Chapter 901: Welcome back, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. (Part 1)

The world was enveloped in an eerie silence so still that it seemed suffocating.

Even though more than a hundred people had gathered, not a sound could be heard, not even the slightest whisper. Their gazes were fixed on one place, even forgetting to breathe.

It was because the sight unfolding was so strange that it could be described as otherworldly.

A throwing knife, slightly longer than a foot, was suspended in mid-air. The flying knife, as if held in place by an invisible thread, seemed to disregard all the rules that governed the world.

Finally, the throwing knife began to move, slowly and steadily, almost as if it were crawling.

Those who witnessed this bizarre spectacle had no laughter on their faces. Instead, their faces turned pale, and their lips trembled. Their expressions mirrored the bizarre movement of the throwing knife.


Baek Cheon unconsciously clenched his fist. The throwing knife was slicing through the air, moving so slowly that it raised doubts about whether it was actually moving. But Baek Cheon could feel it. The aura emanating from that throwing knife was so powerful that Baek Cheon's internal energy surrounded his body to protect himself against his will.

He could understand. He could sense how dangerous that throwing knife was, and how much was at stake.

Cold sweat trickled down Baekcheon's forehead.

"Where is Chung Myung?"

His gaze quickly left the throwing knife and turned toward the direction the end was aiming at.

Chung Myung's steps had come to a halt. After setting off with the intention of advancing while cutting through everything in the world, his feet were now firmly planted on the ground.

More than the throwing knife dominating the surroundings by floating in the air, more than the pale face of Tang Gunak, who had grown pale from releasing that throwing knife, Chung Myung's face, intently focused on the throwing knife flying towards him, filled Baek Cheon with a greater sense of impending danger.

"Oh... Master."

At that moment, a very faint voice was heard. When he turned around, Tang Soso was visible, holding her hands tightly, her eyes tightly closed.

Of course, it was complicated for her. She couldn't be happy with either one's victory.

But Baek Cheon wanted to witness the result of this match with his own eyes, and so did the others present here.

Tang Gunak, the supreme leader of the Tang Family, renowned throughout the world. How much significance was hidden in his name?

For Baek Cheon and the later generations, his name was on the order of the powerful and symbolized the power of the current martial world.

Can Chung Myung really surpass that heavy and terrifying name?

'Surpass it!'

Baekcheon tightly bit his lip.

'Chung Myung!'

With a heart filled with anxiety, he cast his gaze toward Chung Myung. Chung Myung was still staring at the throwing knife coming towards him.


As if refusing to allow a counterattack, the throwing knife slowly moved toward Chung Myung.

Chung Myung's muscles throughout his body tensed.


It felt like a deadly venomous snake, ready to strike and snatch his life with the slightest touch, was lurking inside a cave, watching him from the outside. The tension was such that even the slightest movement, as small as a hair, would cause venomous fangs to strike like lightning and pierce his throat.

The Dagger of Darkness?


This was something even he didn't know about. At least among the twelve throwing knives that Tang Bo used, there was no such technique.

Could it be that Tang Bo himself was unaware of it?

No, that couldn't be. Tang Bo had mastered everything about the Twelve Throwing Knives perfectly, earning him the title of "Dark Reverend." There couldn't have been any technique within the Twelve Throwing Knives that Tang Bo didn't learn or didn't show to Chung Myung.

In that case...


Chung Myung's hand tightly gripped the hilt of his sword.

'I can only find out by trying.'

As Chung Myung moved, the previously slow-moving throwing knife started to pick up speed.


At the same time, the throwing knife began to howl, drowning the area.

The throwing knife, which had been moving like a snail, was now soaring like a falcon. Gradually, and then distinctly, it picked up speed, to the point where it was now clearly visible.

And then...


As a sharp blade emanated from the throwing knife, it began to rotate slowly. Gradually, it spun faster and more fiercely, to the point where it could no longer be followed by the naked eye.


The force emanating from the throwing knife swept in all directions. The resulting air pressure seemed to push the earth and gravel first one way, then pull them back in the opposite direction.

The earth and gravel rose and were sucked into a giant whirlwind with a rumbling sound.


