The nuns would barge into someone's room and use a metal rod to punish them if they were late. However, things were different with Maria because she is the headmaster Alan's daughter.

Everyone is aware of this, which is why they hid sleeping pills in Maria's food, just before Alan's arrival for Christmas, to prevent her from waking up on time and meeting him.

Fiona intends to use all of this to manipulate children and imprison them indefinitely.

A cruel person ones said "Keep them unaware that they are in prison if you wish to imprison them"

Unaware that Maria was his daughter, Alan foolishly searched for her and abducted more kids from the hospital for his experiment.

I am so disgusted with this world that I cannot even begin to express how angry that I am the one who wrote it, and that there is no turning back.

I believe that since I am a villain and know everything that is going to happen, I must survive in this world in order to rule it.

To begin the story, all I have to do is murder the protagonist. In this way, nobody could stop me.


At the moment, I believe that,

If my Maria knew that I considered killing her first, she would be furious. My maria would be so gorgeous—I can hardly believe it.

It hurt to be punished by Fiona with metal rods, but it hurt even more to consider that I would never be able to return to my own world.

I do not know why I miss my parents, even though I know they were abusive.

My mother constantly makes me study nonstop, which makes it difficult for me to sleep, eat, or play. When I tell her I am sick and can not study, she beats me with a stick and makes me study.

"I am working for your future because if you can not study, you will not be respected, and people will make fun of you" she said.

Yes, she was mentally ill, and we had to put her in a mental health facility for four years.

My father was someone I never really got to know because he spent a lot of time outside, and my mother used to lock me in my room at night whenever he came around. Thus, I am unable to see him.

I want to talk to my father after she was admitted to the hospital. He was very depressed for my mother, but the issue is that he knew she had mental illness, but he loved her so much that he shut himself in a room.


There were just two rooms in our tiny apartment, and my mother cooked the vegetables while my father bought them.

But since my mother is in the hospital and he has decided to lock himself in the room, I will have to go without food for a day. I began going to my neighbors to get food, but they were so gracious as to let me in and feed me.

"There are good people on this earth," I continue to study.

The worst thing is that we have to pay fees at the end of the month, and since my father is the only one who has money, I knock on his door and get really scared.

"My life seem to be coming to an end, but why?"