Crew Time

"Didn't you get him the crew we chose for him?" Hudson asked while getting to his feet. "Surely you got him that capable crew."


"Yes I did," muttered Carl not knowing where the man was going with this.


"Then you should know that I cannot help him. Let his crew figure out how to help their master. They need to grow in this limelight. Let us see how they handle this case."


"Sir," Carl walked to the side of the desk to whisper to his master. "Sir I do understand things about growth but I don't think this is the right time to do it. He could be placed in prison for as long as twenty years for the rape accusations being placed on him.


"He'd be lucky to even have probation. His life could be ruined, do you really want that?"


"I don't," the man sighed. "But if his crew are as good as you said there were then they should butt their heads together and get him out of this mess. I can't do everything for him.