Spanish dude

Yea, she had made up her mind until she saw the girl in question.

Blue Daves

The girl was absentmindedly going through her stuff wearing an anime designed white shirt with home shorts, short hair packed in a messy bun, reading glasses on, ear phones intact, looking as dazzling as always.

Imagine it in your head, she's a goddess … OH LUELLA WILLIAMS

"What?" The girl's grumpy voice brought her back to her senses

This was Blue Daves, the rude witch, avoid her Ella

Ella nodded at her thoughts, she was going to avoid her at all costs. You can do this El…

Blue watched as the girl paid zero attention to her, she walked to her wardrobe, picked up clothes and walked into the bathroom . Didn't she see her? She was sure she had seen her, she had literally caught her staring, drooling to be precise
