Chapter 60: Escort Mission

Inside the Hokage's office, Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, and Kakashi arrived at the same time. The Third Hokage, as usual, was sitting at his desk doing official duties.

"Here, fish meatballs."

Naruto placed the pre-purchased meatballs on Sarutobi Hiruzen's desk and said with a smile.

"Hmm? Thank you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

Fish meatballs are his favorite food, and Naruto actually remembered it. It's not easy. It seems that this kid has also started to understand, and there is a great future ahead.


Why do I always feel that this kid's eyes are a bit wrong? Is it my illusion?

"Eat more if it's delicious."

Naruto continued to say with a smile.

Although he was still smiling, his smile was a bit like worship, a bit like offering to a dead person. Naruto's friendliness was true, but his attitude towards Sarutobi Hiruzen was indeed a bit strange, just that he slightly hid it.

But just slightly hidden

"What kind of mission do you want to take?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"Higher difficulty, preferably with the possibility of combat conflicts." Sasuke said arrogantly.

"Longer time." Naruto said.

Tasks that require a long time are generally more suitable for slacking off. He likes to slack off. Tasks like finding cats and leading children are not suitable for slacking off openly, which is not good.

"By the way, there seems to be a C-level escort mission recently. The target is going to the Land of Wave. There may be battles and it is expected to be very long. Do you want to take it?" Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

"That's it."

Naruto nodded and said.

Escort missions are good, Sasuke is very eager to show off, when the time comes, let him fight if there is something, and I, can slack off openly.

It's just a C-level mission, there won't be any ninjas unless there are surprises, and it's basically impossible for enemies that even Sasuke can't handle to appear. And even if there are ninjas, they may not be able to beat him. Sasuke's strength is now very strong, even Kakashi has to deal with it seriously.

"Hmph, I can barely exercise my fists and feet."

Sasuke said with his arms crossed.

"In that case, let's decide on that."

Kakashi said with a smile.

Since everyone in Team 7 has agreed, Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand lightly, and the Anbu in the dark directly went to notify the mission initiator of the hotel.


Not long after, a drunk old man with a wine in his hand walked in and looked at the people with a skeptical face and said, "Hey, are you the ones who are responsible for protecting me? These kids..."

Before he finished speaking, Sasuke took off his windproof glasses that covered Sharingan, and a pair of two-hooked Sharingan stared straight at the drunk, and the invisible pressure quietly fell.

On the other side, six fox tails quietly appeared behind Naruto, and the natural dissipation of Nine Tails' chakra, coupled with the bright smile on his face, looked particularly creepy.

"Cough cough!"

Kakashi coughed hard.

Sasuke put on the windproof glasses again, covering the Sharingan that had been opened below, and Naruto also took back his tailed beast chakra, looking kindly at the drunk.

"Ninjas from Konohagakure are really extraordinary, if you are escorted by you, I can be more at ease." The drunk suddenly said seriously: "Hello, my name is Tazuna, this mission is..."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the Hokage office got better, and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was working in the office, also raised his evaluation of Naruto a lot. From the behavior of Naruto showing six tails just now and being able to take it back at will, this guy probably has completely mastered the power of Nine Tails.

Naruto is a person who can freely control the power of the tailed beast, a perfect Jinchuriki, and also the perfect pillar of power of the strongest tailed beast, Nine Tails, a perfect pillar of power that can fly Thunder God, Naruto's strength has exceeded the control range of Konohagakure.

Is Anbu surveillance... really necessary?

Short-term supervision is okay, if the surveillance time is too long, let Naruto rise up against psychology, I'm afraid it may cause negative effects. From the current point of view, Naruto's temperament is actually okay, as long as he is not deliberately targeted, he usually won't get angry, so, it's almost time to stop.

What's more important is...

Letting Anbu monitor Naruto who can fly Thunder God, this matter itself is a joke, last time Naruto went out and suddenly disappeared for a while, it is said that he went directly back to Konohagakure with Thunder God, Anbu can't keep up at all, completely lost the meaning of monitoring him.

As long as Naruto doesn't want to be monitored, Anbu's surveillance is useless, and, he has learned the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, Kagura Heart Eye, and can easily perceive whether there is Anbu secretly monitoring.

If the surveillance is too much, and then leads to Naruto's disgust, and then dislikes Konohagakure, I'm afraid it's a bit more loss than gain.

"Naruto, there are a lot of tasks in the village recently, and there are not enough people, so I have transferred the Anbu who secretly protected you, you should have no opinion, right?" Sarutobi Hiruzen put his hands on his chin and smiled kindly.

"Of course, I don't want to be a burden to Konohagakure." Naruto said with a smile.

The Anbu who was monitoring finally withdrew. After monitoring for so long, I almost couldn't bear it. This old guy still has some patterns, it's a pity that he will die in a while.

In the last days, just send him some good food, do something to make him feel at ease, let the old man of the third generation go peacefully, this is my last kindness.

"You have people secretly protecting you?"

Tazuna looked at Naruto in surprise.

"That's because Naruto is the most precious genius in the village, but now he has enough powerful power and no longer needs those Anbu to protect him." Sarutobi Hiruzen explained.

"Konohagakure's most precious genius?"

Tazuna didn't understand, but the person who said this was the Hokage of Konohagakure, he should not lie, Naruto should indeed be very important, so this time he went home just to hit the jackpot and met the top genius of Konohagakure.

"Haha, little brother Naruto, I just offended you just now, I hope you don't mind." Tazuna said with a laugh.

"Of course, protecting you is our mission."

Naruto replied, emphasizing "our" in his speech, and his eyes looked at his side, slightly raised his hand to lead to Sasuke and said, "His name is Sasuke, he is the last genius of the Uchiha clan, and he also has very strong talent and strength. If you need protection, he will be your best shield."

He raised his hand alone and led to Hinata, and continued, "This is Hinata, the young lady of the Hyuga clan, who has a very pure Byakugan. Her strength and talent are also very strong, please be sure to believe in their strength."

"Oh, oh, I see!"

Tazuna nodded again and again.

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