Chapter 136: Konohagakure Collapse Initiated!

Sasuke roared, and the half-body Susano'o, which was more than ten meters high, swung its fists that were faintly surrounded by purple electricity, and smashed towards the sand woman who was protecting Gaara.

Gaara on the opposite side did not move, just watching Sasuke nervously, watching Susano'o's fist quickly fall, now he has no control over the sand, just injected a large amount of chakra and rock elemental power into the sand, the battle depends on the sand's performance.

Soon, the sand woman raised her head, and from the eyes made of sand, she could see determination and courage. She roared and swung a punch, facing Sasuke's fist head-on.

Women are weak, but mothers are strong!


An astonishingly loud explosion sounded, and the shock wave from the fist-to-fist between Susano'o and the sand woman was extremely strong, and it could even directly affect the people on the spectator stand, and the sound was even more explosive like thunder.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

Soon, Susano'o withdrew his hand, and another fist swung out at a faster speed, but the sand woman on the opposite side was also very fast, also swinging her fists and facing Sasuke's Susano'o head-on, the continuous fist-to-fist sound was extremely explosive, and the shock wave from the battle even made the audience want to run away directly.

Is this a Genin fight?!

But Konohagakure's logistics response was also very fast, gathering eight people outside the field at the fastest speed to perform seals at the same time. Looking at the speed of these people's gathering, it was obviously prepared in advance, they even deliberately exposed the shock wave for a while.

But the battle between Susano'o and the sand woman was too intense, even if a sealed barrier had been established to isolate them, the audience outside could still feel the astonishing destructive power.

"Snap! Thunder Spear!"

Sasuke looked at the sand woman who was at a stalemate with his Susano'o, gritted his teeth, clapped his hands, and more than a dozen purple thunder spears appeared instantly, attacking Gaara from all directions.

"Snap! Sand Shield!"

Seeing this, Gaara also clapped his hands, and a large amount of sand emerged from the ground again to form a strong sand shield in front of him.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom! ..."

Then, he successfully blocked it!



"Sand Shield!"


"Great Fireball Jutsu!"

"Sand Shield!"


"Mighty Dragon Fire Technique!"

"Sand Shield!"


"Mighty Fire Annihilation!"

"Sand Shield!"


"Lightning Release-False Darkness!"

"Sand Shield!"


"You guy, I..."

"Sand Shield!"

"Have you had enough?! Can't you change a technique and fight with me? Fight face to face, fight like a man, don't shrink behind the shield, is the shield enhanced by rock elements that delicious?!" Sasuke roared angrily.

"Sand Shield... um, is it an attack?"


In this way, Sasuke and Gaara, while operating their powerful techniques, threw Ninjutsu at each other and fought for a full ten minutes. The fight went on until Susano'o and the sand woman slowly disappeared, and both of them were panting heavily.

The Shukaku in Gaara's heart screamed: Damn, is that guy a monster? I've given you three times the chakra and elemental power, and so much of it, yet that guy still has chakra and maintains such a high intensity, is this guy really human?

Gaara: I... I don't know either.

Sasuke also frowned and looked at Gaara in front of him who had a strong endurance. He muttered to himself: This guy's sustained combat ability is too strong, is this what a Jinchuriki is? He hasn't even used the tailed beast, and it's already so difficult for me to deal with him. If he uses the One-Tail, then how am I going to fight!

Although the intensity of the battle has decreased, the current situation is still very tense!


"Hehe, your village's Jinchuriki is really strong."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

Apart from the fact that his heart was beating a bit fast when he watched these two people fight, and his mind was a bit dazed, he was satisfied with everything else, and he was proud of Sasuke's strength.

"The descendants of the Uchiha clan are also good."

Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time thought: Now that the preparations are almost done, Konohagakure's sealing team is maintaining the arena's barrier, and they have been fighting for so long, their strength has also been consumed almost, now it's just right to launch the Konohagakure collapse plan.

In addition, after this period of conversation, he found that the Third Hokage's character has changed to a certain extent, which is different from before, and he feels that this kind of Third Hokage is not bad.

But this is not the reason why he does not implement the Konohagakure collapse plan. The death of the Third Hokage is not just a simple death. This is a node of the era, and also a symbol of the end of one era and the beginning of another era. Dying in battle now is the best ending for him.


The people on the spectator stand are no longer boiling, now they are all silent, silently watching Sasuke and Gaara casually grab a Ninjutsu, clap their hands and a Ninjutsu.... This way of casting spells has seriously violated their worldview. In their eyes, ninjas use Ninjutsu to seal, and Ninjutsu without seals is the minority.

But in these two people...

Who seals when they are serious? Isn't it just a clap of your hands to get what you want? Genin fights need what tactics and strategies, just open the powerful technique and face-to-face hard fight!

"Dad, didn't you say that ninjas need to seal to use Ninjutsu?" A child asked, pulling the corner of an adult's clothes.

"Ah, dad doesn't know either."


On the other side, Kakuzu, Itachi, and Kisame silently watched the battle between Sasuke and Gaara. They are now beginning to doubt whether they can beat Genin.

Before, they thought that only the Nine-Tails was worth noting, and the One-Tail Jinchuriki was just casually caught. But now when they look at it, the Jinchuriki, who hasn't even used the tailed beast, has such a strong combat power. If there is an explosion of power in multiple seeds, it would be difficult for the three of them to fight together.

But in fact, there are four people here, and there is also a Hidan. But just now because Hidan was too noisy and easy to be found out, so Itachi used Genjutsu to control Hidan, and now Hidan is still lying on the side.

"Cough cough, Itachi, is this the real power of Mangekyou Sharingan?" Kakuzu asked Itachi solemnly.

Itachi didn't know how to answer, he saw Sasuke's strength was so strong, he wished he could immediately go down and give his head away, letting Sasuke spend the rest of his life in glory. As for what the truth of the Uchiha is, it doesn't matter at all, letting Sasuke understand those things will only make him feel pain, let him live a happy life.


Itachi sighed softly, then showed a exaggerated smile, laughing loudly and said, "Hahaha, yes, yes, this is the real power of the Uchiha! Yay, yay, if it weren't for the One-Tail Jinchuriki having that level of strength, you guys would never have found out, it's really a pity, this is Konohagakure's brilliant plan, hahaha, hahaha!"

Kakuzu and Hoshigaki Kisame looked at the laughing Itachi, and suddenly felt something was wrong in their hearts. The two of them retreated a step instantly, avoiding the line of sight while pulling away the distance, trying to avoid the possibility of being backstabbed by Itachi.


In the laughter of Uchiha Itachi, one after another platinum feathers fell from mid-air, the fall of the feathers was accompanied by drowsiness, and the audience fell in pieces, even the ninjas who maintained the barrier of Konohagakure also fell down.

'Nirvana Temple Technique'

"Hahaha, what the hell is this, haha, I'm laughing to death, hahaha!" Itachi watched the feathers falling in pieces, and his own mentality couldn't help but explode. He didn't know what kind of trouble Konohagakure had made inside, it was a good teammate, it was so reassuring.

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