Chapter 21: Who Do You Choose

As the students in the classroom began to leave, Ino looked at Naruto, who was sitting with his legs crossed and arms folded, looking the other way. She realized deeply that she probably had no chance today. The atmosphere had been completely ruined by Sakura earlier, and now there was a slight awkwardness between them.


Ino was the first to speak, but she didn't know what to say next.

"It's okay, in a few days we'll have exams. As long as I pass the ninja school exam and become a Genin, I can work independently and earn money," Naruto said with a smile.

Genin exam... earning money...

Ino's heart skipped a beat as she suddenly realized that her opportunity was slipping away. Naruto hadn't reacted before, so she felt that the value of providing three meals a day plus clothes was very high. But now he had reacted, he remembered that after becoming a Genin, he could take on tasks and earn money!

So... a good opportunity was wasted!

And it's irreversible!

That idiot Sakura!

On the other side, Hinata, who was secretly looking this way, was overjoyed for a moment. But at the same time, she also felt a great sense of crisis in her heart. If she didn't take the initiative to do something soon, Naruto would be directly snatched away by Ino.

If it weren't for Sakura descending from heaven just now and crazily ruining the atmosphere, making them extremely awkward with each other, Ino might have succeeded just now.

So, what should I do?

She felt a little shy...


The next day, in the morning, at the ninja school classroom

"Hinata, you... like Naruto, right?"

Sakura took the initiative to come over and ask.

"Why... why do you..."

Hinata's voice stuttered as she spoke, her eyes dodging and not daring to look directly at Sakura.


Seeing Hinata in this state, Sakura couldn't help but chuckle quietly. Then she continued: "In that case, I'll try to help you win Naruto over. How about that? With my help, your progress in pursuing Naruto will definitely be rapid in the future!"

"No... let's... forget it."

Hinata thought for a moment and still refused. She hadn't forgotten what Sakura said yesterday, she still felt a bit uncomfortable about it now.

"Is it okay if Naruto is snatched away by that pig Ino?" Sakura continued to ask with a teasing tone and an undiminished smile.

Her thinking was very simple and straightforward. Since Ino said she liked Naruto and wanted to be Naruto's girlfriend, then she would directly help Hinata snatch Naruto away and make them boyfriend and girlfriend. This way Ino could return to her former self and compete fairly with her for Sasuke.

As Ino's friend from childhood, Sakura absolutely couldn't accept her liking Naruto. Didn't she know how annoying Naruto's clinginess and pranks were? If Ino really sacrificed herself to Naruto, even if she could get Sasuke in the future, she wouldn't feel good about it.


Hinata looked at Sakura, looked at the classroom where not many people had arrived yet, and gradually fell silent.


In the morning, during class

"Hey, Naruto, what do you think of Hinata?" Sakura asked proactively.

In her eyes, Naruto is a stupid guy. Even if she scolded him yesterday, he probably wouldn't take it to heart. He would forget about it after a night's sleep. After all, there were many people in Konoha who scolded him, and he remembered them all.

And he still likes me!


Naruto raised an eyebrow, somewhat puzzled. He looked at Sakura in front of him, felt nothing in his heart, and answered normally: "That girl, although a bit shy, is overall a cute girl."

"So, if both Hinata and Ino liked you, who would you choose?" Sakura continued to ask with a smile.


Naruto answered without hesitation.

"Why?" Sakura asked.

"It's simple. Hinata is too shy. Although it's quite interesting to see her shy sometimes, if you want to communicate with her well, you need to consider a lot of things... That's too troublesome.

Naruto paused for a moment and continued: "But Ino is different. Not only is she good-looking but also cheerful and lively, and very proactive. If we play together usually, it will definitely be fun. She is the kind of person who doesn't hide things. It will definitely be comfortable to get along with."

"Is... that so?"

Sakura frowned slightly and felt a little bit wrong. Although Naruto's answer was reasonable, it was not quite the same as the Naruto she knew. He actually knew to consider Hinata's feelings and could also say the difference between the two.

When did Naruto grow a brain?

It seems that I have never noticed it before. No, I seem to have never really looked at this guy before. I've always considered him a nuisance...

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?

Seeing Sakura pause, Naruto continued to ask.

"Nothing, nothing."

Sakura snapped back to reality, confidently looking at Naruto and continued to ask, "If you had to choose between me and Ino, who would you choose?"

Humph, Naruto likes me, he will definitely choose me!

"Of course it's Ino.

Naruto answered without hesitation, looking at Sakura as if she were a fool. He couldn't understand why she would ask such a stupid question.


Sakura was about to nod confidently, but the next moment she was startled awake. The name Naruto said wasn't hers. He actually didn't choose her, and he didn't even hesitate. She couldn't help but ask in confusion, "Why didn't you choose me?"

"Hah, why should I choose you?"

Naruto crossed his arms and asked back in confusion.

He didn't understand where Sakura got the confidence to compare herself with Ino. He really didn't understand. Did she and Ino have anything in common?

"Don't you like me?"

Sakura asked directly.

"Yeah, don't you know that?"

Naruto answered as a matter of course.

Having a normal conversation with Sakura was because he was a cultured person. But simple communication doesn't mean he doesn't dislike Sakura. Normal communication and annoyance are not contradictory. Occasionally scolding her... is quite fun.

Her surprised, disappointed, and incredulous look was quite good-looking. He really wanted to take a closer look.


"Why? You used to always chase after me, didn't you?" Sakura asked urgently.

"I was just naive back then."

Naruto casually replied.

"What's so good about Ino?"

Sakura still didn't give up and continued to ask.

"She's more considerate, gentle, friendly, and knows how to care about my feelings. Life with her would be harmonious and beautiful."

Naruto paused slightly, his eyes gradually changing as he continued to speak: "But if I were with you, I probably wouldn't have any good days in the future. You're always thinking about Sasuke, have a big temper, and don't consider other people's feelings. How could I possibly choose you?"

How could I possibly choose you...

How could I..

How could.....


Naruto's words were like a curse from the abyss, repeating over and over in her ears. Sakura looked at Naruto's matter-of-fact face as her mindset underwent a drastic change.


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