Chapter 907: Taste Some Venom (Part 2)

Perception has an interesting aspect.

People surprisingly can't sense peace as peace and can't sense chaos as chaos.

In situations of prolonged peace, they don't consider that calmness as something special, and in situations of continuous turmoil, they don't find that urgency as peculiar.

It's been three years since the Yangtze River Disaster took place.

At first, those who groaned at the great turmoil starting from the Yangtze River gradually began to accept such situations as part of their daily lives.

Even in chaos, stability exists.

Amidst the conflict between the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Ten Great Sects and the existence of various evil sects, people were still trying to establish some stability in their lives.

That is, until a sudden rumor spread throughout the Yangtze River basin like wildfire.

"They say the Tang Family is retreating from the Northern Region."

Upon hearing this, a man widened his eyes and immediately stood up.

"W-What nonsense is that? The Tang Family is retreating?"

"That's what they're saying. They're going back to Sichuan."

"Then what should we do?"

The faces of the gathered people turned pale.

Those who farmed in the northern region of the Yangtze River for the past few years couldn't be unaware of how much the Sichuan Tang Family had done. If the Tang Family hadn't guarded this place, then some of the people present here would surely not be part of this world today.

However, hearing that the Tang Family, who had done so much, was suddenly retreating from the Yangtze River was disheartening.

"Why, all of a sudden?"

"It seems like the Evil Sect is appearing in Sichuan."

"What? In Sichuan?"

"Yes, that's what they say. A while ago, didn't Evil Sects ran rampant in Sichuan, burning down villages and plundering treasures?"

"Now, even in Sichuan..."

"And not long ago, the Evil Sect bastards attacked Shaanxi. Now, nowhere is safe."


The faces of those talking were filled with unspeakable sorrow. As the name suggests, the Sichuan Tang Family is the protector of Sichuan. If the Evil Sects are wreaking havoc there, it's only natural that the Tang Family returns to defend Sichuan.

"...I'm worried about what will happen if the Tang Family leaves..."

"That's true."

"Does the Tang Family really have no power left? Even if Sichuan is an issue, is there a need to withdraw to that extent?"

"What is this person talking about?"

One of those listening suddenly got furious.

"The Sichuan Tang Family! The Sichuan Tang Family! Have they not protected us for the past few years without receiving any reward?!"

"Well, yes, but..."

"Then, when they leave, instead of thanking them, are we going to shed tears? It's not like they have anything to do with our homes. Who are the ones making such unreasonable demands?"

"I was just expressing my regret, that's all. Why are you getting so angry..."

The person who had spoken slouched their shoulders in frustration.

"I'm just speaking the truth! Isn't there someone else where those damned Evil Sect people should be held accountable?"

Upon hearing this, the name of one particular sect crossed the minds of everyone. Until the Yangtze River incident, they were the pride of the region.

"That Tang Family had issues in their territory and quickly returned. Here in North Lake, people are suffering like this. What on earth are those cursed Wudang sect members doing while the people of Hubei are suffering so much?"

"Who doesn't know that? The Wudang family don't even light incense, and sit comfortably in Bongmun."

"Then we should go and complain to the Wudang family! Honestly, what has the Wudang Sect done well enough to sit comfortably in Bongmun? Moreover, I heard that Mount Hua unsealed Bongnum when the Evil Sect swarmed Shaanxi!"

"Is that so?"


Hearing the name "Mount Hua," the expressions of those present became complex.

In fact, for the people of North Lake, the name "Mount Hua" brought about a multitude of complex thoughts.

A forgotten Taoist sect that couldn't be compared to the Wudang clan, which was the representative clan of Hubei. However, after the Yangtze River Disaster, it became the sole heroic sect that had fought against the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

And now, three years later, the position of Mount Hua was somewhere in between.

"Mount Hua unsealed Bongmun..."

"That's what they're saying, isn't it? Honestly, if you speak frankly, how is Mount Hua's Bongmun the same as the Wudang Clan's Bongmun?"

"True, they're different."

Mount Hua Sect had entered Bongmun on their own will to strengthen themselves, but the Wudang Sect fled from the pouring criticism, entering Bongmun.

"If Mount Hua Sect had been active in Kangho over the past three years, they would have received all sorts of praise. Mount Hua Sect is the only righteous sect that preserved its pride during that crazy Yangtze River incident, right? Nevertheless, it's Mount Hua Sect, the sect that entered Bongmun, claiming they lack strength! Mount Hua Sect!"

"...That's true. What an extraordinary sect."

"Even such a sect unseals Bongmun when there's trouble in Shaanxi to come out and protect the people, but the damned Wudang Sect don't care whether the people in North Lake live or die. Ugh, it's maddening!"

The fear of Tang Family leaving began to shift into criticism of the Wudang Sect. In fact, anyone with a thought process could not help but express such views.

