You're Dead. Scot, the guy i met In this strange world dropped the words that nearly pulled out my heart.

Like I'm dead or what? I asked the question to be sure if he was just joking or not.

Yes, you're Dead, that's why you're here with us, but I don't understand why those army of dead were chasing you. It's been a long i saw them do that.

But how come I'm still alive with you here, i don't understand, i need to be dead like seriously deád. I said very scared and sad.

I touched my body to be sure i was very okay.

Tell me what happened to you earlier, that's the only way i can single out a solution to your problem. He asked staring at me.

I stared at him with surprise, i quickly recalled what happened to me the last time i was alive.

The question sounds helpful to me.

I was stábbed to death by a guy i met online, he drúgged my drink that was how i woke up and saw my body on an ancient rock.

Later a group of men show up and do the needful, Caleb drew a symbol on my forehead and stáb me to deád.

This the place he stábbed me on. I said and pointed to the injured area. That was the only thing that happened to me before I woke

He stared directly at the injured part and beckoned without saying anything.

Can you tell me something, like anything i need to know, i asked desperately to understand what was going on with me.

Caleb, that name sounds familiar to me, yes i can remember him very well.

Sorry, Caleb used you and i can now understand why those armies of deád. He said and patted me on the shoulder.

Why were they after me? I asked sadly.

Your body is undergoing some process that's why Master H needed you as fast as possible.

What type of process, scot? I stared directly into his eyes he felt pity for me.

You're half dead and half alive. So you need to keep away from them as fast as you can.

"You're half dead and half alive, so you need to keep away from Master H and all the members of ármy of dead."

Scot said and looked away from me.

"Half dead and half alive how? i don't understand please explain everything to me in detail." I pleaded getting closer to him.

"The ancient rock your body was led on is what I'm talking about, the rock is not an ordinary one, unlucky for you, if your blood fills in all the gaps on the rock and finally gets to the mouth of the skeléton, then you will be gone forever." His voice filled with pain.

"Is there any hope for me to survive again?" I asked impatiently since he said i was half dead and half alive.

"Nobody ever returns to the surface, I'm just telling you this to understand what's going on with you. Not for the sake of you to return to the surface"

"So how did you get here?" I asked

Yes, i need to know why he's so familiar with both worlds. How does he get to know about Caleb and the rock so well?

There was strong silence in the room, he didn't said anything to me, he turned around and faced me, his face was filled with téars.

I know something might have hurt him badly.

"If the question i ask hurt you, then I'm very sorry Scot." I apologize.

"No need for that Favor," he beckoned.

"This is how everything started, me and my wife were struggling to survive on the surface for some years, not that we didn't have money and everything to survive but everything fell apart and left us to pass through life the hard way."

"Some months later, she dropped the greatest news to me that i will soon become a father, it was the Best news to me but it was the worst news because of my condition."

"Months and months passed and nothing changed rather it was getting worse everyday."

"My wife informed me about her condition, i took her to the hospital and dropped the pinot I had to come back and settle the rest. The hospital was different they accepted my Pinot and asked me to come back and settle everything for the benefit of my wife."

"I left, and later that day i saw one of my media users drop a message, i checked it was my media friend."

"He asked if i needed anything, i wanted to text back no but i texted him back with yes, that i needed money. He said no problem that i should just visit him and get the money. I never expected any bad thing to happen."

"On my where to his house, i received a call from my wife that I'm a father, i was very happy, i wanted to surprise her after getting the money."

"When i visited my media friend's house, he gave me a drink and asked me to feel at home. That was how he used me and i was unable to return to my wife again."

"I know she might thought i ran away from her to take care of the child alone."

"Such a sad one, hope she gets to know this story."

Hide The armies of dead are back again for you? He said and hurry up to the door.