Chapter 2

Oh no! 

Thought Mistoffelees.

 I'll have to pick a partner.....hopefully Plato won't mind if Victoria is my choice. 

"Find a partner everyone!" announced Munkustrap. Almost every cat made their way to a tom/she cat they asked beforehand. 

"Skimbleshanks is with Jennyanydots, Asparagus is with Jellyorum, Mungojerrie is with Rumpleteazer, Rum Tum Tugger is with Electra, Tantomile is with Admetus, Pouncial is with Exotica," mumbled Mistoffelees as he looked at each pair of cats. T

hen he noticed that Plato was with Jemima.

Mistoffelees turned his head and fixed his gaze on the white queen of his dreams, that was in the center of the junkyard. With his heart pounding in his chest, Mistoffelees made his way over to Victoria. He stopped in front of Victoria, bowed politely and held out a paw. 

"Will you dance with me?" he asked, nervously. Victoria's face brightened, with blush on her cheeks as she put her paw in his. 


With every cat humming the jellicle-ball music, Victoria and Mistoffelees started dancing gracefully around the junkyard. As they danced, their moves became more in sync.

As a tradition, the pair performs "The Mating dance". (every cat does this under the light of the jellicle moon). Mistoffelees lifts Victoria up in the air,resting her on his left shoulder. He could feel Victoria's back touching his. Mistoffelees slowly turned around, with his right paw slowly stroking Victoria's right leg, copying all of the other toms. 

Then he brought Victoria down to his chest. As he looked at Victoria with his bright black eyes, he could feel Victoria's warm breath on his face. He smiled warmly at her. After a few moments of face to face, Mistoffelees twirled Victoria with his fur lighting up the night. They ended their dance with his signature move: his conjuring turn. Mistoffelees had taught Victoria his signature move last year when they had first met.

 Once they ended their turns, they both made their way over to the side of the junkyard, talking and laughing.

"Well Mr. Mistoffelees, I'm impressed with your graceful dancing" commented Victoria. 

"Thank you. And You can call me Misto" said Mistoffelees, with his cheeks a little red.

 They both smiled at each other. 

"I am going to go to my den. Will you join me?" asked Victoria.

 "It would be an honor" purred Mistoffelees as his and Victoria's tail wrapped around each other.

 "But first, I'm going to go visit with my friends, so I'll meet you by that black pipe over there before the sun rises," explained Victoria. 

"Ok," said Mistoffelees.

 "I'll see you later then".

 Mistoffelees gave Victoria a nuzzle on her neck before she went off to see her friends. Meanwhile Mr. Mistoffelees sat alone for a bit, thinking about Victoria. While he was zoning out, he heard a noise.

He looked up to see Plato standing right in front of him. Mistoffelees stood up and dipped his head in respect. 

"Hi Plato," he said, forcing a smile. 

"What brings you here?". 

"You know exactly why I'm here" scowled Plato, as he started to circle Mistoffelees. Admetus and Pouncival slowly approached behind Plato.

 "I-I-I don't know what you m-mean" stuttered Mistoffelees. Plato circled around him again. 

"Admetus, help Misto out please" said Plato, with a smile. 

Admetus was right behind Mistoffelees already, making the job easier for himself. He slapped Mistoffelees at the back of his head, hissing as he did it.

"Now do you remember, sparkle toes?" hissed Plato. Mistoffelees rubbed the area on the back of his head where Admetus had slapped him, but said nothing. 

"Your so pathetic Mistoffelees. Can't even confess that you stole my girlfriend". 

"I-I-I didn't steal your girlfriend" mumbled Mistoffelees.

 "LIER!" shouted Pouncival, as he scratched him with his claws. Mistoffelees crashed to his knees. "Don't even lie Misto. I saw you earlier make the move on Victoria. I was going to dance with her, but you stole her and now Jemnia thinks I like her," explained Plato, with frustration in his voice. 

"And now I'm stuck with her because of YOU!" Plato scratched Mistoffelees in the face.

Mistoffelees felt his face hit the soft dirt, with his blood staining it. Plato knelt to the ground, putting a paw under Mistoffelees's chin and forcing him to look up into his eyes. 

"Do you know what I don't get Mistoffelees? Whatever happened to the fearless, Magical Mr. Mistoffelees? You used to be so brave that I even admired you" started Plato. 

"But of course I don't now. Almost every time a cat approaches you, your knees start to shake, your face becomes even more pale than the white fur on your chest and you start to fidget with your paws". 

Plato removed his paw out from under Mistoffelees chin and stood up.

 Not when I'm with Victoria.

"Actually, cats have been chatting about that recently," said Plato, looking down at Mistoffelees. "We all know YOUR not worthy of Victoria".

 Plato turned his back to Mistoffelees. "Do whatever you like to him," said Plato, talking to Admetus and Pouncival. 

Mistoffelees looked up at Plato, with eyes as big as baseballs. 

"Just....don't kill him".

Plato walked away, with a smirk on his face, leaving Admetus and Poundcial alone with Mistoffelees.