A massive dragon-like tornado raged around the throwing knife. This whirlwind, dyed in a golden hue, resembled not so much a mere wind as a gigantic golden dragon preparing for flight.


"Step back!"

The onlookers who had been observing the duel from a distance lowered their postures. The immense gravitational force seemed as though it could draw them in.

However, that wasn't the end of it.

The ferociously spinning dragon-like whirlwind, which was absorbing everything, had not yet increased its speed. It continued to whirl around as if menacingly threatening Chung Myung from its position.

A vivid blue light emanated from Chung Myung's eyes. Despite witnessing the tremendous vortex of power, his lips were arid and parched, even revealing a sardonic smile.

As if the situation were too fun.


And at that moment, a drastic transformation occurred.

The throwing knife, which had been moving as if it would take a day to reach Chung Myung, suddenly exploded at an astounding speed, as if it were fired like a cannon.

At that moment, Chung Myung saw it.

As the surrounding time slowed down, the throwing knife spun ferociously, as if it had taken a different path of time. Behind it, the vortex it created engulfed everything in the vicinity.

Even Chung Myung's body was being drawn towards the throwing knife hurtling toward him.

At that moment, Chung Myung opened his eyes wide.

It was an attack that even someone like Chung Myung, who had faced countless battlefields and overcome numerous martial arts with his own body, couldn't have imagined. But the main reason for his surprise was something else.

The countless weapons that he had struck down, rendered powerless and shattered. Now, they were all floating in the air, responding to that whirlwind and flying towards the throwing knife.


It was a sight similar to the ground erupting to engulf Chung Myung. If a myriad of blossoms were to fly down from the sky to cover the world, this event was as if it were swallowing everything from the ground.

An attack that made even the mighty Chung Myung uneasy. 

In front, the throwing knife, entwined with the Soul-Cutting Sand and the Ghost King's Order, soared through the air as if it were tearing through flesh. Behind, the deadly weapons, drenched in extreme venom, poured down like a torrent.

There was no escape, not even above their heads.

In that life-or-death moment, what entered Chung Myung's eyes was not the throwing knife flying toward him, nor the pale-faced Tang Gunak standing behind it.

It was the sight of Baek Cheon and the crowd, their mouths wide open and shouting.


Chung Myung, seeing their desperate and almost despairing expressions, couldn't help but contort his face slightly.

'What a bunch of idiots.'

Why the surprised looks? Were they afraid he would get hit? Or did they think the Mount Hua Sword wouldn't be able to deflect it?

Chung Myung's sword drew a graceful line.

'Watch closely.'

Who wouldn't have imagined it?

Who wouldn't have wanted it?

Since the moment their ancestor, who established the foundation of Mount Hua, lifted such a sword, everyone has wished to see the end of it.

That's why the ancestors passed down their will to the successors.

That's why the successors learned and protected the teachings of their ancestors.

"Learning (學) is an agreement among those who may have different names but share the same meaning. The Way (法) is the determination of those who may live in different eras but share the same heart."

That's why it's swordsmanship, and that's why it's the way of the sword.

'Here it is.'

Everything that those who have carried the name of Mount Hua have ever wished for is contained within the Mount Hua Sword, from the ancestors to now.

And now, the will of those who stood here and Chung Myung will be together with this sword.


A red plum blossom bloomed at the tip of Chung Myung's sword.

Blooming (開花). It is the noble act of conception and birth.

What comes after that?

'Spread out.'

If they firmly establish their will and believe in it, it will spread throughout the world. Plum blossoms will bloom in the vast expanse of the entire region.

' the Nine Provinces...'

The blossomed plum blossoms gently swayed. In the blowing wind, the rustling sound of gently spreading grass, and the drifting clouds, they scattered.

Each plum blossom was unique and unlike any other.

Some had few leaves, some didn't fully bloom, and others were modest. Even among the blossoms, there were some with pale colors that didn't match.

However, as more plum blossoms bloomed, all the different flowers were contained in a single stream, forming rolling waves and harmonizing with each other.

The plum blossoms didn't resist the blowing wind; instead, they floated slowly in the air, sometimes cheerfully and sometimes gently. They rode the incoming wind, swirled, rose up, settled down, and then drifted further away.

The plum blossom leaves that spread and swirled around Chung Myung's body blocked the weapons flying behind him.

