The little Teddy

I gazed at her house before turning back inside "He must be angry." Raj asked "Huh?" "Jiya's dad Karan. He must be angry like you took her daughter..." He said while looking around the car. "I don't think so. Let him be." I said and unbuckled my seatbelt. The next thing I did was to leap towards Jiya's room. 

I saw Karan sitting in the garden in the same spot with a cup in his hand "Hey! Pawan, you are back. Wanna-" "Please don't say a word" I tried to be as polite as I could. Isn't this guy ashamed after casually beating his daughter... 

He kept silent and didn't murmure a word afterwards or I didn't hear any.

I then climbed upstairs to Jiya's room. I gotta be quick 

And almost immediately I spotted her phone. I picked it up and saw some missed calls, I ignored them and was about to get my shit outside. A sudden thought came to my mind to take some of her clothes. and I did...

I stuffed some in a handbag kept somewhere in there. Then my sight went to a key, probably for her room, So I picked it up too and locked the door.

The next thing I saw was that moron sitting in the garden like nothing happened.

Raj had turned the car back and he was ready to sprint. As I stepped into the car, he looked at me with an intense gaze. His eyes were full of worry "Did he say something?" He asked and I shook my head. A sigh of relief left his mouth and he accelerated the car and headed towards the hospital.

On the way back Jiya's phone rang and the caller I'd was Ranvir "Who is it?" Raj asked out of curiosity. "Wait a minute," I told him and picked up the call "H-hello Jiya? Are you Okay? like-" He was very eager on the other side of the phone "Hello, This is Pawan And Jiya is at the hospital." I said with a bland voice. "Where is sh-" "The hospital" "Where are you?" "Coming back from Jiya's place" "Pick me up too." He said coldly and hung up the call. 

Such a rude man...

"Raj we have to stop for some time at the next exit." I told him and he hummed...

That lady was roaming around with a stick in her hand She is scary.

"We have to hurry Motherf-" Raj screamed while we were waiting for him "Wait a minute I'll have to call him?" "BUT WHY??!" Pawan decided to keep quiet on his statement and proceeded to call him "WHERE-ARE-YOU?" Pawan was clenched his teeth "I have been standing at the main road for the past 5 minutes" He replied calmly. I signalled Raj to drive and he was Damn furious. 

As soon as we reached the exit to the main road saw Ranvir standing at a distance. I lowered my window and waved at him and he came running towards us and hopped inside "Better if you had stayed in front of your place" Raj said in a normal voice and proceeded towards the main road "Better watch your tone you, driv-" He did not complete before Pawan glared at him making him shut his mouth

The whole ride went silent and soon, both Pawan and Ranvir were standing in front of the main gate. Pawan began to walk in front of him and Ranvir followed his back. As they were on the life, Dr. Anubhav also joined them. Pawan introduced Ranvir to him, although he didn't give Pawan one. 

"Pawan, Jiya is suffering from some serious problem," Anubhav said as soon as they got off the lift. Pawan had an expression of worriedness all over his face. While Ranvir... I probably didn't hear it. Bhavna was still there in that room with Jiya. As all three of them entered the room. A gasp was taken by Jiya. "Ranvir?" She almost said in an inaudible voice and Ranvir nodded with a smile and went towards her "What happened-" "SO I have the results, Mister Ranvir, please don't interfere now." Anubhave interrupted and right then the door was opened by Raj "Sorry" all five pairs of eyes went to him.

"Pawan." Anubhave guestered him to come closer "Jiya is very sensitive. I know that can one of you take her outside? Or we go outside" Pawan pointed one finger and gave him a single nod. Others on the other hand were a little confused. Pawan leapt towards Ranvir and whispered in his ears d"Ranvir can you take Jiya out for a moment? I'll tell you later what happened to her" Ranvir nodded at went towards Jiya "Jiya I am feeling suffocated wanna go outside?"

Jiya who was confused shook her head in a no, But she was in the wheelchair so Ranvir just dragged her outside which she wanted to refuse but words couldn't come out of her throat. As soon as Ranvir ook her outside Anubhav bagan to speak 

"So this is the X-ray and It is showing that Jiya has not one but three broken ribs on her left-hand side." He completed, all other eyes went wide but his. "And... two of them are poking her left lung as an impact of huge force inwards and the other one is a little displaced from its place... If it is not healed, in future it could lead to a puncture in her heart" "What?" Raj said and walked towards him "Yes, she has broken ribs and some internal bleeding" He said and made himself clear "A-are you s-sure Anu-Anubhav?" Pawan asked in a trembling voice Anubahve sighed and nodded. "I-I do-don't wanna say i-it but... I-i-it could take h-her Li-life" he lowered his gaze by saying this.

Pawan snatched the report from his hands and opened it furiously.


"Jiya you know when you were unconscious... I thought that guy, uh... Pawan? yeah, Pawan was kidnapping you" They entered the lift and he giggled...

They were alone in the lift and Jiya was playing with her fingers. 

"Jiya you wanna drink some water? cuz' I want to gulp some" he said and moved in her vision from the side, close to her face. Jiya's eyes went wide as she looked deep into his eyes. "Tell me?" he asked and made a small pout on his lips. Jiya gave him a weak smile and nodded and him... his face lit up bright after her response. Soon enough Ranir took her to the canteen. 

"Jiya will you like anything?" Ranvir asked and pulled out his golden-Brown wallet. Jiya shook her head no and Ranvir gave her an understanding smile and gestured to the person there to pick one more thing other than water...

A little teddy...

Jiya didn't notice his purchase as she was zoned out while looking at the floor. Ranvir opened the seal of the water bottle and drank some. The person on the counter handed over the light beige teddy to Ranvir. And he quietly slid it into her lap. Jiya followed up the had to see his face with a toothy grin. Jiya looked at him and mouthed "Why?" "I just wanted to do that," He said and started moving her wheelchair. "Let's get back" 

*In The Room*

Pawan flipped through different pages and stopped on an X-ray "You can see that" Anubhave pointed it out. 

The door was opened and there was a male nurse "Doctor can you move to another room? We need some x-rays don-" "Yeah we're just done" "Thank you Doc." He said and closed the door again "Let's move to my office" he said and walked toward the door and exited. Everyone else collectively sighed and followed him...