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Final Words

After returning back to the bedroom, Feng YiLing had already dressed in an appropriate attire, acting as if nothing had happened last night.

"Someone was killed, it's not safe." Lan YuQin spoke, guiding Feng YiLing out of the room.

Feng YiLing did not seem bothered, he simply smiled, "Mrs. Yue, Yue Yi or better known as Lan Yi, a culprit of yesterday's earthquake was sadly unable to make it alive and died before reaching the hospital." His tone was like a news reporter, showing no sign of remorse.

Lan YuQin stopped, everything in his mind turned upside down, "Mother?" Lan YuQin did not cry, he stood on the spot and rubbed at his red eyes.

"You're free from both your parents. Can you smile for me?" Feng YiLing asked, his voice very calm and comforting.

"You knew about Father? This- Was it you behind it?" Lan YuQin guessed, his insides squirming with excitement.

"Yes, I thought it would make you happy." The corners of Lan YuQin's lips curled up as he deeply embraced the man before him.

Even though his skin was as cold as ice, the mutual feeling between them was a bond inseparable by death.

"I'm glad I've met you. YunYun."

Feng YiLing left his embrace,

"Sorry I must go, I will be back." He muttered into his ears and disappeared into the air, leaving behind a fruity fragrance.

Lan YuQin knew about this man's abnormality, he already expected for Feng YiLing to teleport and such.

❥ ❥ ❥

The man appeared before a couple, one made from the flames of sins and the other from the light of greatness.

"Mother, Father, this lowly one greets your highnesses." He bowed, a soft, fluffy tail nudging at his ankles.

"Do you know the crimes you have committed?" A voice sang out like a symphony performing a fast and upbeat piece.

"You are forbidden to ever step foot in the Living World." She continued and summoned a large, heavy armoured knight to hold Feng YiLing down.

"You will be sent to my sons." Mother spoke coldly.

A large cold metal hit at the back of Feng YiLing's head, everything in the world faded, all he could hear was the faint sound of a series of worried meows.

Once the body was dragged out of the large, dark hall, the woman spoke up again, "Your most trusted little one. Gone just like that."

The shadow slowly nodded and let the woman sit on his lap. "I will have to find a replacement soon." He leaned forward to kiss her on the lips.

"Honey, you look beautiful as always."