Chapter 123: The Dragon Returns to the Village

Time is approaching the Chunin Exam finals

Konohagakure Training Ground

"Hey, Sasuke, your relationship with Karin seems a bit strange lately, what happened?" Naruto took the initiative to approach Sasuke, who was meditating with his eyes closed, and asked curiously.

Sasuke and Karin's relationship has always been good, but now it has suddenly become distant. Well, it's not really distant, there is no hostility between them, and their feelings for each other are also good, it's just that they seem to not want to face each other directly for some special reason.

What on earth happened?

Naruto was very curious!

Sasuke opened his eyes, glanced at his good brother, thought for a moment, and decisively said, "Nothing, this is your illusion."

"Eh, an illusion~"

Naruto said with a teasing expression.

He didn't continue to ask, but silently arranged the talismans made of special materials. Since he didn't know what the raw materials were called in the ninja world, Naruto could only let Orochimaru collect as many similar resources as possible. It was only recently that he finally collected enough to make talismans.

The use of these talismans is simple, that is, to absorb and gather the elemental power around, so that the concentration of elemental power in the talisman array becomes higher, which is more conducive to the cultivation of the people inside.

Although this skill is not very profound, overall, it is very practical.


In front of the main gate of Konohagakure village, a tall white-haired man with an oil character on his forehead looked at the familiar Konohagakure, with a nostalgic smile on his face, and said to himself, "After traveling for so long, I finally returned to Konohagakure."

But what does the Third Hokage mean? What does it mean that Naruto has successfully mastered the power of the Nine-Tails, become a perfect Jinchuriki, and also learned the Flying Thunder God Technique? He wouldn't be confused, would he?

The key to the Nine-Tails seal is still with me. Without the key to the Eight Trigrams Seal, the chakra of the Nine-Tails cannot overflow in large quantities. It should be that Naruto's willpower is very strong, so he controlled the part of the Nine-Tails' chakra that was scattered, and as a result, he was regarded as a perfect Jinchuriki who perfectly controls the Nine-Tails, right?

After all, there has been no news of the appearance of the Nine-Tails' complete form in Konohagakure now. Without completely mastering the complete form of the Nine-Tails, how can Naruto be said to be a perfect Jinchuriki?


Jiraiya raised his eyebrows and looked in a certain direction inside Konohagakure village. He, who had been practicing in Mount Myoboku for many years, naturally felt how the concentration of elemental power around him was. And now... he sensed a huge natural energy gathering somewhere in Konohagakure.

"What is that?"

Jiraiya frowned. He didn't know who had gathered such a concentration of natural energy, and he didn't know what the situation in Konohagakure was now, but he could be sure that the occurrence of this situation inside Konohagakure was absolutely abnormal.

Moreover, because ordinary people and general ninjas do not practice Senjutsu, even if such a concentration of natural energy is gathered together, they probably won't find any abnormalities, they will only feel as if something is a bit different.

I must investigate!

In order to avoid startling the snake, Jiraiya didn't make any big reactions, but pretended to be an ordinary person, naturally walking towards the place where the concentration of natural energy was particularly high, as if he knew nothing.

On the way, Jiraiya heard people in the tavern talking about the Fourth Hokage's achievements and everything he had done for Konohagakure.

"Ah, the Third Hokage is old. If the Fourth Hokage were still alive, with the strength of the Fourth Hokage, he would definitely be able to protect Konohagakure from foreign invasions, perfectly inherit the responsibility of the Hokage, it's a pity." A passerby sighed.

"Yeah, the Fourth Hokage died too early, and he didn't even leave a child. If he had a child, he would definitely be a young hero, right?" The passerby across from him also echoed.

"Cough cough, I heard that, before the death of the Fourth Hokage, his wife, Uzumaki Kushina, was walking on the streets of Konohagakure with a big belly. At that time, she was already pregnant... Maybe the Fourth Hokage has a successor, just being hidden by the high-level of Konohagakure!" Another person at the table proactively leaned over and said.

"Right, right, I don't know if you have noticed, Uzumaki Naruto's hair color and pupil color are exactly the same as the Fourth Hokage, and he is also a Uzumaki like Kushina, and like Kushina, he is a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, you guys say... is it possible..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone around fell silent, and no one spoke for a while. Suddenly, someone asked, "Isn't Naruto the Nine-Tails demon fox? What is a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki? I've never heard anyone talk about it before, I have no idea at all."

"The so-called Jinchuriki is..."


Jiraiya, who was sitting quietly drinking, was somewhat silent. He felt that the public opinion of these people was not simple. No one had ever popularized the knowledge of Jinchuriki to the civilians, and it was impossible for ordinary people to actively understand that Kushina was a Jinchuriki.

So... is someone deliberately arranging this?

What is the purpose of the person arranging this?

