Freedom At Last

Anne rubbed her hands together while going on with her speech.


"Greg already has friends in high places who can keep him alive for the meantime. You on the other hand, you don't have anybody. You could be strangled tonight and your body tossed in a lake and no one would know.


"I suggest you say nothing of this to anyone. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get home and deal with my life."


As Anne walked to her car, the girl grabbed her arm.


"Please save him," the girl said. "Don't let him die in prison."


Anne got her arm out of the girl's grip, entered her car and drove off leaving the girl in the middle of the road.


The girl, knowing she had lost, looked at the prosecutor's building before putting on her hoodie and walking off into the lonely streets.


While she walked away, a black car with tinted windows slowly followed her from a distance.

