Illegally Obtained

Alex found a public safe hidden within a painting on the wall.


"I've found something!" he yelled as the hunk ran in from the kitchen with a plate of sandwich in his hands. "Shouldn't you be afraid that he also poisoned that one too?"


"He's too much of a pussy to do that. Food poisoning is not his way."


"How do you know that?"


"Because he would have ended Kieran and Greg that way instead of using a truck like a real man. He's not going to do that because he'll feel like he's too much of a pussy anyway."


Alex shrugged and showed the safe. "I think I've found his safe."


"Nice. A classic way to hide his identity and cash. I like it."


They both stared at it before Dominic proceeded to open it using brute force. Alex on the other got out his tech tools and started trying to pick the locks.


"Do you even know what you're doing?" Dominic laughed while chomping on his food.