if he could handle everything with ease.

It was strange but also intriguing!

Ino raised her eyebrows slightly, thought for a while, and said seriously: "You don't have to be so modest. I've also practiced Shurikenjutsu for a long time. If it were really that easy to hit the target, I should have been able to do it at least once. But in reality... sigh, I can't hit it at all. So I think it's not luck. You have the ability. And... Sasuke is still training, I'm not very comfortable disturbing him..."

"But aren't I also training?"

Naruto interrupted her directly, looking at her with a playful smile on his face.


Ino was choked up by Naruto's words. She felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said but didn't know what to say for a moment and was immediately tied up. The Naruto in front of her was not very old, but his gaze at her was very similar to some of the elders in the clan.

It's so stressful!

What should she do... What should she do...

"How about this? treat me to eat at Ichiraku Ramen tonight, and I'll teach you how to use Shurikenjutsu"

Naruto changed the topic and continued with a smile.

"Ichiraku Ramen?"

Ino thought for a while and subconsciously touched her pocket. She suddenly felt confident and said vigilantly with one hand on her waist: "Okay, but if you don't teach me anything useful, I won't treat you to dinner."

"Okay, no problem."

Naruto confidently replied.

Now his wallet was very thin and he couldn't take out any money. If he didn't find someone to treat him, he might have to go back to Ichiraku Ramen like before and live on the kindness of the boss - such an ugly and pitiful way of life...

On the other side, Sasuke who had just finished training wiped his sweat while unconsciously sneaking a glance over here. By coincidence, he met Naruto's gaze. After a brief pause, Sasuke proudly turned his head away and directly packed up his things to go home. His movements were smooth without any hesitation.

He didn't bother listening to Naruto's lecture!

"What do you think Shurikenjutsu is?"

Naruto suddenly asked.


Ino was slightly stunned, thought carefully, and replied: "Isn't Shurikenjutsu just a technique that allows the shuriken to hit the target?"

"Yes, that's right. As long as it can hit, it's fine."

Naruto nodded, his smile still on his face. He actually wanted to borrow Ino's knowledge and listen to the world's ninja's view of Shurikenjutsu. If Shurikenjutsu was just about hitting the target and there was no advanced usage, then it would be too weak.

However, Ino's answer did not satisfy Naruto. He felt that Shurikenjutsu should not be such a simple and superficial thing. The real foundation should be something that can train people in the early stage and also be useful in the later stage, rather than something that can only be used in the early stage and completely eliminated in the later stage.

The foundation of the Ninja School is physical technique, control of ninja tools, chakra cultivation, and ninjutsu. If the Shurikenjutsu that belongs to the control of ninja tools is only at this level, isn't the energy used to practice control in the early stage wasted?

It shouldn't be like that

"Pick up a shuriken, aim at the target, but don't rush to throw it out." Naruto said.

Ino was a little confused but still did as he said. She was also curious about how Naruto would teach her. Even the teachers at school wouldn't dare to say things like guaranteed learning. After getting into position, she looked at Naruto and asked: "What's next?"

"The essence of throwing Shurikenjutsu is actually to perceive the distance of the target and use just the right technique to throw out the shuriken and then hit it. The reason why you find it difficult to hit multiple targets is actually because your control is not enough and you can't make a perfect judgment." Naruto said.

"What you said is correct, I understand it too. But the question is how to hit it? What does what you said have to do with whether I can hit or not? What's the use of knowing the principle but not being able to do it?" Ino frowned slightly and her body relaxed a bit.

Naruto walked over to her side, put one hand on Ino's shoulder and said softly: "Focus your attention, take a deep breath, empty your mind and stare ahead. Don't think about anything else. Concentrate all your energy on perception."


Ino was very confused. She didn't know what Naruto was asking her to do and how it was different from normal practice. Isn't it all about focusing attention and then throwing? Can this kind of thing also be called teaching? It's simply...

Something's wrong, very wrong!

What is this feeling? It's so clear!


I will upload till chapter 5 today,

but I will upload another chapters for every 100 power stones

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