Chapter 25: Root Attacks

The day before the exam, in the afternoon, inside a clothing store

"Boss, can you custom make a set of clothes?"

Naruto asked at the counter.

"No problem, customer... huh?"

The shop owner stood up with a smile, looking at Naruto who was inquiring. His face changed instantly and he immediately corrected himself: "Oh dear, I'm sorry, I just forgot that we're out of fabric in the shop. We can't make custom clothes. Please check the shop across the street."

Hmph, if I can't afford to offend, can't I still avoid?

Hearing the shop owner's words, Naruto just smiled faintly and then lowered his head to mutter to himself: "A clothing store that can't make clothes, does it really need to exist?"


The shop owner's heart tightened instantly.

Then, streaks of red Nine-Tails chakra overflowed from Naruto's body. Naruto's face also showed a strange smile and said "Since it doesn't even need to exist, let's just destroy it directly. It won't have any impact anyway, right?"

At this moment, the entire shop was filled with the scent of Nine-Tails chakra. Fear spread like a plague. The customers were terrified. Those near the door ran directly away. Others were thinking about how to distance themselves from Naruto who was dispersing Nine-Tails chakra to avoid being affected.

"Wait, wait!"

The shop owner panicked instantly and hurriedly said: "We can do it! We can do anything! We can make any clothes you want."

"But didn't you say you're out of fabric?"

Naruto asked with a kind smile.

"I can borrow from next door or buy some. Business must be done!" The shop owner quickly replied.

"Do I need to pay?"

Naruto's smile became even kinder.

"No need! No need!"

The shop owner quickly shook his head

"Well then, you're really a good person. I thought you were a bad guy at first. It turns out that the way of communication was wrong. I'll leave it to you to make the clothes." The Nine-Tails chakra on Naruto gradually dissipated, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Leave it to me. I will definitely do a good job!"

"Good, this is my design drawing. I'll give you two days. If it's not done, I will complain."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do a good job!"


After leaving the shop, Naruto's face still had a smile on it. At the same time, he muttered to himself: "Ararara, it seems like I'm being watched again. And there are so many hostile breaths around me. It's really scary~"

He put his hands in his pockets and glanced into the void. Then he walked straight towards the outside of the village as if he had no guard at all.

On the other side, in the Hokage office

"Naruto... was he looking at me just now?"

The Third Hokage was a bit panicked. Just now Naruto's gaze made him feel an extreme sense of danger as if he was being stared at by a prehistoric beast.

But he quickly stabilized his mind and kept telling himself that it was just an illusion. Naruto probably didn't know that he was spying on him using Telescope Technique; it was just a coincidence.

But speaking of which...

That guy Danzo acted without my permission again. Well, let's see how things go first. If there's a problem, all blame goes to Danzo, if there's no problem then scold Danzo and then I will just shout 'Root is disbanded!'. That should be fine.


What is this feeling?

Naruto was walking on the street, but he felt as if he had an extra field of vision. This vision was a bit blurry, but it was also very confusing, as if it was guiding him to go outside the village.

"This is genjutsu."

Inside the seal space, the Nine-Tails explained.

"Genjutsu, just this?" Naruto was a bit confused.

"Almost, Not all genjutsu matches the quality of the Uchiha clan's genjutsu. Most of them can only create environmental effects on perception, and their intensity is very low, easy to break free." The Nine-Tails continued.

"It's indeed quite weak. But who is casting genjutsu on me? The source of hostility? It seems that those guys are also luring me out of the village. They probably don't want to harm ordinary villagers. Well, let's follow and see."

Naruto's consciousness returned to reality and followed the direction in the genjutsu world. Now he felt that he could see the perspective of two worlds at the same time and could break free from this ordinary genjutsu at any time.

Perhaps it's because his mental power is too strong. Ordinary people using genjutsu on him is like a child performing small tricks in front of an adult. The adult can see through it at any time and can also catch the mischievous child and give him a lesson.

After a while, Naruto arrived outside the village.

In the world of genjutsu, a Root ninja stood in front of him. In the real world, a group of ninjas surrounded him and were ready to fight at any time.

"Come with me to see Lord Danzo."

The Root ninja said expressionlessly.

"What if I don't go?"

Naruto crossed his arms and said with a smile.

"Then I will have to use some coercive measures."

The Root ninja said.

"Just with you fifteen people? Hehe..."

Naruto's laughter gradually became mocking

Fifteen people? He found us?

Hearing Naruto's mockery, the surrounding Root ninjas were instantly shocked. The Root ninja facing Naruto also quickly covered his head in pain, leaving two lines of nosebleeds. This is the effect of genjutsu being countered.

Under normal circumstances, even if genjutsu is broken, the caster will not suffer too much damage. But Naruto's situation is different. His mental power is much stronger than ordinary people. The basis for practicing elemental power is strong mental power. Without strong mental power, one can't even perceive elemental power.

And he is not simply mentally strong. His perception ability is also ridiculously strong because of his constant sensory state. It's almost impossible to control Naruto who has super mental power plus super perception ability with genjutsu.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Many Roots threw out their kunai and quickly retreated while two or three Root ninjas started casting jutsu with their hands together, but only one person rushed to Naruto's front.

"How boring."

Seeing this, Naruto muttered softly. A large amount of Nine-Tails chakra gushed out from his body, directly blocking a large number of kunai flying towards him and shaking them off. At the same time, eight red bubble-like tails formed behind him and a red tailed beast cloak formed on his body, completely immune to kunai damage.

Tailed Beast Transformation - First Stage - Eight Tails

"Earth Release - Rock Fist!"

A burly Root ninja attacked from behind Naruto, swinging his fist wrapped in rock and smashing it down at the fastest speed.


But at the same time, one of Naruto's tails also turned into a chakra hand and directly blocked it from behind, firmly receiving that Root ninja's rock fist.

Naruto had his back to that burly Root ninja. He still had his hands in his pockets and had no desire to turn around and look back. He showed a faint smile of disdain on his face and said: "Is this all you guys can do? So powerless. It seems that I don't seem to need to make a move."


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