Chapter 15: Genjutsu, He Used Genjutsu!

'What's her attitude? Why does it seem like she's upset? Could it be that Hinata likes me, and I didn't know? Nah, no way, no way, no way... right?"

Naruto looked at the gloomy Hinata, and the answer in his heart gradually became clear. Perhaps this girl really liked him a bit, and he really didn't know before.

"It's so troublesome, endlessly entangled."

Sakura looked at Naruto who was still looking her way and muttered with a disgusted expression.

Aren't you just pretending not to look at me and instead gazing at the person behind me? She's used that simple tactic on Sasuke countless times. Hmph, Naruto is so clueless, I don't like guys like him at all.

And how could Naruto not know that he was misunderstood by Sakura? He was just too lazy to explain, and there was no need to explain. After all, with her character, she would treat his explanation as sophistry. Maybe in the past, he would have wasted a lot of effort but accomplished nothing, so it's better to ignore it from the beginning.

What a troublesome girl.


Class ended, break time.

Sasuke casually put his hands in his pockets and walked away with a cool demeanor. Sakura followed like a tail. Ino in the front row still maintained the posture of "listening attentively", but it seemed like she could fall on the table at any moment.

Naruto stood up, turned to the left, and walked to Hinata's side in a few steps.


Hinata felt like someone was coming, so she turned her head and saw Naruto right beside her.

Naruto! It's Naruto-kun!

Naruto-kun is so handsome, his smile looks so warm and comfortable! (Her imagination) Ah ah, no no no no, why did he come over? Why?

Could it be that he was really saying hello to me earlier, not to Sakura? Is that so? But why didn't he explain? With his personality, if he was looking at me, he should take the initiative to explain.

Ah, how sad, so it's not me...

But why did Naruto-kun come over? Is he coming to find me? What is he coming to find me for? Did he find out I like him? What should I do? I'm so flustered!

No no no, maybe there's something else...

"Good morning, Hinata."

Naruto simply greeted her. His expression was a bit strange.

Because Hinata's attitude was strange. She had just turned her head and saw him for less than a second. But she suddenly blushed and sweat dripped down as if she had seen something incredible.

Could it be... she's allergic to me?

"Go...go...good morning... Naruto-kun."

Hinata stuttered.

Her personality is shy and slightly socially anxious. She usually doesn't like to take the initiative to interact with others. When talking with acquaintances, she will be very restrained, let alone with the person she likes.

Almost instantly, all kinds of thoughts popped up in her little brain. Then due to overthinking caused brain overload. In the end, she gradually lost her ability to think while looking at Naruto and even fainted.


Hinata fell down, Naruto was stunned.

He just simply came over and then greeted her. He didn't do anything else. Why did Hinata faint after just replying with one sentence? Could it be that she is sick? So she couldn't hold on anymore? This is too outrageous!

"It's Genjutsu, he used Genjutsu!"

Kiba pointed at Naruto and shouted loudly.

"Ah, Genjutsu?"

Naruto was confused. What's going on here, can I use Genjutsu? How come I don't know?

"Calm down Kiba, Naruto can't even control the Shadow Clone Technique, It's impossible for him to have the ability to use Genjutsu." Shino suddenly said.

"Right... huh?"

Naruto wanted to admit it but felt like Shino's words seemed to be scolding him. While it was true he couldn't use the Shadow Clone Technique, there were valid reasons for his inability.

In the past, interference from the Nine-Tails hindered his use of ninjutsu. But now, due to his intense elemental power training, his chakra has become highly refined with a strong wind attribute, making the use of the Shadow Clone Technique significantly more challenging.

....The result seems the same?


Ino who was sleeping in front also fell down, continued sleeping on the table, the impact of falling did not affect her sleep quality. Due to excessive mental consumption in the state of spiritual awakening, her spirit was not enough, so she was very slow to perceive changes in the outside world, so it was not easy to be awakened by sleep.

"Ah, another one fell!"

Kiba shouted again, a smile that almost revealed his stuffing appeared on his face.

Akamaru: "Woof!"

"This... this has nothing to do with me."

Naruto explained calmly.


Shikamaru also fell down. When he fell down, he didn't forget to give Choji and Shino behind him a look. He fell down for no other reason, just felt that if several people fell down at once, it might make things interesting.

It feels fun!


Choji smiled knowingly, stuffed all the remaining chips into his mouth and ate them. Then he "thud" fell on the table with Shikamaru.

"No way? Two more fell?"

At this time, Kiba was really shocked. At first, he just wanted to make a joke. But now it seems... things are gradually starting to go wrong? Naruto seems to really be able to use Genjutsu?


Then, seeing Shikamaru's eyes, Shino also fell on the table and murmured "My judgment.... was wrong."

"Ah, even Shino fell! Has your Genjutsu reached such a level? Naruto!" Kiba shouted in astonishment, and a sense of shock arose in his heart.

"No, I, this..."

Naruto wanted to explain something.


A student in the back row suddenly slumped over, and his nearby friends, sensing something amiss, smirked subtly at the corners of their mouths, then followed suit, collapsing one after another.

Thud! Thud! Thud!...

And so it spread, one student to the next, and then another. Many in the classroom had no idea what had transpired, but they found this chain reaction of mimicry oddly amusing.

After all, human nature is...

"Huh? Is this some genjutsu of yours, Naruto?" Inuzuka Kiba exclaimed in panic, a wave of shock flooding his heart.

He wasn't an idiot. He knew Hinata had a crush on Naruto and might faint from overstimulation. He was aware that Ino had always been prone to napping. But when Shikamaru and Choji started dropping, the situation took a peculiar turn. Now, with over half the class fainted, Kiba was genuinely panicking.

Thud! Thud!...

More and more students crumpled to the ground until only Naruto, Kiba, and the dog Akamaru remained upright. Kiba's expression shifted to one of growing horror. Taking a step back, he murmured, "Could it be... the power of some legendary monster? It's terrifying, utterly horrifying! How can such a force even exist in this world?"

"No, wait, let me expla..."

Naruto raised his hand to interject.


Kiba, in a last-ditch attempt at humor, played dead, with Akamaru dutifully collapsing alongside him.

At that moment, Naruto looked around at the fainted students, his surprise deepening, but a small smirk forming. He thought to himself, "Perhaps I do have a talent for illusions?"

But it's a very... unique kind of technique.