Chapter 85: The Exam Begins

At the Chunin exam registration site, ninjas from various villages are registering in order. On one side, Rock Lee is confessing his love to Haruno Sakura, but is decisively rejected.

The three members of Team 7 came to the registration site together. Naruto was a little distracted looking at the exam teacher, somewhat worried about whether there was enough time, and urged the Nine-Tails again in the seal space.

The result is...

The Three-Tails, who was in special training, cried even more miserably...

Hinata has also changed noticeably compared to before. After defeating Sasuke not long ago, she seems to have become more confident. The feeling of being obedient has faded a lot, and her face has become more heroic.

At this moment, Sasuke's expression has also bloomed with the exclusive posture of sunny days. Although he was beaten by Hinata, he also gained new power in extreme unwillingness and anger. His eyes have successfully advanced from two tomoe to three tomoe, possessing stronger eye power and a higher eye power limit.

But it's a pity that Sasuke doesn't know how to use Genjutsu. Without using Genjutsu, he can hardly exert the powerful effect of his own eye power. He can only use the ability to perceive and copy, so he always lacks a bit of meaning.


Sasuke's new eyes have gained a special new ability, perfectly solving the dilemma of having powerful eye power but unable to use it. The sunny day aid state has returned again, and he has returned to the appearance of looking at everyone like a small bun.

Now, he glanced at the staff pretending to be bullies and blocking everyone at the door, and couldn't help but feel a surge of fighting spirit in his heart. But his fighting spirit quickly disappeared, and he said unabashedly, "Huh, is that all? I don't even have the desire to fight. Too weak, too weak, it's just like a Rubik's Cube that can be twisted and played at will."


The two staff members at the door were suddenly shocked. They had received intelligence before the exam. They could stop others, but they absolutely could not stop Team 7, because the three people in Team 7 all have the strength above elite ninja. If they want to forcibly stop, they may be seriously injured or even die.

"What should we do?"

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes. Then they immediately lifted the Genjutsu and left the scene without saying a word. But after Team 7 left, they would continue to stop people. This is their task.

Soon, the people around all realized the extraordinaryness of the three people in Team 7. These three people didn't do much at all. They just appeared. Sasuke just casually said a sentence, and those two guys who stopped people just walked away. The Genjutsu was also lifted by the way.

They are definitely not ordinary people!


Soon, the three members of Team 7 came to the real third floor, which is the Chunin exam selection site. Kakashi in the dark was watching the intimate paradise while observing Naruto's three people with the corner of his eye, muttering in his heart: Hokage-sama actually let them take this Chunin exam, sigh, I really feel sorry for their opponents.

In the corridor, in front of the classroom door, Naruto looked at Sasuke and said, "Hey, Sasuke, can I take a look at your Sharingan?"

"No, if others see it, it won't be good. This is my secret weapon." Sasuke proudly pointed to the three-tomoe Sharingan under his windproof glasses.

"Is it? Okay."

Naruto didn't continue to entangle.

One of his eyes is also Sharingan. Even if he doesn't open Sharingan, Naruto's insight is very strong. He felt the change in Sasuke's chakra before, and knew that this guy had opened the three-tomoe Sharingan.


At that time, Naruto was absent-minded, so he didn't continue to observe carefully. Just now, he took a closer look and found that Sasuke's three-tomoe seemed not to be the normal red Sharingan, but the purple-red tomoe.

Is this a mutation?

However, the recent mutation is also normal. When Sasuke activated the two-tomoe Sharingan, he hadn't practiced the elemental force much. But during this period, Sasuke has been infusing lightning elemental force into his eye nerves 24 hours a day, strengthening his ocular power. It would be strange if his Sharingan wasn't affected and mutated by the lightning elemental force.

Sasuke's original ocular power was not much, the vast majority of ocular power was born after using the lightning elemental force to temper the eye nerves, it is a newborn ocular power, and the proportion of newborn ocular power is very high. Sasuke's Sharingan essence has long been affected by the lightning elemental force, just lacking an opportunity to change.

And the promotion to the three-tomoe Sharingan is that opportunity for form change.

This is not a random mutation, but the inevitable result of his day-to-day nourishment with the lightning elemental force.


Not only the color of the Sharingan, but the shape of Sasuke's Sharingan is also a bit strange. It doesn't look like a normal tomoe Sharingan. The shape of his tomoe seems to be developing towards the three-fold tomoe pattern of the Eye of Thunder God.


Sharingan → Super Evolution → Eye of God?

Although I don't know what ability this guy's mutant Sharingan has, but from the current point of view, Sasuke's Sharingan is likely to be related to the lightning element.

From a theoretical analysis, Naruto can't determine whether he has gained new abilities, but if you look at it from the state of Sunny Sky, then Sasuke is 100% sure to have gained new abilities, most likely related to the lightning element.


Since Sasuke's Sharingan has undergone metamorphosis due to the long-term infusion of lightning elemental force, can my Sharingan also undergo metamorphosis?

And Hinata, this girl has been absorbing the full attribute of the elemental force all the time, her Byakugan strength has far exceeded the normal Byakugan level, has she also gained new power, but has not yet shown it?

If you think about it this way, Ino's situation is even more headache-inducing, sigh!


Soon, a blonde girl directly pounced on Naruto from behind, saying at the same time, "Naruto, you're too slow."

"Ah, it's Ino, you scared me."

Naruto subconsciously held Ino with his hand behind him, and sighed helplessly.

Helplessness is true, being startled is false. If someone else pounced on him, with Naruto's speed and perception ability, he probably wouldn't even touch his shadow, and might even be killed on the spot.

"Hehe, were you scared?"

Ino said with a giggle, her hands tightly grabbing Naruto's chest, sticking to his back.

"Hey, hey, you should be careful, this is the Chunin exam, and there are many other village Genin participating in the exam." Naruto said.

"What's the matter, I'm not afraid of them."

Ino said proudly, the strength in her hands holding Naruto became stronger.

Sasuke smiled slightly and glanced at Hinata next to him.


He poked Hinata and showed a meaningful smile, "Ahem, there's still time in ahead."

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