Chapter 130: Victory

"Fifth Gate of Limit - Open!!"

Lee shouted again, the veins on his face bulging even more, his skin becoming even redder, his body pushing even closer to its limit, but at the same time, the chakra erupting from his body also became even stronger.

"He's pushing himself so hard..."

Naruto murmured to himself, watching Lee's eyes gradually change.

If that's the case, I'll have to defeat you before you break your own body, I'm sorry, Lee.


Both men disappeared from the field at the same time, but the next moment they reappeared in the center of the field, fist against fist, creating an astonishing momentum.

Seeing this, even Yamashiro Aoba, the referee on the side, couldn't help but sigh, worthy of being the Hokage, he let me go to the spectator stand one step ahead, if I were hit by these two, something big might really happen.

'Damn, I don't have a chance, Naruto's reaction, speed, and strength are too strong!'

Lee looked troubled, but didn't give up. While still thinking about how to defeat Naruto head-on, his hand that was fist-to-fist with Naruto suddenly felt a strange sensation.

Naruto changed his move!

"Misdirect! Wrap! Shock!"

Naruto's fist suddenly deviated from Lee's fist at a strange angle, then, to Lee's surprise, skillfully wrapped around Lee's arm and shocked it open with a hidden force, creating a half-open gap.

Not good!

Lee's shocked hand was too late to defend, he could only use his other hand to resist, but was also blocked by Naruto's other hand in advance, and a palm hit his chest, the meticulous wind elemental force seeped into Lee's body, and a palm broke his The Eight Inner Gates state.

'What an amazing skill!'

Before his consciousness faded, Lee couldn't help but think, he remembered Naruto's persistent training, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, thinking: Although I'm not willing in my heart, but in a hearty fight, being defeated by someone like you who also works hard, I'm happy, I will work harder in the future, and then surpass you with all my strength! Naruto!

This is youth!

Rock Lee, who opened the Fifth Gate of The Eight Inner Gates, his fighting skills are actually not good, more of it is fighting with pure speed and strength.

This is not because his Taijutsu is weak, but because the side effects of The Eight Inner Gates are too great, the speed and strength it enhances are too much, causing him to be unable to perfectly control his own body, so he can't use the fighting skills he has under normal conditions.

And Naruto, who didn't use The Eight Inner Gates, can perfectly show the skills he has learned before. Although he is not good at unarmed combat, after all, he has been fighting in Tavat for thousands of years, he can still use some simple skills.

Yamashiro Aoba went down to the field, confirmed that Lee had completely lost consciousness, and was not in danger of life, and shouted loudly: "The first match, the winner, Uzumaki Naruto!"


Naruto returned to the rest room and sat down, naturally leaning back and slightly relieved, fortunately Lee's situation was relatively easy to control at the time, if his strength was a little stronger, Naruto might not be able to defeat him unharmed.


Sasuke crossed his arms over his chest, feeling upset, and muttered to himself: This guy, he actually held back, he didn't hit me so lightly when he was training before, it's too much!

On the other side, Neji walked out of the rest room, not looking back, and said, "Hinata-sama, I hope you can voluntarily admit defeat as you did before, this way, it's best for our Hyuga clan."

Hinata didn't answer, just remained silent.Naruto said with a smile.

"Watching Neji leave, Sasuke couldn't help but grumble, "You really know how to hide, you haven't shown your current strength to the clan until now, how much longer do you plan to hide? Why do you keep hiding? Don't you know that if you keep hiding, what you could have will also disappear?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow, feeling that Sasuke's words seemed to have a deeper meaning.

"Is that so?" Hinata replied, slowly straightening her chest and looking up, "Then, I'll try to change too."


On the arena, two people from the Hyuga clan, the main family and the branch family, stood on both sides of the arena. This battle seemed to be destined.

"Hinata-sama, I don't know what kind of expression you are standing here with, but even if you are from the main family, I won't show mercy to you." Neji took a fighting stance, activated his Byakugan and stared at Hinata, then said softly, "It would be better for you to admit defeat sooner."

"Just by you?"

Hinata also activated her Byakugan, taking a completely new stance that was different from the traditional Hyuga clan stance, her eyes full of determination and confidence. At this moment, under the gaze of countless spectators, the once shy girl had finally grown up.


Neji suddenly felt something was wrong, he looked carefully at Hinata's chakra, watching the originally weak chakra gradually become stronger, as if watching a small sapling grow into a towering tree in a short time.

'What's going on?'

He didn't understand why Hinata's chakra could increase so much in such a short time, and it seemed that her meridians didn't have any signs of overload, this didn't look like a normal person using forbidden jutsu like The Eight Inner Gates to gain powerful strength.

This is more like... using the power she originally possessed!

"The second match, Hyuga Hinata, versus Hyuga Neji, the battle... begins!" Yamashiro Aoba announced while quickly jumping to the spectator stand to avoid being accidentally injured.

In an instant, Hinata and Neji both moved at the same time, rushing towards each other at the first opportunity, but Hinata's attack speed was obviously faster, her left hand took the stance of a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey, and slapped towards Neji.


Seeing this attack, Neji's face became serious, his right hand blocked while his left hand gathered chakra and slapped towards Hinata's attacking left wrist, seemingly wanting to dissipate Hinata's momentum while restraining her with the softness of Gentle Fist.

However, his strength was not enough, Neji decided to fight and retreat at the same time.

However, Hinata, who had been training for a long time, not only had a powerful Byakugan, but also didn't fall behind in basic combat. She knew that in close combat, she had to learn to follow the form and chase the force, to avoid the opponent retreating and dissipating the force, making her own attack become powerless.

So in fact, when her attack hit Neji, her arm was still slightly bent, still had the potential to continue to follow up, and her feet also had the aftereffect of continuing to exert force to chase.


Hinata quickly stepped forward, her Byakugan staring at Neji's hands that were exposed due to blocking her left hand slap, her right hand slapped Neji's stomach at an extremely fast speed, one press, one push, one shock, her foot, waist, and arm all exerted force at the same time, and instantly slapped Neji away.


Neji was directly slapped onto the wall, he struggled to get up, looking at Hinata in front of him in shock, as if he was seeing a new world.

Are you really Hinata?

一 一 一 一 一

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