part 68

Third Person POV


It was few days after the incident with Gisela, the whole family was trying to put it past them and start anew, and though forgetting the whole thing had proven to be quite tedious and almost impossible especially since the horrendous behaviour came from their little angle, they seem to have succeeded in partially burying it in the past especially now that Gisela's healed.

The only reminder of the incident would be the enormously huge scar on Gisela's arm, but they're working their way around it, to make sure it doesn't affect neither the little girl nor them. They don't want her to be self-conscious about it which is why they try to act like normal with her, like nothing have changed, including the way they look at her.

Emma woke up late at night and found the water jug empty, she seemingly have forgotten to refill it because of how busy she was these days.

She went to pry Adam's hands from around her waist, and after much struggle she finally succeeded. The man had an iron grip even in his sleeping state, and even though he was a deep sleeper he always wakes up whenever she attempts to get out of bed. That's why she was gentle when she moved his hands from around her, she didn't want to wake him up.

He rarely sleep nowadays, since that day, he buried himself in work and company that he barely have time to sleep. He, however, make sure he's there when he should, like meals times and family time and stuff so that Gisela doesn't notice but he was never the same after that day.

Emma caught him multiple times in Gisela's room, late at night when everyone's gone to sleep. He would caress their daughter's locks and cheeks for a while and murmur stuff so lowly she couldn't hear.

She tries her best to bring him out of this state, but she seems to have a lot of work to do to reach her goal.

"Where are you going, baby?" Emma murmured in a husky voice, eyes still closed as he rewrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. He was obviously still asleep.

"Adam, let go. I'm thirsty." Emma struggled in his embrace.

"Drink, I'm not stopping you." He said in the same tone as he tightened his arms around her some more and buried his head in her neck.

"There's no water here, I have to go fetch some." She said.

He didn't answer.

"Adam!" She said, tapping his shoulder softly.

"Baby, come one let me go. I won't be gone for long." She bargained.

"Say it again." Adam opened one of his eyes and looked at her.

"Let me go?" She feigned ignorance, she knew what he meant, but it was fun to rile him up.

"Emma!" He warned.

"Adam." She imitated, with a hint of seductiveness in her voice.

"It's not time, I'm tired and I have a meeting few hours away." He said, now both of his eyes wide open and sleep seemed to have abandoned him.

"Who's stopping you from sleeping, honey?" She used the same tone, she knew how it affected her husband.

Adam was on top of her in an instant. "It's not fun to tease me this late, honey." Emma laughed loudly at his sudden reaction, he snapped his finger and the room was lit dimly right after.

"Oh, but it definitely is fun." She said as she encircled her arms around his board muscly shoulders. "You know you like-"

Adam bent down and kissed her passionately, cutting her off.

"Adam, I really have to drink. My throat is dry." She told him panting from the kiss they just shared.

"Okay, but hurry up, I'll be waiting for you." He told her as he moved to his side of the bed.

"No longer sleepy?" Emma asked amused.

"You bet I am not, go before I change my mind." He told her, smacking the lower part of her back with his foot, playfully as she stood up from their bed.

"Okay, okay, I'm going but I'll be right back." She chuckled, she found it oddly amusing the way he was sitting up with his back to the bed, arms crossed on the duvet, expectantly waiting.


Emma was smiling to herself as she was going downstairs, until she heard a hushed voice coming from the room on the right at the bottom of the stairs. She looked up at the humongous electronic watch on the wall of the family room opposite from her.

It read 02:00 AM.

She wondered who would be awake this time, much less speaking on the phone.

She neared the slightly ajar door of the room, and was about to open it to see who was their but what she heard stopped her dead in her tracks.

"I'm telling you the little girl is alive! She's right here in the Knights' residence." The person in the shadows confirmed to whomever they were speaking to. "Don't trust Müller, he's never going to turn his back on his young miss, not completely at least." They added.

The person was silent for a while before they spoke again. "I don't know, they don't leave her side anymore since she was burnt. I thought the little brat would burn herself that's why I gave her hints on how to punish her daddy and big brother and left her alone in the kitchen with the stove on, but she only burnt her fucking arm. I was hopping she would be cremated, I would've gotten my revenge then." The person whom Emma now knew was a woman said as they moved towards the large window where the moonlight was shinning through. "I'll try to come up with something so that she's left alone in the house, then you can come up and take her. You can do whatever you want with her then, preferably burn her down for real after pouring acid on her troublesome body." The woman spat, full of hatred and loathe for the little girl.

Emma staggered back a bit, letting go of the handle of the door causing it to let out some noise, alerting the woman who was conspiring against her daughter.

"I'll call you when everything is read." The woman said and rushed to the door after hanging up, she looked everywhere but found nobody in sight. She came back inside thinking it was only the wind who moved the door.


Emma came back up to her and Adam's room, looking pretty shaken from what she heard moments ago.

"Took you long enough!" Adam exclaimed, looking at her. "Where's the water you said you wanted?" He asked.

Emma barely reached their bed before her knees decided to give up on her at the foot of the bed.

Whatever sleep left in Adam's system was flushed out when he saw her collapsing next to the bed, he was out of the bed and crouching next to her in a flash. "Honey, what happened?" He asked, concerned.

"No, no, no, no, no, no." She kept on repeating with tears in her eyes, she looked so defeated and it got Adam more alerted than he already was.

"Baby, what's going on?" He asked urgently.

"Ben- m- my phone! Where's my phone?" She blabbed incoherently instead of answering him.

"Emma!" Adam shook her with her shoulders in attempt to shake her out of the state she was in when she went to stand up to search for her mobile.

"Adam-" Emma finally looked at him, like she finally realised his presence.

Her lost state and the frightened look in her eyes scared Adam like no before. Just what could've possibly happened in the span of time she was downstairs and this late at night to cause her to come back this shaken. He thought.

"What is it, honey?" He repeated his question.

"Ela, my Ela-" she hiccuped.

"What's wrong with Ela?" Her incomplete statement scared him, as far as he knew their daughter was asleep in her bed. "Honey, what's wrong with Ela?" He repeated when he didn't get an answer.

"She's in danger. We have a mole in our house, th- they know she's alive." She said.

Adam couldn't move an inch from his place.

A mole, a fucking mole among his troops! A mole that's plotting against him and his family!

How fucking dare they!

"Your phone, Adam. G- give me your phone." She said.

Adam stretched to the bedside table and gave her the phone.

Emma dialled a number with shaky hands. "B- Ben, please help me." She hiccuped through the phone when the phone connected.

"Emma? What's wrong?" Ben asked, worried.

"Ela, Gisela's in danger, please help me. You're the only one who can help me right now." She pleaded.


"PLEASE-" she shouted, but then she breathed in to control herself before she continued. "Please, she's your niece! You said you wanted to fix things between us the last time you came to my apartment years ago. Now is your chance. Help me saving my daughter, your niece." Emma pleaded once again.

"Please, big brother." She repeated.


Hello, lovelies!

I tired to squeeze some romance but I suck at writing such scenes, guess my imagination doesn't reach there, 😅. I'll try, however, to put a couple more scenes of those as the story progress.

I was sure you wouldn't remember Ben because I mentioned him in the first five chapters of the story which I'm sure you forgot by now, so I tried to reintroduce him once again.

So who do you think this mole is? Did Emma recognise her? And why did she call her brother of all people?

Hope you enjoy the chap.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Until next time.