Chapter 13: I am the Hokage

After hearing Naruto's words, the Third Hokage was suddenly choked and didn't know what to say.

Yes, if money cannot play its most basic role, is there a big difference between having it and not? And the cause of all this is still derived from Naruto's reputation and the prejudice of the villagers.

He wants to use prejudice to control Naruto and make his personality submissive, but now, Naruto's attitude has exceeded his control.

What should I do now?

"I'll ask again, who are my parents?" Naruto asked.


The Third Hokage sighed and said, "A long time ago, the Nine-Tails..."

"I don't want to hear this. Is it the story of the Nine-Tails attacking Konoha again? Many villagers have also sacrificed because of the Nine-Tails, and so are my parents. But what I want to hear is not this. I want you to tell me who my parents are? What kind of people are they?" Naruto questioned again.

Once upon a time, when he was only five or six years old, he had also asked the Third Hokage in this way. However, he was still very confused at that time. Now, he is asking with an answer, wanting to pursue another answer he wants.

"What's the point of knowing? The dead will not come back." The voice of the Third Hokage suddenly weakened, then he turned around and walked away while sighing softly.

It's still the same answer as before...

And he ran away again...

Is it because he is too ashamed to see me again? Hehe...

"Although I have never seen them and don't know their names, I believe that my parents must be upright heroes." Naruto said while looking at the back of the Third Hokage.

The pace of the Third Hokage paused for a while, his body seemed to tremble a bit, and then he walked faster.

Fast like running away

It seems that Naruto's gaze is fire, burning his back painfully, like darkness being burned by light.

Maybe he is not a good person, but at least he has some conscience. As long as there is a little conscience, he will instinctively feel guilty and even want to escape. But his conscience is just that. If there is a little more, Naruto will not be in this situation.

A little conscience, but not much


Looking at the departing Third Hokage, Naruto snorted lightly, returned to the bed and lay down.


Hokage Office

"Hiruzen, now the self-consciousness of Jinchuriki is overflowing. If this continues, he will become a hidden danger in Konoha. Give us Nine-Tails to our root department. I will do everything." Danzo stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was sitting in a chair and working in the office.


Sarutobi Hiruzen lowered his head with a serious face and a low and powerful voice.

When he departed earlier, it wasn't solely out of guilt; he was also concerned about preserving his own reputation. Sarutobi Hiruzen had invested over a decade building a positive relationship with Naruto in stark contrast. If these positive sentiments could be shattered by a few words, wouldn't he suffer a significant loss?

Sarutobi Hiruzen is not a fool. In his conversation with Naruto, he can fully realize that Naruto's eyes have completely changed. They are no longer as sunny as before with pleasingness, bravery with cowardice, firmness with inferiority.

Facing Naruto who has already changed, he naturally needs to change his strategy.

But no matter what, he will never let Naruto be given to Danzo. He knows what kind of brainwashing is in the root department and can guess that Danzo will probably privatize Nine-Tails and turn it into his own tailed beast weapon.

Once this happens, it will be quite detrimental to his current status. Therefore, he will never give Naruto to Danzo.

"Hiruzen, you are too kind-hearted. If you don't control Jinchuriki well now..."

"Shut up! I am Hokage!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head and shouted

"Humph! coward."

Danzo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth but could only turn around and leave silently. Just like Sarutobi Hiruzen said that he is the Hokage.

As for him, he's stuck doing the dirty work behind the scenes, hauling pots for others. No matter the size of the task, he's always assigned the messiest portion of it. And even after completing it all, he faces open reprimands and occasional scoldings, with Sarutobi Hiruzen going as far as disbanding root from time to time.

It's troublesome!


The next day, early morning

Naruto got up early in the morning and sat on the ground quietly practicing. Soon after that he muttered: "The essence of chakra is actually the combination of mental energy and physical energy. As long as you roughly master the refining method, the difficulty of cultivation is not very high."


Because Naruto's body is full of wind elemental power, the chakra he refines will also carry wind attributes, and it is still a very obvious wind, which can easily change shape and nature.

I don't know if this strange chakra can be used like a normal person to use ninjutsu.

Yesterday was a weekend holiday, and I have to go to ninja school today. Ino said that she would bring the scroll of Three Body Technique from home to him, but her state did not seem to be very good when she went home?

I don't know if she will forget...

Naruto washed a little bit and subconsciously wanted to change his clothes and go out because some parts of his clothes were dirty and needed to be washed.


Naruto looked at his empty wardrobe and gradually fell into thought. There were only a few clothes inside, and they were placed in a mess and not clean.

In the past, my lifestyle had problems, and it was very poor.

I need to find an opportunity to purchase clothing. If someone decides to pick a fight with me, don't blame me if I unleashes the Nine-Tails' chakra and get clothes for free in front of everyone.

Of course, if others don't mess with him, Naruto won't take the initiative to annoy them. If he doesn't have money to buy clothes, that's his problem. If it's because others look down on him, that's their problem. He has always been able to distinguish clearly.


"The smell of air is much better."

Naruto muttered on the road.

What he said about smell is actually the perception of good and evil. Yesterday, the villagers on the street were all naked malice and targeting him. But after he burst out Nine-Tails chakra, it was different.

Although the villagers still have malice, they are no longer as naked as before because they are afraid. They are afraid that Naruto will burst out Nine-Tails chakra again to endanger their safety. They dare not provoke Naruto.

heir faces full of hatred and malice are covered with a veil of fear. Although the face under the veil is permanently ugly and ugly, after wearing the veil, it doesn't look so clear.

At least out of sight out of mind


A sound was slapped on Naruto's back, and a blonde girl laughed and said: "Naruto, good morning, have you had breakfast?"

At this moment, other villagers were full of shock in their eyes. They even felt scared for this girl because that was the terrifying Nine-Tails. How could she get so close? What if there is a crisis? e caused trouble just yesterday!