Chapter 144: Kisame's Defection

If the battle continues, Sasori and Deidara's chances of winning are very slim. Although Deidara is easily impulsive, after all, Jugo doesn't have Sharingan, Deidara wouldn't play a life-and-death self-explosion with him, he just has a special obsession with people who have Sharingan.

This obsession comes from Itachi!

"Brother Sasori, what should we do?"

Deidara asked with a serious face.

Now it's hard to fight head-on. If you run away, people can grow wings, and the flight speed is very fast. It's hard to escape his attack range. Their situation is very difficult now.

"Fly towards the Konohagakure ninja."

Sasori thought for a while and said.


On the field, in the corridor, Ino vigilantly looked at the three men in front of her in black and red cloud robes. While gathering a water elemental force with one hand behind her back, she asked, "Who are you, are you the ones who invaded Konohagakure?"

"Take action."

The orange-haired man at the forefront said indifferently, completely without the intention of communicating with Ino. The two men beside him also quickly flanked, surrounded Ino tightly from three directions, ready to capture at any time.

But at this moment, Naruto didn't notice that Ino was being captured, because the six paths of Pain are just corpses, there is no good or evil at all, he can't feel any malicious people near Ino, so naturally he doesn't care too much.

In addition, what's more important is that the guy who has no good or evil that Naruto found earlier is standing not far from him at this moment. He didn't attack, he didn't do anything, he just silently watched Naruto and Gaara.

Naruto doesn't know that Pain has six, he only knows that the guy he noticed is here.


Time slowly passed, the Third Hokage on the roof was being beaten madly by the First and Second Hokage plus Orochimaru, but the Konohagakure ninja in the village was doing very well. Now most of the irrelevant personnel have been evacuated, and Konohagakure has also regained the upper hand. It is only a matter of time before Otogakure Ninja and Sunagakure Ninja are completely suppressed.

Jiraiya, Might Guy, Kakashi and a series of strong people are all fighting, and Hinata also joined the battlefield after handing over the interrogation work to Sasuke. There are many high-end combat powers on the Konohagakure side, almost pressing Otogakure Ninja and Sunagakure Ninja to fight.

On Sasuke and Kisame's side...

"You mean, Itachi is a rogue ninja inserted by Konohagakure into the Akatsuki organization. He chose to betray Akatsuki in order to protect Konohagakure? Isn't he a rogue ninja who killed the entire Uchiha clan?" Sasuke shouted in shock.


Kisame laughed, laughed very happily. As a ninja, he always had a deep and clear self-awareness. He knew what he should do and what would be most beneficial for the development of the mission.

He indeed didn't know much about Itachi's affairs, but as long as he conveyed to Sasuke the information that Itachi was still a person of Konohagakure, and gave him a reasonable explanation, it would be enough to have a huge impact on Sasuke's worldview. Under this impact, he might be completely disappointed with Konohagakure.

When he was disappointed with Konohagakure, Kisame could fabricate some facts as much as possible, give Konohagakure as reasonable dirty water as possible, and let Sasuke completely hate Konohagakure. In this way, his mission would be completed, and it would be nice to directly kill and waste Uchiha Sasuke, a high-end combat power.

An extreme one-for-one, pretty good.

"Sasuke-kun, you really know very little about ninjas. In the world of ninjas, some people exist specifically to kill their companions. For example, me, my previous mission was to have to kill my companions for some purpose, which is also the reason why I finally became a rogue ninja... and Mr. Itachi, he seems to be the same kind of person as me." Kisame sat in the corridor and said earnestly.

"Speak clearly!" Sasuke shouted.

Karin felt something was wrong, but she also knew that she couldn't stop Sasuke at this time, so she directly hugged Sasuke's arm and gave him as much warmth as possible.

"I am Itachi's teammate, naturally knowing that he will occasionally pass the information of the Akatsuki organization to Konohagakure (the defense of Kisame and Itachi's team is just this, but the effect is unknown), so Itachi is actually just a rogue ninja on the surface, but actually still obeys Konohagakure."

Kisame paused slightly, his shark eyes staring at Sasuke, and a weird smile appeared on his face and said, "That is to say, in fact, Itachi's clan extermination case back then was not that he wanted to kill his relatives himself, but received a task from the high-level of Konohagakure, so he had to do so, and after he killed his clan, he had to continue to serve the high-level of Konohagakure."

"Tsk tsk tsk, being ordered to kill his own clan, leaving only the younger brother, it's hard not to make people suspect that he and the high-levels of Konohagakure have done some unsightly transactions."

Kisame leaned back slightly, the smile on his face became more playful, and continued to say, "Maybe, Konohagakure has the power to exterminate Uchiha, but after exterminating Uchiha, there will be a lot of consumption, so those high-levels don't want to use it. And Itachi just happened to know that he only wanted you to live, so he reached this deal with the high-levels of Konohagakure and became the executioner, maybe that's the case."

"Ah, yes, yes, I heard that before the Uchiha clan was exterminated, the situation in Konohagakure seemed to be not so good, as if they had received some excessive treatment... For example, the whole clan was forced to move to the corners of Konohagakure? For example, Shisui of the Body Flicker died inexplicably? And for example..."


Sasuke interrupted directly, he has now realized the problem, and his heart is like burning a ball of fire, but this fire is very stuffy, making people nowhere to vent.

There are hidden truths about Itachi, which he can understand, but he cannot forgive. After all, some things, once done, are done, especially the act of killing one's own people. Sasuke would rather have Itachi resist together with his clan, even if it means dying a glorious death.

After the death of the entire clan, as the only survivor, Sasuke really doesn't like this feeling. He also doesn't like the feeling of his faith in his brother collapsing, he doesn't like the feeling of losing everything.

What's the point of living when everything is gone?

He used to aim for revenge, but now the truth about Itachi makes him even more uncomfortable. He must find a new goal.

Kisame feels there is a chance, so he continues to instigate, "In fact, your target for revenge should never have been Itachi, but those who oppress and bully the Uchiha. If it weren't for their mischief, how could Itachi possibly have to make such a choice? If it weren't for their coercion, how could you possibly lose everything?"

"Sasuke-kun, you need to find the Hokage, you need to find the high-levels, let those people tell the truth, and then avenge for the truth of Itachi and Uchiha, let those people pay the due price, this is the path of revenge you should really take."

He looked at the silent Sasuke, feeling extremely happy in his heart. If he could directly turn Sasuke against him now, it would be a bloody profit!

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