She what?

It had been a whole week since Jiya had been under Pawan's care. It seemed like she had almost forgotten what had happened to her. Her pains improved, and Ranvir would visit her every day. He and Pawan seemed to get along, and he had made good friends with Kavita and Bhavan. 

Pawan entered her room to feed her dinner "Dinner is ready, pumpkin." He said with a grin "Tell me it is not that-" Trying to describe the texture of porridge "Oh it is a little bit interesting today..." He said with a mischievous grin "OH, really what is it?" Her eyes lit up, She had been eating the same thing for over a week. "It's the same thing with carrots," he spat his expression dropping dead. She pouted and sat back down "Jiya, Don't whine." He said more like a command and sat down on the edge of the bed, extending a spoon full towards her.

Seeing her not move he pulled back the spoon "You know what?" He asked a slight pout on his lips, despite his muscular appearance. She turned her head towards him "I made this myself" Low sulking tone "and you are not eating it. Rude." He turned around and stood up from the bed. "Oh-Oh... You made it, Pawan?" She asked softly and he nodded. "Aww... Come on feed me then," she offered. He shook his head and started moving out of the room. "Pawan, stop. I'll eat it okay? I'll finish it, come on..." He turned around on her words. "Okay then," He settled back down on the bed with a small smile folding on his lips.

"Jiya, open wide" He offered her a spoonful, and She gobbled it down. "How is it?" He asked, her eyes shining with hope. "Better than I expected." Slow chewing. 

They started chatting about random things, and as the bowl was about to end "Jiya, I simple question okay?" he said feeding her another. She nodded "What do you think about Ranvir?" He spat without any hesitation "Huh?" And she was confused "Like... Why-" He stopped choosing his next words carefully. "First, he is my friend and second he cares about me." She gulped down. He offered another bite "So you like him?" He said in an unsure tone. "What?" Utterly confused. "Never mind, I didn't say anything," He blabbered in panic. 

The rest of the time went silent. As Jiya ate the last bite, Pawan hurriedly stood up. "Pawan?" Low voice. He turned around, his face flushed. "Why did you ask that question?" He went silent. "Tell me... please?" she called out in a soft voice.

"I know girls are shy about expressing their feelings, so I thought maybe I could help..." He blabbered. She chuckled softly "And why would you think that?" "I... I don't know, If you have feelings for him, tell me... I... I'll convey your message..." His heart pounded in his chest.

"Yes- I mean yes he is tall, handsome, cute... kinda hot too... Overall attractive..." she said in a low voice "So you do?" Pawan looked at her in disbelief "I am not sure... okay? Don't tell him yet..." She added immediately. Pawan slowly nodded and went out of the room.

Later the next day 

Ranvir dropped in at his usual time, around 6 o'clock... Jiya and Ranvir were chatting as usual. He was telling him about his day and she was listening fondly, her eyes glimmering with affection.

There was a soft knock on the door, "Come in," Ranvir said, rising beside her and walking to open the door. As soon as the door opened, Pawan hopped in "I... I hope I am not interrupting something?" He asked, looking back and forth at them. "No, why would you say such a thing?" Jiya complained "Plus, you two are good friends now. It would be best if you didn't mind each other's company!" She added with a bit of annoyance.

Pawan and Ranvir sighed in unison and glared at each other before giving a defeating nod, "Look you both are in sync!" Jiya stated. Both looked up at each other and Ranvir let a chuckle "We indeed are," in his gruff voice.

Pawan nodded walking to the opposite side of bed "To be honest, I don't like these type of guys. The one you like." He whispered leaning in closer to her ear. "Shut up!" she slapped his shoulder. His whisper was loud enough to be heard over the room.

"Woah, don't hit my guy!" Ranvir said dramatically pulling Pawan aside, off the bed "This woman is scary, isn't she?" He said to Pawan pulling him into a hug, while he fakes cried on his shoulder. He nodded in response, "Cut it out, you two!" She was annoyed, As god knows what. Ranvir grabbed a pillow from the sofa and threw it on her "Augh, scary!" They both moved out of the room, a close click of the door behind them. 

Jiya angrily picked out her phone and started typing; 'THIS IS NOT OVER! I AM NOT SCARY!' and sent it to Ranvir's contact. 


"What'd you say?" Ranvir asked Pawan silently, his voice barely a whisper "Huh?" a confused voice "You said she liked me! Does she?" eager whisper "She, what?" Pawan said louder. 

"You said she likes me! Is it true?" He pulled him out into the main hall. Pawan stared at him in disbelief. "Oh come on... Tell me, yes or no?" Ranvir held Pawan by his shoulders, looking dead into his eyes.

Pawan gave him a small nod. Ranvir's eyes widened in bafflement, "She likes you." he added and gave him another nod. The words were as if they never wanted to leave his mouth. Ranvir stared at him for quite some time, his mouth agape. 

"You can't be for real, " whispers Ranvir. "She told me yesterday; I don't know anything." Pawan throws up his arms in mocking surrender. "No way, no way... no way..." Ranvir rubbed his temples "Don't tell her that I told you. You better not." Pawan said and walked away. 

As soon as Pawan left, Ranvir bardged back into Jiya's room...

To be continued