Chapter 118: Get stronger, Kakashi!

It's still the familiar Konohagakure training ground, but there are already eight people gathered on this training ground. Compared to the beginning, it's much more lively, and the elemental force concentration of the training ground itself has also been raised to a higher level with the addition of Jugo.

Of course, Naruto and others often run into Might Guy and Rock Lee, who are always sweating in the sun, bursting with endless vitality.

Their hard work, youth, passion, and sincerity, in Konohagakure village, are like two little suns shining on the people around them, Naruto is willing to recognize them.

If the right opportunity arises, it would be good to teach them the practice method of absorbing elemental force with their bodies. People who sweat should not be limited by reality and talent. If they continue to practice like this, the improvement is really not worth this effort.


"Yo, Teacher Guy, Lee, you guys are walking upside down again." Naruto looked at the two passing by and greeted with a smile.

"Oh, the time of youth should not be wasted, hahaha!" Might Guy laughed back.

"Roar, youth!!"

Lee followed the shout and accelerated.


Inside the training field, Naruto looked at the two of them, his mouth twitching slightly. Although he admired these two people, he still couldn't quite accept their overly youthful spirit, so he never found an opportunity to help.

"Don't be surprised, Guy is just like that, a very good person." After Guy left, Kakashi used the Body Flicker Technique to come to Naruto's side and said.

"Then why didn't you come out earlier?"

Naruto asked.

"Uh, I admit he's a bit too enthusiastic." Kakashi said somewhat awkwardly.

Naruto shrugged, didn't say anything, his gaze turned to a small wound on Kakashi's arm, and he asked with a slight frown, "Are you injured?"

"It's nothing, just a minor injury."

Kakashi glanced at his arm, the wound was indeed not big, it should be fine in a couple of days, he put down his hand, smiled and said, "This is a ninja, going out on missions every day, it's inevitable to get injured due to various factors, it's very important to always maintain a certain level of vigilance."

Naruto was silent for a moment, carefully looking at Kakashi in front of him, falling into thought.

In Team 7, Sasuke, Hinata, and his strength are all very strong, but Kakashi is different, he is just an ordinary elite ninja, and he has less chakra, the teacher's strength is so much worse than the students, it feels a bit srange.

What's more important is that Kakashi treats him well. As a teacher, he has provided all the help he can give to his students. Correspondingly, it's appropriate for Naruto to help him a bit.

"Kakashi-sensei, do you want to gain stronger power?" Naruto asked with a smile.

"Of course, the strength of a ninja is naturally the stronger the better, but if you specifically need to become stronger, it's a bit troublesome.... Anyway, I will definitely not give up the treasure left to me by my old friend." Kakashi replied helplessly with a smile.

"No, you don't need to remove the Sharingan, I will teach you another cultivation method, a better cultivation method compared to regular cultivation." Naruto continued.

"A better cultivation method?"

"You, have you heard of Senjutsu?"



After a while, after Naruto's explanation, Kakashi, who possessed the Sharingan, quickly saw the elemental force and successfully absorbed the lightning element.

'What is this feeling!?'

After absorbing the lightning elemental force from nature, Kakashi's body noticeably became stronger. Although the improvement in a short period of time was not very large, this rate of improvement far exceeded normal cultivation. If persisted for a long time, he would definitely gain very powerful strength.

Kakashi looked at the people practicing, the Sharingan reflected the elemental view. At this moment, he finally understood why his students were so strong.

It turns out they are all sages!

Damn, a bunch of cultivators!

Something's wrong, something's wrong, didn't Jiraiya say that cultivating Senjutsu is very difficult, not only requires talent but also opportunity? How come in Naruto's case, he just needs to teach me Spiritual Perception State, and I can easily cultivate? This isn't difficult at all?

"I know what you're thinking."

Naruto looked at Kakashi's doubtful expression and continued, "I've also read the information about Jiraiya the Toad Sage, he is a sage, but not entirely a sage. To be precise, he doesn't use the cultivation method that belongs to humans, that's the Senjutsu taught to him by the toads."

"What's the difference between cultivating Senjutsu with Spiritual Perception State?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"The difference is huge, the physiological structure of toads and humans is basically completely different. Humans cultivating Senjutsu with the method of toads, how could the difficulty be low, people without talent naturally have bad luck." Naruto said as a matter of course.

"Is that so?"

Kakashi suddenly realized, but soon he noticed a bigger problem.

How did Naruto learn Spiritual Perception State? This cultivation method exclusive to humans, if it existed before, it definitely wouldn't be unknown, right? But I've never heard of Spiritual Perception State, can I assume that this is a cultivation method created by Naruto based on human structure?


