Chapter 112: Before the Storm


Hinata turned her head in difficulty and didn't speak. Ino and Naruto on the other side also gradually became embarrassed. This strange atmosphere seemed a bit familiar, as if similar situations had occurred before.

'I'll have to find a chance to beat him up later.'

Naruto thought to himself.

He coughed slightly, looked directly at Jugo and changed the subject, "By the way, the fundamental reason why you go berserk is actually because your control over elemental power is too poor, causing a large amount of elemental power to lose control in your body and then go berserk. So, as long as you can perfectly control elemental power, you won't go berserk, and you can even gain stronger power."

"So what should I do?" Jugo asked.

"Lay the foundation." Naruto answered.

Jugo's training talent is actually very terrifying. Normal people need to open the Spiritual Perception State to observe the specific types of elemental power and then absorb it. This is the process of active absorption.

But he is different. His affinity for natural energy is too high. He doesn't need to actively absorb it. He can passively obtain a large amount of elemental power. It's just that the types he obtains are too mixed, and he can't operate it himself, so he will have Cursed Seal transformation.

To put it bluntly, Jugo's speed of absorbing elemental power is at the level of a weak innate demon god. It's just a pity that he can't use it at all, and he even rejects his own talent. This is a perfect waste of resources.


"This guy is training too fast, he's just like a monster." Shikamaru, who was in training, secretly glanced at Jugo, who was training at about the same time as himself, and couldn't help but frown.

He just started training, there is no reference object. Naruto and Sasuke have been training for a long time. It's unreasonable for Shikamaru to compare himself with them, so he turned his eyes to Jugo and Karin.

As a result, the training speed of these two guys is outrageous. The efficiency of absorbing elemental power can beat him to the ground. This can't help but make him doubt whether the other party is too strong, or is he too weak?

Shikamaru fell into thought directly, and decided to bring Chouji the next day, let Naruto teach Chouji to practice elemental power training. After all, their class already has Ino and himself practicing, only one Chouji is missing. Isn't it good? A class should be neat and tidy, everyone should practice.

On the other side, Sasuke, after a period of training, stood up directly and said, "Hey, Naruto, I'm going to the library of Konohagakure for a while and learn some knowledge."

He wants to understand electricity through the books of Konohagakure, understand the composition and application of electromagnetic fields, and deeply understand how he should control and use abilities. Relying on his own practice, the progress is really limited, he wants to find a shortcut to improve practice.

"Library? That's rare..."

Naruto said with a slight doubt, he felt that Sasuke should not be the kind of person who likes to learn book knowledge. Could it be that he has something special he wants to learn?

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. Didn't you also soak in the library for a while before? Before becoming a real top powerhouse, I need to expand my knowledge and improve my insights." Sasuke said naturally.

He didn't want to expose his goal, just wanted to say it roughly, and while reading a lot of books, he secretly looked at books related to electromagnetic fields. Of course, he is not sure whether Konohagakure has such books, and it is possible that there are none. After all, Konohagakure's technology tree is quite peculiar, belonging to the kind of east point a little, west point a little.

"Well, so why are you telling me these things? You don't need to ask me, do you?" Naruto's face gradually showed a strange smile, laughing as if Sasuke's aunt who had not died.

"I don't mean anything, I just want to simply tell you." Sasuke said arrogantly.

"Oh, just simply tell it." Naruto nodded, showing an expression of "continue to say, I'm listening."

"Hmph!" Sasuke was shy and angry, and walked away directly.

Naruto was still laughing. Could he not know what Sasuke was thinking? It was nothing more than hoping that he would take care of someone, but he was too embarrassed to say it. When he left, he had to deliberately expose his whereabouts so that someone would not be able to find him.

It's a bit silly, but it's also quite fun~


Somewhere, in the dark

Uchiha Itachi received information about Sasuke from his informant, and then read it very seriously, as if he was afraid of missing any word.

Although he has done many things that normal people cannot understand, it is undeniable that Itachi really loves his younger brother. It's just that this love, I'm afraid not many people want to accept, his love is too twisted, stained with bloody red.

Itachi is also a pitiful person. He thinks he has surpassed the limitations of a clan and can look at Konohagakure from the perspective of the village, but in fact, he is still limited to the perspective of the village and has not entered a higher level.

"You've grown, Sasuke."

He looked at Sasuke's general information and smiled with relief, but this smile did not last long before it gradually began to distort.

Sasuke has activated the Mangekyou Sharingan? Sasuke used Susano'o in the Chunin exam? And it's a half-body Susano'o level? Sasuke used Mangekyou's ability to kill a certain Konohagakure Jonin instructor in seconds? The strength of Sasuke's lightning armor is comparable to the future Raikage?


Are you guys treat me as a fool?

As a brother, how could Itachi not know the bottom line of his own second pillar? In addition, using the Mangekyou Sharingan requires the cost of pupil power. Every time it is used, a part of the light will be lost. How can Sasuke use Mangekyou so frequently?

...If it were him, it seems a bit possible? No, no, Sasuke, how did he activate the Mangekyou Sharingan? Uchiha's ninja needs to witness the death of a close relative to activate Mangekyou. It seems that there is no information about the death of a close relative around him, right? The information that Sasuke has Mangekyou Sharingan is wrong!

However, looking at this handwriting, it seems that the person who wrote the information is the Third Hokage himself. He should not need to fool me to death, right? Could it be that someone is imitating the handwriting of the Third Hokage and deliberately forged this malicious information?

No, I have to go to Konohagakure to confirm Sasuke's situation in person. Sasuke is my lifeblood, he is my last hope, I absolutely cannot be ambiguous about Sasuke.


Inside the Hokage office

"Is that so? The Kusagakure Ninja Village is unwilling to agree, thinking that Karin is a precious medical ninja, so either let Konohagakure spend a lot of money to exchange, or take Karin back to the village? It's really troublesome." The Third Hokage sat in the chair, took a deep breath of smoke, and said with a slight headache.

"Call Naruto over."

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