Petra’s Priorities

"Hello," a voice said on the phone as Damien parked his car into a parking lot of a night mall. "Damien, are you okay?"

This question pissed him off more than he was expecting to hear her voice. How could she ask him that useless question when he was jumped by multiple bouncers who punched and kicked him without mercy. How was he supposed to be okay?


"Don't call me that!" he yelled, turning off his car to get out of it. "You and the others left me. How could you do this to me?!"

"What was I supposed to do? Fight off four hefty men who were relentlessly attacking you?"

"At least you could have done something."

"Like what?!"

"I don't know. Call the cops?"

"That would be a bit excessive, don't you think?" she asked. "I mean, if they showed up and tried to arrest anybody it would be you and then they would come after me and that would ruin my good reputation since I haven't been in jail before.