Are you the ancestor of all sages in mankind?

"Teacher Kakashi, your control of the Sharingan is too poor, you almost don't know how to use it, let Sasuke teach you how to use it." Naruto said with a smile.

"Sasuke?" Kakashi suddenly had a bad feeling.


After a while...

"Elemental force! Use elemental force, high-purity elemental force to activate Sharingan, don't fiddle with your broken chakra, the method of opening eyes with chakra is not used by dogs, it consumes a lot and wastes eyes!" Sasuke looked at Kakashi who was sitting and cultivating and said.

"Um, I see."

Kakashi sighed slightly, inevitably feeling a bit sad. He was obviously the teacher, why is he being trained by Sasuke as a student now?

It hurts, it hurts so much!

Although Sasuke's words were a bit stimulating, the content was simple and concise, very useful. After Kakashi used elemental force to maintain Sharingan, the continuous consumption of chakra no longer poured out. He, who usually looked kidney-deficient, felt an inexplicable fulfillment in his body.

Mother, is this the feeling of not being empty?

Sweep away kidney deficiency, be yourself again! Tired and sleepy, absorb elements, refresh and resist fatigue!

"By the way, your forehead protector is also for shielding the line of sight, to avoid excessive consumption of using Sharingan, right? Now you don't need to wear it crookedly, just keep Sharingan open in the future, there is no need to close it, anyway, the consumption of opening eyes with elemental force is very small, and it can also exercise the optic nerve to improve pupil power, there is no need to close it at all."

Sasuke took off the windproof glasses, revealing the three-bar Sharingan inside, and continued: "Look, like me, when I'm fine, I always keep Sharingan open, just as daily practice, the improvement is quite big."

"Can it be like this?"

Kakashi was shocked, then opened his forehead protector, tried to absorb the surrounding elemental force while using chakra, the speed of elemental force consumption was actually slightly slower than absorption, he seemed to be able to keep it open all the time.

"By the way, the cultivation of elemental force is a gradual process. At the beginning, keeping Sharingan open all the time still consumes a bit, but later, you can directly ignore those consumptions, and there are..."



Although Sasuke and Kakashi's tone of speech was a bit rough, and the words were too direct, he was indeed teaching without reservation. As a student, Kakashi was both gratified and helpless.

Kakashi's progress was very fast, but he still lacked a lot in accumulation. The total amount of elemental force and chakra had not yet reached the ton level, but at least he had already got rid of the kidney deficiency state. After liberating the consumption of Sharingan, his chakra recovery speed at least increased several times.

At the same time, Chouji, who was silently cultivating on the side, felt increasingly inferior. The speed of cultivating elemental force around him was faster than one, and only he, until now, has not perceived what elemental force is.

I was the first to come...

But Teacher Kakashi learned faster than me...

Am I not suitable to stay here...


After a period of cultivation, Jugo was almost able to completely control his own elemental force. But at this time, he didn't indulge in joy alone, but found Naruto alone.

"Do you have something important?"

Naruto asked curiously.

"At Orochimaru's place, I have a very important friend. In the past, he was always the one who restrained my rampage. His name is Kaguya Kimimaro... Now he is seriously ill, I want to ask if you have any way to cure him, I can do anything for this." Jugo said sincerely. 

"What kind of disease does he have?"

Naruto thought for a moment and asked.

Naruto asked after thinking for a while.

"I don't know." Jugo answered.

"Why did he get sick?"

"I don't know."

"What are the symptoms of his disease?"

"....I don't know."

After a brief silence, the always good-tempered Naruto finally couldn't hold back, he crossed his arms, looked at Jugo with a strange expression and said, "You don't know anything, it makes me feel difficult to handle."

Naruto in Tivat is just a fighter, not a specialized doctor. Although he also knows some methods of treating diseases, it is just because of years of fighting and understanding, and there is no solid theoretical foundation. If it is a disease he just happens to know, he can cure it, if he doesn't know, then there is no way.

"Um... sorry."

Jugo sighed and said with his head down.

"Well, then I'll find an opportunity to ask Orochimaru about Kimimaro's situation, and then go and see." Naruto said helplessly.

"Thank you very much, Naruto-san."

Jugo thanked sincerely.

"Well, but this is not for free, you have to be mentally prepared." Naruto said.

"I know."

"In the future, if I'm not by Ino's side, you will protect her for me, this is my only request." Naruto said with a smile.

Jugo has great potential, as long as this potential can be fully developed, even if there are several shadow-level strongmen, they may not necessarily be his opponents. And his character is also very good, quite reliable, if he protects Ino, it is also reassuring.

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