Chapter 28: Compromise


Danzo snorted coldly without saying a word.

Now he is the scapegoat. No matter what he says, it's meaningless. Naruto sees the reality that he is leading Root to cause trouble, while the Third Hokage is a kind old man who is unlikely to trick him.

Therefore, as long as he becomes even more of a villain...

"I'm sorry, Naruto. It's my negligence that I didn't protect you well. As for those rumors about you, they were actually spread by the subordinates of Root after they found out that Root couldn't control you. By the time we started to take control, the news had already spread," Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed.

Subordinates? You still have some conscience...

Danzo was not surprised at all by Hiruzen Sarutobi's blame shifting, because it was indeed something he did. After all, they are Root and they are here to do this kind of thing. They use it when needed and kick it away and disband it when not needed.

"Now, as the Third Hokage, I order you to 'disband Root' immediately!" Hiruzen Sarutobi said with full vigor.

"Hmph, Sarutobi, you will regret this!"

Danzo turned around and left, not forgetting to slam the door in a fit of temper before leaving.


Watching Danzo leave, Hiruzen Sarutobi also had a headache. Although the blame was put on him, Naruto's side was still not easy to handle. After all, he is controlling the power of Nine-Tails and must be treated with caution.

Now, there is some discrepancy between Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo's understanding.

Hiruzen Sarutobi believes that Danzo must have realized that Nine-Tails has exceeded Konoha's control, so he voluntarily became the darkness of Konoha, bearing all sins and actively sacrificing himself just to save the hokage.

As for Danzo, it's a different story altogether. He has no idea that Naruto can control the Nine-Tails' power. because he never had a chance to come into contact with Naruto like Root did. The Third Hokage, although he didn't do much on the surface, was actually very cautious and protective behind the scenes.

He doesn't know much about Naruto!

So, Danzo naturally took these as part of Hiruzen Sarutobi's plan and didn't realize that the current situation had exceeded Sarutobi Hiruzen's control.

But as old friends, they have one point in common. That is, they both believe that they are the people who understand each other best in this world. They don't need to say anything to understand each other's intentions and calculations. They just need to do their own things well and the other party will definitely cooperate.

"Oh, Root has been disbanded."

Naruto sneered with contempt.

When fighting with Root ninja, he had already discovered that Root ninja didn't have much emotion at all. They were like machines executing orders. How could such Root ninja actively spread rumors?

Are you kidding me? Haha...

"So what now? I don't want to miss a good lunch in Konoha." Naruto casually sat on the Hokage's office desk and said.

Some things, once you know them, you know them. When it's time to play dumb, you still have to play dumb. Pretending not to know is good for everyone. Tearing your face may not necessarily be a good thing.

"To be honest, this kind of thing is hard to handle. After all, concepts are formed over a long period of time and it's hard to change in a short period of time," Hiruzen Sarutobi said helplessly while smoking"

"It's okay, I'll solve the problem. First of all, you have to give me enough money. When I come across a shop that treats me well, I'll pay normally. If I come across a shop with discrimination... I'll directly release Nine-Tails' chakra and suppress it forcefully. In the future, people with no problems in their brains will know what to do," Naruto said indifferently.

To think there would be such an idea...

Are you really Naruto?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very uneasy. The current Naruto is too different from his impression. If it weren't for him still being Jinchuriki and able to freely control Nine-Tails' power, he would even suspect whether this Naruto had been replaced by someone else.

"Sigh, alright then, I'll give you money. Give me a day to prepare."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said helplessly, 

What else can I do? This kind of thing that can be solved by spending a little money and sacrificing some of the villagers' interests, I absolutely cannot put in more effort. Once Naruto's mood has a problem, it will be a devastating blow to the entire Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a brief pause before he went on, "As the Jinchuriki of Konoha, you hold immense significance for the village. To ensure your safety, For your safety, I've made the decision to assign ten Anbu shinobi to protect you. Is that alright?

"As you wish," 

Naruto said indifferently.

The so-called protection is actually just another level of surveillance. There were surveillance Anbu before, but the Third Hokage just didn't say it. Now he just put the secret surveillance out in the open, and there was actually no change.

Of course, this is also the bottom line. If Naruto does something too outrageous, Sarutobi Hiruzen will not tolerate him without limit.

Naruto got up from the table and walked towards the door. As he was leaving, he turned his head and glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen with his peripheral vision and said, "By the way, the Fourth Hokage on the Hokage Rock looks a bit like me, huh? And... we both have blond hair. What a coincidence, haha."


He slammed the door and left again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the slightly damaged door in a daze. He suddenly began to understand everything in his heart. He gradually began to understand why Naruto's personality suddenly changed, why he had the ability to control the power of Nine-Tails, and why he knew about the Fourth Hokage.

That's because...

He has a trump card left by the Fourth Hokage in his body!


Minato left his chakra in Naruto's body, saw Naruto's life experience, and finally couldn't bear it and appeared actively. He helped Naruto control the power of Nine-Tails and told him the truth about everything. Finally, his chakra dissipated.

So, without me realizing it, Naruto changed his personality and took control of the Nine-Tails' power!

No wonder, Minato loved the village, but he was also a father.

Did I... really do something wrong?


"Not bad at all,"

Naruto walked down the street of Konoha with a smile on his face, looking at the money left in his pocket.

It's not much, but it's enough for tonight. Tomorrow Sarutobi Hiruzen will send him money. Then he won't have to worry about money anymore.


A familiar voice sounded not far away


Naruto turned his head and saw Ino.

She quickly came to Naruto but kept a distance of one meter. Her expression was somewhat complicated. She asked with an uneasy heart: "Naruto, I heard some... rumors about you that are not very good in the shop... Are those true?"

"What rumors?" 

Naruto asked directly.

"It's... in the shop... Nine-Tails.

Ino said softly.

"It's true.

Naruto didn't deny it. He still had a faint smile on his face. He pulled out a banknote with footprints on it from his pocket and said, "I tried to pay, but they refused and even stepped on my money. I just wanted to eat, that's all."

"Ino, you understand me, right?"


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