Chapter 90: Asuma: ??

"In this kind of situation, spending time teaching us, won't it affect Naruto's performance? I'm actually not very good at fighting. Even after special training, I might not be able to achieve any particularly good results, so let's forget it." Ino said, avoiding eye contact.

Naruto had already taught her before. Both the superhuman strength and the Eight Gates are very strong techniques, and they are also very useful in actual combat, but she just doesn't use them very well.

Superhuman strength is okay. After activating the Spiritual Perception State, Ino's ability to control details will be greatly enhanced, and using superhuman strength is not a problem. But once she loses the enhancement of the Spiritual Perception State, the superhuman strength she uses will be a bit lacking, and she can't achieve the perfect use under the Spiritual Perception State.

Ino's talent for practicing Senjutsu is not very good, she has not mastered the elemental force well, so activating the Spiritual Perception State is actually quite a big consumption for her. Plus, superhuman strength itself also needs to consume a lot of chakra, which leads to Ino may not be able to use superhuman strength a few times in actual combat.

And the Eight Inner Gates...

With Naruto's help off the field, she can directly open to the fourth gate, which is a huge actual improvement. But the problem is that her body can only be opened, and she can't use the speed and strength of the Eight Inner Gates. She can't even adapt to the speed and strength of the first gate, and she can't use it in actual combat.

Cheating is not feasible. If you want to learn a technique like the Eight Inner Gates, you must spend a lot of time and energy, constantly exercise your body and strengthen your will, in order to truly master it.

So, in Ino's eyes, Naruto is already trying his best to help her. He even asked the Third Hokage for the forbidden technique of the Eight Inner Gates.

It's just that she's too bad, she can't respond well to Naruto's expectations. Such her, continuing to practice with Naruto, is just a one-sided waste of other people's time...

And Naruto also saw Ino's thoughts, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed, but it's not a big problem. As long as he finds an opportunity in the afternoon to stuff the Three Tails into Ino's body, she will be able to control the power controlled by the Three Tails and master the water elemental force.

But how should I say it? If I use normal words, she will definitely think I am comforting her, and she may feel even more uncomfortable...

"Don't worry, Naruto is very strong, he can at least fight ten Kakashi.... What kind of expression is that? Kakashi is our guidance Jonin, what are you doubting?"

Sasuke said, proudly crossing his arms and slightly raising his head, "Let me tell you, the three of us all have the strength to defeat Kakashi alone, that is, the strength to defeat a Jonin alone. The so-called Chunin exam, you don't need to worry about it at all. If even we can't pass, then there must be a problem with the Chunin exam."

"Really?" Ino was doubtful.

"Can't you guys beat him?" Sasuke counter-questioned.

"Nonsense, if we are stronger than the guidance Jonin, what are we doing here for the Chunin exam, are we here to bully people!" Ino complained helplessly.

Sasuke was silent for a while, touched his chin with one hand and thought, soon he raised his head, looked at Ino and asked seriously, "By the way, who is your guidance Jonin?"

"Sarutobi Asuma sensei, what's up?"

Ino asked

On the side, Naruto began to sense that something seemed a bit off. Why would Sasuke, who usually couldn't care less, ask other people about their supervising Jonin?

Could it be… he wants to…

No, no, I need to persuade Sasuke!

Naruto quickly organized his thoughts and said seriously, "By the way, Sasuke, if I remember correctly, Sarutobi Asuma is the son of the Third Hokage, and also one of the Twelve Guardian Ninja. He has a very strong power, and his life is worth 35 million in the black market. I think you might not be his opponent, so you should give up."

Humph, we are both sons of the Hokage, why does he have such a good life, and mine is so bad, just because you are the Third Hokage?

"Hmm, I'm not his opponent?"

Upon hearing this, Sasuke was immediately displeased, and his fighting spirit towards Sarutobi Asuma surged instantly. However, considering that Naruto was the one who said this, he would still take Sarutobi Asuma seriously and would not underestimate him.

"Of course, he is our supervising Jonin, how could he be weak?" Ino, who didn't understand, naturally replied.

"In that case, Ino, could you invite Asuma-sensei over in the afternoon? I would like to ask Asuma-sensei about some practical combat content. It would definitely be beneficial for our future to be able to fight against such a powerful teacher." Sasuke's face gradually showed a sincere smile.

Naruto: Fight! Fight!

"If it's a Ninjutsu fight, it seems okay, then I'll go find Asuma-sensei, see you at the old place in the afternoon." Ino nodded slightly.

"I will definitely prepare well."

Sasuke squinted his eyes and began to think about how to fight Asuma in the afternoon, whether to reveal all his strength, and how much force to use.

On the other side, Naruto was not worried at all. Although Sasuke would think and ponder before a fight, once the fight started, his mind would go blank. He would be okay against people who were obviously weaker than him, and would hold back to a certain extent.


I've praised Asuma so much, and said that he might not be able to beat him. Sasuke is likely to go all out as soon as he gets on stage. After all, the only supervising Jonin he has fought before is Kakashi. Now he must think that Asuma is much stronger than Kakashi.



In the afternoon, at the Konohagakure training ground

Sasuke looked at the tall man with a cigarette in his mouth next to Ino, silently sensing the amount of chakra in his body, and came to a conclusion with a slight frown, this guy's total chakra is even less than Kakashi's?

Is this guy really strong?

Kakashi's total amount of chakra is not small, it's just that his Sharingan can't be turned off, so it will keep consuming chakra, which leads to a lack of chakra during a fight. But in fact, Kakashi is also a young genius. When he didn't install the Sharingan, his chakra amount was also at the top level among his peers.

He just has a slow chakra recovery speed, so it gives people the feeling that he has little chakra, but in fact, his chakra amount is not small. As long as the Sharingan is removed, or the problem of the Sharingan's chakra consumption is solved, Kakashi's practical chakra amount will directly surge.

"Good afternoon, this is my supervising Jonin, Sarutobi Asuma-sensei." Ino introduced with a smile.

"Oh, nice to meet you."

Asuma waved his hand politely and smiled.

"Asuma-sensei, I've heard about you. The Twelve Guardian Ninja are very famous in the Land of Fire! After all, they are the Daimyo's private independent direct troops, and also the strongest force under the Daimyo. It's really amazing." Naruto praised with a smile.

"Haha, it's not that famous."

Asuma laughed and replied.

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