Chapter 105: Sasuke VS Kankuro


"Cough cough, I am your examiner, Gekko Hayate, cough cough, presiding over the upcoming battle." Soon, a man who looked frail and could die at any moment stood in front of the examinees and spoke.

At the same time, the electronic board also began to quickly flash the names of the examinees, one up and one down. This appearance seemed random, but there must be human intervention factors. Otherwise, if the names of Naruto vs Sasuke appeared in this kind of preliminary competition, it would be an epic cerebral hemorrhage event.

In the end, the names above and below were fixed.

Sasuke vs Kankuro

"Cough cough, please step forward, contestants."

Gekko Hayate said.

Sasuke sneered, walked out arrogantly with his hands in his pockets, he didn't even bother to look at his opponent. On the other hand, Kanjuro was much more cautious. His previous encounter with Sasuke made him clearly realize that this Leaf Village Genin was not simple, he absolutely could not underestimate the enemy.

"Cough cough, except for the two contestants, cough cough, everyone else please go upstairs to watch the battle." Moonlight Gale said in a weak voice.


Soon after, Sasuke and Kankuro stood on both sides of the field, but at this moment Gekko Hayate had not yet announced the start of the match. Kanjuro took the lead in mocking, "Hey hey, our team only took forty minutes to clear the level, and you guys actually took four days to join another team, tsk tsk."

"Heh, in my eyes, this is just a normal game, why should I try my best? Don't measure the strong with the values of the weak." Sasuke, with his hands in his pockets, paused, and continued with a mocking smile, "You don't understand anything at all, just like a child who got first place in an exam showing off to his parents, it's simply laughable."

"Tsk, glib tongue."

Kankuro said, Sasuke's attitude on the opposite side was too relaxed, which made him feel a lot of psychological pressure, as if he was facing a terrifying monster.

"Come on, Sasuke, you are the strongest, let him see the power of the Sharingan!"

On the stage, Karin shouted with a red face.

Although she had already been eliminated, if it was just to watch the match, there was no problem. Naruto had brought her to the second floor earlier.

The other Genin looked at Karin in surprise, seemingly admiring her boldness. If it were ordinary people, they probably wouldn't dare to shout so directly, right?


"Tsk, it's so troublesome."

Sasuke muttered, but still casually took off his goggles with one hand, and said, "However, I'll let you see the true power of the Sharingan, it doesn't matter... anyway, I will win."

Kankuro looked at Sasuke's Sharingan, the purple-red three-tomoe Sharingan looked like a normal Sharingan, but as long as you observe carefully, you can find the difference between it and the normal Sharingan. Now, Kankuro's psychological pressure is even greater.

"Then, the match begins, cough cough."

Gekko Hayate said.

Kankuro, who was carrying a puppet, did not take action at the first moment, but just watched Sasuke cautiously. However, Sasuke casually threw away his goggles and put his hands in his pockets, saying, "Next, I won't move a step, nor will I make a move, please start your performance, dance as you please."

"You won't move or make a move?"

Kankuro was furious, he felt that he had been looked down upon by Sasuke, that arrogant attitude, just like looking at ants from the crack of the door.

However, Kankuro quickly regained his rationality in anger, thinking: Now it's the Chunin exam, there were no rules just now, is the other party trying to lure me into taking the initiative to attack, and then find a flaw to win in one fell swoop? If I really moved, would I have fallen into his trap?

I can't act rashly, the other party is good at speed and strength, I must always be prepared to counterattack, make good use of the mechanism inside the crow, if I easily release the puppet away from the body, I might be caught by him and crushed in one fell swoop.

Hmph, Sasuke, I have seen through your conspiracy, don't think about calculating me!

"What are you waiting for? You don't want to attack?"

Sasuke asked.

"Hmph, let me attack and release the puppet, and then you take the opportunity to attack my body? The idea is not bad, but your real intention has been seen through by me!" Kankuro sneered.


Sasuke laughed, feeling a mix of emotions. He simply wanted Kanjuro to show off his strength. Only if he appeared strong enough in front of the audience, would it be more interesting when he was defeated later.

However, it seemed that this opponent didn't really want to cooperate with him?

"Not fighting, huh? Then let's not fight."

Sasuke said.

"Huh?" Kanjuro was puzzled.



Sasuke let out a low shout, and a large amount of pupil power was output from the three tomoe Sharingan in his eyes, condensing into a substantial purple lightning elemental force that roared and exploded in the sound of thunder. The erupting lightning elemental force formed a purple skeleton at an extremely fast speed, forming a half-bodied skeleton man that roared with the sound of thunder.

As soon as Susanoo appeared, a terrifying oppressive feeling immediately swept the entire field. Kanjuro on the opposite side was dumbfounded, standing in place muttering to himself, "Is this... is this the genjutsu of the Sharingan? Such a strong genjutsu, such a terrifying feeling, I'm actually so scared, this oppressive feeling is so real and terrifying."


On the stage, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Sasuke, who had activated "Susanoo", in a daze. If he remembered correctly, wasn't that is the technique of that would make the user lose vision every time it was used, and also had a huge burden? Why would Sasuke use it in such an unimportant situation? Wasn't he afraid of going blind in the future?


You're fighting a Genin, why are you using the Mangekyou Sharingan to open Susanoo to fight a Genin? Wouldn't a simple Sharingan genjutsu instantly defeat him? With the pupil power of the Mangekyou Sharingan, why would you need to use Susanoo to fight such an opponent?

Could it be... this is a genjutsu?

Something's not right, there's no need for him to control me, the Hokage, with a genjutsu, right? And I'm so far away from him, how could I be easily controlled?

On the other side, a group of ninjas were also puzzled, doubting whether they had seen an illusion. The majestic and domineering ten-meter-tall half-bodied Susanoo, just standing there, made people unable to rise up the desire to fight, as if it was a divine residence overlooking everyone.


The purple Susanoo punched down, the speed of the punch was so fast that Kanjuro couldn't dodge at all. In the powerful explosion accompanied by the sound of debris, Kanjuro on the field had been smashed to pieces, revealing the wooden debris inside.

On the other side, the real Kanjuro crawled out of the original puppet. He was terrified as he watched his crow being smashed with one punch. He lost his ability to think, looking at the scene now, he only felt powerless from the inside out.

He couldn't do anything.

"Really ugly, you can't even dance"

Sasuke said with his arms crossed.

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