WARNING! The following chapter contains content that may be harmful to younger viewers. View discretion is advised.
All that could be heard in the Cymobile was a BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. Boulder was checking on Cole and London as they had be knocked out pretty hard by Adam. Are they going to make it said Penny. Its hard to say said Boulder as he explained to Penny. They were knocked out pretty hard by Adam. The spell that he casted was a light beam. When hit with those, The victim isn't always going to make it out alive. What said Penny. Why are you telling me about magic said Penny. Because your a wizard said Boulder. I didn't really see that coming said Penny. I didn't ether said Boulder. Now can you get your brother in here. I have a little surprise for you. Penny left the room and came back with Cyrus. What was it that you wanted to speak with me professor said Cyrus. You and Penny have been accepted into Stellarlune said Boulder. That's Incredible said Cyrus. When do we get to go said Penny. In about a few days said Boulder. Wait, what said Penny. What about it said Boulder. Do you expect me to give up my life for this said Penny. Penny said Cyrus. He gave me the same thing as you. I know its stressful but you can do this. I need some alone time said Penny as she got up and left the room. Cyrus can i speak a few words said Boulder. Yes professor said Cyrus. I know she and you are going through a lot right now said Boulder. I get that, so may i ask that you help Penny adjust to this? Yes professor said Cyrus. I will do the best i can. Thank you son said Boulder as Cyrus went to comport Penny. Cyrus saw Penny looking at the stars in one of the windows with her sadder then ever. Hey Penny said Cyrus. Hey bro said Penny. Enjoying the night said Cyrus. It helps to take my mind off things said Penny. Even with what's been happing said Cyrus. Now more then ever said Penny. I can't imagine why said Cyrus. Take a good long guess said Penny. I think i know the answer said Cyrus. No kidding Einstein said Penny. Its . . . Its . . . Just . . . Why does this keep happing to us all the time? First we were chased by helicopters in the forest, then i was locked up in the Simmons Center. Witch there almost done rebuilding said Cyrus. Exited for that. Are you telling this story said Penny. No said Cyrus. Anyway said Penny. Then London and me had a fight of sorts. Witch i was very much misused said Cyrus. Even though i altered it. Then London went all mad and now all of my enemies came back and destroyed our home and our lives said Penny. It ain't a normal life if i ever seen one said Cyrus. Now me and you are wizards and are gonna be sent off to a magic school said Penny. Even though i was exposed to this first said Cyrus. Its still a lot to take in. Why said Penny. Why can't we avoid these kinds of things? Why do we have to deal with them? Why . . . can't we just . . . Become . . . Normal? Cyrus looked down at the floor and sighed heavily. I think there's only one explain said Cyrus. What is that said Penny. Cyrus then went up and hugged Penny. Because were not normal said Cyrus as he let go. Our lives were never normal since you came in. Penny looked down at the floor with tears in her eyes. But that doesn't make our life any less normal said Cyrus. We were never normal and we were never gonna be. I just can't wait for the day that everything becomes normal said Penny. When we don't have to deal with these creatures and can live a perfect live. Penny said Cyrus. No matter how hard you try, There's never gonna be a time where everything's perfect. But that doesn't mean you quit trying. I . . . never though of it like that said Penny. I'm here all week said Cyrus. Thank you for being such a good brother to me said Penny. Thank you for supporting me throughout this whole thing. Anything for my sister said Cyrus. Just then, Casey came into the room. I heard that said Casey. Oh you come here to said Cyrus. Fine said Casey as she came in for Cyrus and Penny as they hugged each other. Anderson's forever said Penny. Anderson's forever said Penny, Cyrus and Casey.