Chapter 153 Danzo's house is gone.

Outside Konohagakure village, inside Orochimaru's laboratory, Jugo and the four Otogakure Ninjas stood in front of Orochimaru. They were all more or less injured, but it was nothing serious.

"Orochimaru-sama, we got the stuff."

Jugo handed over a sealing scroll and said.

"Mm, you're really capable, as expected."

Orochimaru laughed, took the sealing scroll and opened it, and subconsciously wanted to see what was inside.

"Wait, Orochimaru-sama, there's a bit too much stuff inside. I suggest you go to a more open place to open it and take a look." Jugo suddenly said.

"A more open place?"

Orochimaru was stunned, looking at his own laboratory, he felt that the place was not small.

Could it be...


On the other side, at the Root base.

"Damn it, who the hell is it!!"

Danzo looked at the empty base, and angrily punched the wall.

It's gone, all gone, all the resources of his base were robbed by someone, whether useful or not, as long as it's resources in the base, they're all gone. The internal guards were all wiped out, their deaths varied, some were directly punched through the chest, some were burned to death by Fire Release, some were killed by Lightning Release...


"By the way, how about the other bases? Although the resources in those places are not much, if it's for a bit of emergency use, it should be okay." Danzo took a deep breath and asked.

As the saying goes, a crafty rabbit has three burrows. Rabbits will hide in different places. How could Danzo not build his own base in various places? Stock up on supplies in normal times to avoid this situation, right?

His main base is here, but there are many other small bases. Although the resources in those small bases are not particularly many, but when gathered together, it's not a small number. At this critical moment, it can play a key role.

"Base number two... there's still a little left."

A Root ninja said softly.

"What about the other bases?"

Danzo continued to ask.

"They're all gone."

The Root ninja answered with a difficult look on his face.

"Damn it!!"

Danzo punched the wall again, his anger burning like a fire in his heart. He didn't know who did this, who the hell knew his Root base so well?

Orochimaru and the Otogakure Ninja were all in Konohagakure, and that guy was also negotiating with me afterwards, he should not have time to attack so many bases at the same time...

In fact, that's true.

It's absolutely too late to rob after the Konohagakure collapse plan is completed, so they had already blood-washed all the bases of the Root before the implementation of the Konohagakure collapse plan. At that time, they had already scavenged most of the high-value things.

The negotiation afterwards was actually a second cleaning, trying to rob all kinds of materials as much as possible to ensure the cleanliness of the Root.

As for why no news leaked?

Because all the people in the Root were dead, there were no living people who could leak the news. Danzo didn't know so many things in a short time, he only knew that his home base was gone afterwards.

In addition, the Root ninja was still in the village during the Konohagakure collapse plan.

Although Danzo had known about this plan in advance, it wouldn't sound good if the Root ninja didn't protect Konohagakure. Although the Root ninja he sent out didn't play any effective role, it still played a role in making up the numbers.

The first command of the Root ninja when Konohagakure was attacked was to preserve their own strength, not to protect Konohagakure. They just need to pretend to hold back some enemies.


Not long after, Danzo looked at the small amount of resources left in Base Number Two, and his mentality gradually exploded. The resources left in Base Number Two now are as few as a bitter tea left after being stripped.

Although the coverage area is very small and not enough to use, at least it preserves the key things, which is to prove that Danzo has not been completely robbed. This is his last dignity... although it looks a bit mocking.

Now, what he and Orochimaru said directly became true, he really has nothing left, only the little private money stored at home can pay twenty percent, what extra equipment and things, all can't afford to pay.

It's outrageous!

"By the way, how is the situation in the village? How is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki? Where is the Three-Tails Jinchuriki, and who can confirm it?"

Danzo asked again.

Now he doesn't have many chips in his hand, among which the Tailed Beasts and Jinchuriki are the best chips. If he can catch the Three-Tails Jinchuriki, he can ask for a good reward from Kirigakure Village. If the other party doesn't give it, he will directly kill the Three-Tails Jinchuriki. He believes that Kirigakure Village should compromise.

In addition, after this battle, Danzo also deeply understood the horror of Uzumaki Naruto. If it weren't for him to repel Pain head-on, the loss of Konohagakure might have been further increased.


Although he made a lot of contributions, it also couldn't change the reality that his attack destroyed most of Konohagakure. As long as he grasps this point and doesn't let go, he can achieve a moral high ground and force the Jinchuriki to become his labor force.

This is what Danzo thought, but he never dreamed that Naruto didn't destroy most of Konohagakure by accident, but on purpose, so he could never be crushed by this moral high ground.

"At present, it is still uncertain where the Three-Tails Jinchuriki is. It may have escaped, but the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is still inside Konohagakure. The current situation is very stable and there is no danger of rampage." The Root ninja answered.

"Mm, I see."

Danzo nodded, now he is not in a hurry to find Naruto to say what bad things he did. He knows that at this time, spreading rumors about Naruto destroying Konohagakure is the top priority. Anyway, he himself is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. If he is seen as the Nine-Tails demon fox, if he is regarded as the murderer, most people can accept it.

As long as these rumors can be spread, then the entrustment of the Third Hokage will not come true. What Naruto becomes the Fifth Hokage is just a joke before a dying person. The one who is going to become the Fifth Hokage... is him, Shimura Danzo!


On the other side, Naruto walked with Ino in the ashes and ruins of Konohagakure, both silent. They looked at their former home, and their mood was very heavy at this time.

Naruto's eyes suddenly brightened, he bent down and rummaged in the ruins. Ino was puzzled and couldn't help asking, "What are you looking for?"

He didn't answer, just silently turned over a piece of rubble, carefully took out a white rose that hadn't completely died from the wasteland, and said with a smile, "It seems that the situation is not as bad as imagined, right?"


Ino's eyes were tearful in an instant.

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