Chapter 142: Fierce Battle 3

Hinata looked indifferently at Kisame, who was slowly getting up. She subconsciously looked at Samehada. Samehada seemed to have life and consciousness and would actively wriggle towards Kisame.

"Bansho Tenin"

Seeing this, Hinata raised her hand, once again activated the ability deep in her Byakugan, and directly pulled Kisame's Samehada into her hand.


Samehada counterattacked and extended its spikes towards Hinata. However, her reaction speed was very fast, and she was not hit by Samehada. She just let go because of the dodge. Kisame on the other side realized that this was an opportunity and rushed forward at a very fast speed to grab Samehada.

"Vacuum Fist."


Hinata whispered, and the two chakra fists behind her directly hammered Samehada into the ground, smashing out a huge pit. At the same time, she said, "Sasuke needs your information, so I will show mercy to you, but I don't need to preserve this thing. Moreover, it seems to be an important part of your strength, it's better to destroy it directly."

"That's really ruthless."

Kisame looked at the deep pit in front of him and gradually realized how outrageous Hinata's strength was. He sighed, as if giving up resistance, he sat down again and said, "As I said before, I actually don't know much about Itachi's information, but about the part I know, if it doesn't involve secrets, it's okay to reveal a little."

"Oh, is that so?"

Hinata looked at Kisame with her Byakugan, and found that he didn't seem to be faking it. However, to avoid him using any treacherous tactics, she still kept a certain distance and asked, "Then you just simply say, why did Itachi die, and what is his relationship with you?"


Kisame's face showed a smile. First of all, he is a ninja. The first goal of a ninja is to complete his own mission, and to make suitable judgments according to the current situation.

He believes that he is not Hinata's opponent. Even if he continues to fight, he can't drag on for a long time. But if he can delay Hinata's time with some not too important information, and buy time for the leader's subsequent actions, then it is worth it.

Although he doesn't know the situation outside now, it seems to be very fierce. In such high-intensity battles, limiting the mobility of a Konohagakure powerhouse... it's simply a bloodbath!

"First of all, Itachi and we are indeed companions of the same organization. Our organization is called Akatsuki, which is similar to a mercenary organization, composed of rogue ninjas from various countries, and the hiring price is relatively cheap..." Kisame began to explain the inside story, but the content was a bit off track.

The existence of the Akatsuki organization is not a secret, but the presence of "Uchiha Madara" in the Akatsuki organization is a secret. So if it's just a simple talk, there's no problem, as long as it can delay Hinata's time.

"I want to ask about Itachi's affairs, don't talk about useless things!" Hinata glared and shouted at him.

"Alright, I understand. In any case, after Itachi slaughtered his own clan, he joined our Akatsuki organization. We usually operate in pairs in the Akatsuki organization. After Itachi joined the Akatsuki, he naturally needed his own partner..." Kisame continued to delay as much as possible.

"Focus, be concise!"

Hinata shouted again.

"I know, but if you don't even know some basic things, how can you understand what happened to Itachi later? Although he killed his companion, he always admired him..." Kisame looked at Hinata seriously, continued to digress, and wasted as much time as possible.

"Get to the point!"

Hinata directly punched the floor, glaring at Kisame and shouting.

"Yes, yes, Itachi betrayed us, but I know there must be some inside story. The final result is that we killed him." Kisame hurriedly said.

"Inside story? What inside story?"

"This has to start from where I didn't finish just now. I'm not not telling you, I'm just afraid that you know too much and can't understand these messages."

Kisame continued to laugh and said, "Moreover, Itachi and Sasuke have a good relationship. The more information about Itachi outside, the better for Sasuke, right?"


Hinata suddenly realized, and directly threw out a ball of fire elemental power, which exploded outside the viewing platform, attracting Sasuke's attention on the field.

Since it was Sasuke who wanted the information, let Sasuke interrogate him personally. He has Karin accompanying him, and since I have already discarded this guy's weapon, Sasuke should not have any problems.

'It's troublesome, Sasuke, you ask yourself.'

Kisame's expression gradually changed. Once the person interrogating him became Sasuke himself, and it was Sasuke who had recovered after a period of time, then he could no longer meaninglessly consume Hinata's time.

"That guy is exhausted, right? Aren't you afraid that I will suddenly make a move?" Kisame suddenly asked.

"Not afraid, Karin's strength is above yours."

Hinata said.

Although she said so, how much truth there is in the matter, that is...

Her purpose is to deter Kisame. As long as this guy doesn't have an accident in a short time and doesn't dare to make a move, Sasuke can quickly recover his strength in a short time. After all, elemental power is directly absorbed from the outside world, unlike chakra, which needs to be slowly recovered. This is also the fundamental reason why Sasuke has strong endurance.


At the entrance of Konohagakure village, Jiraiya appeared to summon a giant toad and snake to fight. He looked far away at the field, but did not take action. Jiraiya chose to deal with these troublesome snakes.

And Kakashi, Might Guy, and a group of Jonin from Konohagakure are also dealing with Sunagakure Ninja, Otogakure Ninja, and helping innocent spectators to leave the scene to avoid causing greater casualties in Konohagakure.

"Kakashi, did Hokage-sama foresee these things a long time ago?" Might Guy suddenly asked.

"Probably." Kakashi replied.

Before the Chunin exam finals began, the Third Hokage had told these Jonin that if anything unexpected happened during the exam, everything would prioritize the safety of the new generation of Konohagakure and the safety of the people of Konohagakure, and not to worry about him.

The Third Hokage had guessed a long time ago that he might die in the Chunin exam, and it was destined. He didn't want to change his fate, he just wanted to make his death more useful. He didn't want to consume the strength of the Jonin as a dying man, causing greater casualties among the people or the new generation.

"So, who should we help?"

Might Guy asked again.

At this, Kakashi was also silent. He quietly looked at the other side of Konohagakure village.

A man with orange hair, wearing a wooden armor that sparkles with blue electricity, with two realistic water dragons on his back, and holding a large sword of earth burning with flames, is fighting with two guys in Akatsuki robes. The fight is very intense, it's completely Jugo chasing Deidara and Sasori to slash.

The reason for his silence is simple. Although Jugo has practiced with him, Jugo now wears the forehead protector of Otogakure Ninja, and the inside of the armor vaguely wears the clothes of Otogakure Ninja, and he just attacked the ninja of Konohagakure, which really makes him unclear whether Jugo is an enemy or a friend.

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