Chapter 148: Nuclear Explosion.


Naruto's figure disappeared!

The three Pains leaning together watched their direction attentively at the same time, making sure they would not be attacked by Naruto.

One second passed...

Two seconds passed...


Five seconds passed, but Naruto's figure never appeared in any position. However, the three Pains still dared not relax their vigilance. They didn't know where Naruto had gone. The mobility of the Flying Thunder God was truly unsolvable.

What's more, this Naruto's Flying Thunder God, he doesn't even need a mark, it's even more outrageous!

Where did he go?

Is there a place that the Rinnegan can't see?

Wait, a place you can't see?

My field of vision blind spot...

Tendo Pain suddenly woke up, looked up at the sky above at the fastest speed, and a small black dot in mid-air quickly enlarged at a very fast speed.

It's Naruto diving straight down!

And now, in his hand, he is holding a very large Tailed Beast Bomb!

"Not good, he's coming down!"

Tendo Pain's expression changed dramatically, and he activated the ability of the Rinnegan at the fastest speed, shouting, "Shinra Tensei, Ha!!"

With the output of Pain's massive chakra, the pupil power of the Rinnegan quickly erupted, and the terrifying repulsive force aimed at Naruto above. He was fully prepared for this attack.

At the same time, cautious Pain also reserved some, he knew this might be Naruto's trick, he could not use all his power, otherwise he might be directly killed by Naruto's next sneak attack.

Such an obvious attack trend...

Is this a feint by the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?

But in reality, Naruto's figure in the sky did not disappear at all, and his falling speed did not slow down at all, but became faster and faster.


Naruto forcibly resisted the repulsive force of Tendo Pain, and while pressing down the Tailed Beast Bomb with one hand, he shouted loudly, "Eat my Tailed Beast Bomb!!"


Pain instantly realized that Naruto was not feigning this time, but was playing real with him. He launched a powerful attack.

Must use Shinra Tensei with full force!


The Tailed Beast Bomb and Shinra Tensei collided, and the extremely terrifying destructive power erupted. The entire arena was instantly destroyed by this terrifying shock wave. The storm of the Tailed Beast Chakra and the repulsive force swept around indiscriminately, and large areas were flattened.

But what's more terrifying is that Naruto's Tailed Beast Bomb is still confronting Pain's Shinra Tensei, the shock wave is still spreading, the intensity of the storm is still increasing, and the range of destruction in Konohagakure is also increasing with time.


Not far away, the three Pains that were originally entangled with the Three-Tails suddenly crashed down, and all the summoned beasts summoned by the Animal Path also disappeared. The complete Three-Tails was also directly shocked due to the close distance, and a large number of houses were crushed.

This is because Pain felt the terrifying power of Naruto's Tailed Beast Bomb. He believed that continuing to distribute chakra to the Six Paths of Pain was not enough to counter Naruto's power, so he actively gave up the control of the other five Pains and concentrated all the chakra on the Tendo Pain.

"What a terrifying power."

The Three-Tails climbed up while looking at the center of the shock wave explosion, looking at the nuclear explosion center as white as daylight, and while his head was buzzing, the shock in his heart reached its peak.

You know, it's a huge tailed beast, with a large volume and very heavy. The power of the shock wave that can shock him is already very strong, but just like this, it's not so shocking.

Now, after the Three-Tails has been shocked far away, its body will still be shocked to tremble, constantly retreating, it's really a terrifying power!

This feeling of vibration is just like riding a tractor on a rugged road in the countryside!


"Damn it, what happened again!"

Sasuke hugged Karin horizontally, rushed out of the ruins with the pirated Susano'o, he still couldn't understand why such a terrifying nuclear explosion would occur, but he could be sure that the source of the nuclear explosion was related to Naruto, because he felt Naruto's Tailed Beast Chakra fluctuation.


The aftermath of the shock wave is still erupting, and Sasuke's position just now is very close, he and Karin were not killed at the first time because Sasuke's reaction speed is relatively fast, and Susano'o was timely.

However, the intensity of the explosion is still too high. Sasuke can only barely resist the aftermath with all his strength using Susano'o. The chakra that had just been accumulated before was quickly consumed to the bottom, and Sasuke will once again face the situation of extreme overdraft.

"Sasuke, I'll help you replenish chakra."

Karin suddenly said.

"Huh? I don't..."

Sasuke directly refuted without thinking, but he was gagged before he finished speaking. It was Karin, she gagged Sasuke's mouth with her own!

Under normal circumstances, with Karin's physique, she can indeed obtain her chakra through biting, but this is just a convenient method, not the only method.

Even biting the skin can replenish chakra, how can it not be replenished in some places with negative distance contact? This method can not only replenish, but the efficiency of replenishment will be higher.

Of course, this requires Karin's cooperation, and unilateral coercion is useless.

'It's chakra and elemental force, I feel it, Karin's chakra and elemental force are pouring into my body! The feeling of weakness is disappearing!'

Sasuke felt the power in his body quickly recovering, didn't say anything more, directly opened Susano'o with all his strength, and fled the scene at the fastest speed.



On the other side, the Sunagakure Ninja, Otogakure Ninja, and Konohagakure ninja who were entangled were shocked by this terrifying explosion. For a while, the intensity of the battle all dropped. They watched the shock wave that was constantly spreading and erupting, and their hearts were about to stop beating.

"Sack, run!!"

A Sunagakure Ninja turned around and ran, shouting at the same time.

"After all, it's Konohagakure that's being bombed, we just run directly, staying will suffer!" Another Sunagakure Ninja also shouted.

"Yeah, run!"


Soon, the ninjas of Sunagakure fled at the fastest speed. The ninjas of Otogakure also realized that this was a major crisis for Konohagakure, so there was no need to stay, so they also ran together.

In the end, the ninjas of Konohagakure also had to run. If they didn't run, they would be bombed by this nuclear explosion. They simply had no ability to resist this level of explosion.


In the sky

Deidara and Sasori, who were being chased by Jugo, were also shocked by this force, and they also began to flee. Deidara, while fleeing, shouted crazily, "Damn, this is art, unparalleled art, wonderful art, earth-shattering art! Ah, art is... explosion! Heh!!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

"Hahaha, this is art!!"

Deidara was too excited, he was too happy, he directly detonated all the explosives he had buried in Konohagakure, and the continuous explosions sounded. The already explosive Konohagakure was detonated again, and the more terrifying explosion resounded through the sky.


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