Clang! At that moment, the weapons that had been flying fiercely pierced the flower petals without hesitation.

But before a single petal could curl up, a new petal blocked its path, and as one petal gently fell, another new one fluttered in, encasing the cold metal.


The clear sound echoed like music.

Even the sand with venom, the iron needles shooting out as they reflected sunlight, all fell powerless against the petal's embrace.

Wasn't it said that "Heaven's net is vast, and though the mesh is not fine, nothing ever slips through"?

The flower petals riding the wind seemed to be merely drifting, but they didn't miss anything that flew toward Chung Myung.

And at that moment, everyone witnessed it. The daggers and toxic sand, which seemed like they would completely overwhelm Chung Myung and make him stagger, collided with the plum blossoms and bounced off.


The plum blossoms gently pushed away and released everything clinging to them, scattering and spreading across the world.

Beyond the vast training grounds, they spread further away.

The red plum blossom petals fanned out like a huge plum tree unfurling its leaves and blooming.

Clang! Clang, clang, clang!

The flying knife, which carried all of Tang Gunak's power, pierced through the oncoming plum blossoms, advancing forward. It trembled as if it could fall at any moment, but it never stopped.

It swirled violently, tearing the petals and pushing them away. As if pushing with all its might, it stretched forward again and again.


Another flower petal was split.


Another sword energy was shattered.

However, the desperate dagger in the air seemed to have exhausted its strength, shivering and slowing down before coming to a halt. Even the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect couldn't help but express their pity at this sight.

But right at that moment.


With a thunderous roar that shattered the silence that had enveloped Mount Hua, Tang Gunak flew like a flash toward the stopped dagger.

Mount Hua Sect's disciples widened their eyes at the completely unexpected turn of events.

Tang Gunak, who seized the dagger in an instant, broke the plum blossom sword energy and charged forward. And as if it was only natural, Chung Myung also rushed toward him.



The voices of the Mount Hua Sect's disciples erupted in screams that conveyed their belief that the fight would only end when one of them died.


The throwing knife and the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword clashed head-on in mid-air.


Fierce winds exploded in all directions as the combined waves of energy surged.


The Throwing Knife, aiming directly at Chung Myung's throat, shivered violently. Tang Gunak's sleeves swelled as if they were about to release an onslaught of weapons.


The dark sword that approached Tang Gunak's face as if it were going to split it open released crimson sword energy. It was as if it would cut through Tang Gunak at any moment.

A world that stood still with their blades touching.

No one dared to step forward, and no one could utter a word at that moment.

There was only one thing in motion.

A delicate petal that had been swept up in the clash between the two slowly descended along the gentle currents of the air.

All eyes were fixed on that spectacle.

The petal that had been slowly descending, then hovering back and forth, approached the throwing knife and the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword, as if quietly acknowledging their silent end. It gently settled on top of the throwing knife.



Both of their gazes turned to the real plum blossom petal resting on the blade, not the plum blossom sword energy.

At the sight of this petal, which was out of place with the intense clash, both of their faces froze in disbelief.

Naturally, the blades were lowered.

As they alternated between looking at the petal and each other's faces, faint smiles of amazement appeared on their lips.

Chung Myung's hand lightly caught the throwing knife's blade, resting it on his left shoulder. Tang Gunak also lightly gripped the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword with his left hand.

In this manner, they silently exchanged each other's weapons that had fallen into their hands.

"Surely the blade of this sword wouldn't have broken off."

"That's the kind of thing I would say. The Lord of the Tang Clan's weapon in this state..."

The numerous scars etched on the sword's surface seemed to speak of each other's past.


Tang Gunak, who caught the throwing knife thrown by Chung Myung, held out the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword toward Chung Myung. After a moment of silence, the two of them burst into laughter.

With a nonchalant shrug, Cheongmyeong smiled and asked, "Shall we continue?"

"Hmm," Tang Gunak hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "There's no point in continuing."

A warm smile formed on his lips.

"Welcome Back, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."


Finally, a resounding cheer erupted from all around. What they had faced was not just a trivial battle.

Mount Hua and Tang Family. It was a moment where these two grand names confronted each other, crossing over three years of time.