Chapter 32: The Fourth Hokage's Wonderful Notebook

After returning home, the firast thing Naruto did was to open the Flying Thunder God Technique and read it carefully. However, the principle of the technique was too complex for him to understand, and the actual operation was full of unique vocabulary such as sensing spatial nodes and condensing node markers.

"What a hassle."

Naruto sighed.

The difficulty of practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique is very high. Those without talent will never be able to learn it in their lifetime, and those with talent will also have to spend a lot of time and energy studying it.

Although this technique is a very important secret, in reality, even if ordinary people see it, it is almost impossible to learn it. Therefore, the importance of the Flying Thunder God Technique is not particularly high.

To sum it up in one sentence, whether the Flying Thunder God Technique itself can be learned is not important, but it is important that ordinary people cannot access the Flying Thunder God Technique.

People who can't be trusted in Konoha Village can't learn the Flying Thunder God Technique. Once someone like that learns it, it will pose a great threat to Konoha Village and creates instability. Therefore, even though there are not many people in the world who can learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, it is still regarded as a forbidden technique.

That old guy actually gave it to me. I always feel like something is wrong...

Because the Flying Thunder God scroll is too complex and difficult to understand, Naruto directly opened Namikaze Minato's notebook to look at it, trying to find a shortcut to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Light and Dark Two Three Style Empty Self Sensing Method?"

Looking at the long title, Naruto's mouth twitched instantly. He gradually began to doubt whether this was really his father's notebook. In his impression, the Fourth Hokage was a perfect man who shouldn't come up with such weird names.

And when the Third Hokage gave it to him before, it was too simple. Either it was fake, so it wasn't important and he gave it to him. Or it was real, but the Third Hokage himself didn't understand what it was or couldn't learn it, so he easily gave it to Naruto.

Hmm... let's take another look...

He looked carefully again and found that the practice method described inside seemed simpler and clearer than on the Flying Thunder God scroll. It's just that the name at the top is a bit weird. Overall, for those who practice the Flying Thunder God Technique, it is still very useful.

It might indeed be Fourth Hokage's notebook

"Yin Release - Seven Gods Shuntian Perception Seal."

What kind of weird name is this?!

Naruto sighed deeply, looked carefully at the annotation area below, then decisively picked up a pen, directly crossed out "Light and Dark Two Three Style Empty Self Sensing Method" and then wrote five simple words behind: Space Sensing Method.

Then he directly crossed out "Yin Release - Seven Gods Shuntian Sensing Seal" and directly added five words behind: Flying Thunder God Mark.

This looks much more normal~

Gale Flash Wheel Dance Roar?

Crossed out, written: Flying Thunder God Flash.

Why are these names getting weirder?


Half an hour later..

Naruto looked at his notes and fell into thought. Finally he said solemnly: "Hmm, maybe we shouldn't call it Flying Thunder God anymore. Let's just rename it Dimensional Flash Spiral Dance. This seems more appropriate. The name Flying Thunder God sounds meaningless and doesn't sound good at all. I don't know how the person who created him named him."

Inside the sealed space, Nine-Tails: Great

This kid is definitely Minato's biological son!


Naruto sat down to sense space.

He inherited Namikaze Minato's bloodline and also practiced Space Law in Teyvat's world. His cognition and sensing ability of space are much stronger than ordinary people. The sensing process is also very smooth.

In space sensing, the world is like a huge three-dimensional coordinate system, and he is a moving point on the coordinate system. He can cause slight spatial resonance through chakra vibration and then teleport to a prepared point position which is the mark of Flying Thunder God.

After understanding the principles all night, Naruto finally frowned and muttered to himself, "Hmm, resonance-type teleportation."

He didn't like this kind of teleportation because the restrictions were too great. Short-distance movement was actually more efficient with the Divine Walking Technique, which didn't involve the spatial domain but was extremely fast and had no restrictions.

In high-intensity combat, traceable teleportation would inevitably be easier for people to crack, and the operation difficulty would also be higher. High-speed movement might seem inferior to teleportation, but if the short-distance speed is really as fast as teleportation, its effect might be better than this fixed-point teleportation.

He didn't like this kind of space-time ninjutsu. Even if he knew the principles and could perceive space, he wouldn't practice deeply. It's definitely not because he dared not practice due to abnormal chakra, but simply because he didn't like it.

Who knows what kind of ghostly thing it would turn into if he used Wind Release chakra to perform the Flying Thunder God technique. What if he accidentally created a space storm and got himself involved?

However, even if he couldn't use it, studying spatial principles was still possible. The achievement of learning the Flying Thunder God technique was not about whether he could use it or not, but whether he could understand the thought process behind creating the Flying Thunder God technique and implement it in his own way.

Since the Flying Thunder God technique uses chakra to resonate with space and then achieves teleportation effect with specific fluctuations, then he would use wind elemental force instead to try to achieve the same effect. However, due to different energy properties, the frequency and intensity of fluctuations can hardly be referenced, and he can only explore bit by bit.

He won't learn it in a short time.


The next day, at noon, on the training ground


"We have no regrets about my youth!!"

Naruto watched two green jumpsuit weirdos running upside down while shouting strange slogans. They were sweating under the sun, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

Although these two guys were quite strange, they always exuded a burning temperature like the sun, burning themselves and blooming life.

They had been training for a long time and were full of youthful sweat. Although these two guys were tired, their faces were filled with satisfied smiles.

"Lee, you've reached your limit now. Let's have another fight in this limit state and break through our limits to become stronger!" The man with black watermelon hair shouted.

"Yes, Guy Sensei!"

Without much verbal prompting, two green jumpsuit weirdos started fighting in perfect harmony. Although their bodies were already near their limits, their spirits were still at their peak. Between each punch and kick were endless changes. They were obviously two top physical technique experts.

"The Eight Inner Gates, Third Gate of Life...Open!"

After a round of fighting, Lee stomped on the ground fiercely. A large amount of chakra gushed out and his body gradually turned red with a powerful airflow erupting.

"Fourth Gate of Pain...Open!"

He shouted again. The chakra erupting from his body became even stronger. In a state of limit, he surpassed his previous limit. And surpassing the limit is the method of practicing Eight Gates Released Formation.

"Fifth Gate of Limit...Open!!"


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