Is it because the Third Hokage and their high-levels think that Naruto has become a perfect Jinchuriki, so they must save his reputation? It doesn't seem like it. With the intelligence of those guys, they probably wouldn't think so much. They would be good enough not to use the Nine-Tails to hit Naruto. How could they possibly give him a good name?

In Jiraiya's view, the high-levels of Konohagakure probably think of Naruto like this: You are the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, the Nine-Tails is the weapon of the village, so you are the weapon of the village. You have to pay unconditionally for the village, even if you suffer a little grievance, it doesn't matter. The point is that the Nine-Tails belongs to Konohagakure, you Naruto are nothing, even if you are the son of the Fourth Hokage, but the Fourth Hokage is already dead, you are just an orphan without a father, in our eyes, you are no different from an ordinary tool person.

Although it sounds a bit outrageous, Danzo and the two Hokage assistants really think so, they really are such people...

It's just that the ninja world lacks a tragedy of Jinchuriki ninja erupting and destroying the village and the country. For example, because Jinchuriki has been isolated for many years and has a grudge against the village, but unexpectedly resolves with the Tailed Beast, and then becomes a perfect Jinchuriki and annihilates his own village and country.

As long as there is one example of this, which ninja village would dare to bully Jinchuriki?

The Tailed Beast indeed belongs to the village in name, but more fundamentally, the Tailed Beast belongs to Jinchuriki. Jinchuriki is the person who directly controls the Tailed Beast and is also the person holding the nuclear bomb remote control. The real master of the Tailed Beast's power has never been the village, but Jinchuriki himself.


The closer to the gathering place of natural energy, the more shocked Jiraiya is. The concentration of natural energy in the core area is almost the same as that of Mount Myoboku. If someone wants to use this power to do something, even he would find it difficult to stop.

The core area... is it the Konohagakure training ground?

Jiraiya, with a nervous heart, continued to walk to the front of the Konohagakure training ground. He saw a group of people sitting and practicing in the training ground, which is the place with the highest concentration of elemental power.

'They are actually practicing in such a place?!'

Jiraiya was shocked. Ordinary people don't know the side effects of absorbing natural energy, but he is very clear. If a normal person absorbs too much natural energy, they will directly turn into a stone frog and die.

But the people in the center of the training ground, they are actually practicing in a place with such a high concentration of natural energy, and they are also unabashedly absorbing those natural energies. How did they do it?


Even he, the Toad Sage, would not dare to practice in such a high concentration of natural energy.

Wait, something's wrong, why do these people absorb natural energy, but they don't enter Sage Mode? Where has the natural energy been absorbed? This is not the practice of a sage either!

What on earth are they doing!

"Who's peeping?"

Sasuke quickly turned his head, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at Jiraiya's discovery.

He may not be the strongest in terms of perception, but he is definitely the most temperamental among those with strong perception, like Naruto and Karin, they perceived earlier, but just ignored Jiraiya.

Naruto has a sense of good and evil, he feels that Jiraiya has no malice, so he didn't bother with him.

"Huh? I was discovered ...."

Jiraiya was shocked, he felt that his hiding ability should be pretty good, why could Sasuke discover him so easily?

He took a closer look and found that Sasuke's eyes were not ordinary, they were not the common Sharingan...

The Uchiha clan's emblem, purple-red special patterned eyes, this... this could it be, the legendary Mangekyou Sharingan? Has Konohagakure already produced such a genius?

"Ahaha, I've been found out, haha."

Jiraiya walked out laughing, while being extremely vigilant. Even he had to be cautious when dealing with the Uchiha clan who possessed the Mangekyou Sharingan, otherwise who knows what strange abilities the Mangekyou Sharingan has.

However, according to historical records, Uchihas who possess the Mangekyou Sharingan will lose some of their vision every time they use the Mangekyou's abilities, and only by transplanting the eyes of their siblings can they gain eternal light.

There is only one Uchiha in Konohagakure, Sasuke, and Uchiha Itachi is not dead, so, this genius who has activated the Mangekyou Sharingan must be Uchiha Sasuke, and he definitely does not have the Eternal Mangekyou, so he is unlikely to use it...

"Who are you?"

Sasuke's eyes rotated with the three-bar imprint, outputting a fixed amount of pupil power, and shouted in his heart: Super Gravity!

In an instant, Jiraiya felt the gravity around him increase several times. The huge pressure came, and it was a little difficult to stand normally, but as long as he adapted a little, he, as a ninja, could still recover.

He is not unable to resist several times the gravity, but unable to adapt to the sudden appearance of gravity. The key is not how many times the gravity is, but the sudden appearance, Jiraiya naturally cannot adapt.

'Manipulating gravity? Is this his Mangekyou Sharingan ability? Is this kid stupid, doesn't he want his vision anymore? Damn, he uses Mangekyou's ability as soon as he sees people?' Jiraiya was furiously complaining in his heart, but he still slowly raised his head, looking at Sasuke in front of him with a serious expression.

It seems that he is the culprit who let the natural energy in the entire area gather to such a degree, right?

What a nuisance!

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