"And it's not just the Wudant Sect. What are the medium and small sects in North Lake doing? They used to grovel at the Wudang Family! Without the Wudang Sect, should they be licking someone else's fingers? Those sects in Shaanxi apparently fought against the evildoers even before Mount Hua Sect's arrival!"

"Even the sect members of a Southern Edge sect risked their lives to fight, they say."

"So where is the Wudang Sect..."

Generally, what triggers people the most is anxiety. The fear that the absence of the Tang Family could worsen the situation had North Lake's residents seething with frustration.

"Word has it that the Harmonious Unity people [? "균현" Gyunhyeon] have gone up to the Wudang Sect. Let's wait a little longer. If they have any shame, they'll open the door and come out now."

"...Shame? Would they really enter Bongmun if they had any shame?"

"Oh, come on! They're all talk!"

The news of Sichuan Tang Family's withdrawal was enough to turn the Yangtze River upside down. However, the real crisis lay elsewhere.

* * *

"What? What did you just say?"

"...Plum Blossom Island is withdrawing."

The color drained from Sama Gong, the chief treasurer of the Dafu Merchant Association (多福商會).

"Plum Blossom Island?"

"Yes, Chief Treasurer."

"No, no! Why did Plum Blossom Island, which was doing so well, suddenly decide to withdraw? It's not a misunderstanding, is it?"

"No, it's not. Rumor has it. They'll accept cargo until tomorrow, but they won't take any more afterward."

"Are they planning some kind of maintenance or something?"

"...It seems like they're going to completely withdraw."

"No! Why would Plum Blossom Island pull out? They've been making money like crazy! And what about the facilities they've built there? Are they going to abandon all of that?"

"It seems like they're willing to let all of it go."

"What on earth is this..."

Sama Gong muttered in bewilderment. How much effort had the Heavenly Comrade Alliance put into Plum Blossom Island and the adjacent docks? It used to be nothing more than a barren wasteland, but now it had grown into a massive city that could rival any place in the Northern Province.

But now, they were pulling out completely?

"Are they out of their minds?"

He couldn't fathom it. While it might be hard to understand the thoughts of merchants or those from the river, it was just...

"No, if that was the case, they shouldn't have started the business in the first place! Quitting here when they could make even more money? Are they crazy?"

Sama Gong couldn't contain his frustration and abruptly stood up.

"What are you going to do, Chief Treasurer...?"

"I need to see it with my own eyes! I just can't believe it!"

Sama Gong rushed outside. Fortunately, his residence wasn't far from Plum Blossom Island. Not only had he established a branch office near Plum Blossom Island, but many merchant leaders had set up branch offices there to facilitate smooth cargo handling.

Breathing heavily, he arrived at the docks, where many others had gathered after hearing the same news.

"Island Master! What on earth is happening?"

"Is it true that Mount Hua is withdrawing from Plum Blossom Island?"

"What about us? At this rate, we'll all starve to death!"

Surrounded by the crowd, Im So Byeong let out a deep sigh.

"This is a disaster."

Today, he had rushed all the way to Shaanxi and back to Plum Blossom Island without a moment's rest. Now, back on Plum Blossom Island, he was immediately besieged by people, and tears threatened to well up.

No, that wasn't it.

Perhaps he was somewhat relieved. He had been tortured earlier as if he were a wretched bandit, but now he was with those who treated him as a fleeing fugitive.

"Everyone, please calm down."

Im So Byeong cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Is it really true, Island Master?"

"That's right. Unfortunately, Plum Blossom Island will cease its operations starting tomorrow."

"Then what should we do?"

"Without Plum Blossom Island, we won't be able to sell our goods in Gangnam! Those pirates are still wreaking havoc!"

"Mount Hua! What's going on with Mount Hua? Is this Mount Hua's will?"

"Now, now. Please calm down, everyone."

Im So Byeong waved his hands to pacify the agitated crowd.

"I'd like to continue my business as well, but... Unfortunately, the situation in Gangnam doesn't look good. I believe you're all aware of the circumstances, aren't you?"

His words silenced those who had been objecting. They knew that the Evil Tyrant Alliance had completed its internal restructuring. However, they were merchants. No matter how ruthless the Evil Tyrant Alliance might be, they wouldn't go out of their way to hunt them down one by one.

But Plum Blossom Island was part of Mount Hua's territory. It was undoubtedly the first place they would target when crossing the Yangtze River.

"Is it really..."

Im So Byeong nodded.

"But don't worry too much. Isn't this Plumb Blossom Island? Someone will surely try to continue the operations here, even if it's not Mount Hua."

"Right. That's true, but..."

"So, does the Heavenly Comrade Alliance have no information about that?"


Im So Byeong smiled as if he knew something.

"It wouldn't make sense for me to speculate right before leaving. However..."


"Everything follows its own course, doesn't it? The rightful owner will reclaim their place."

"When you say the rightful owner..."

"Well, I think I've said enough. I'll keep working tirelessly even into the night. Before the sun rises tomorrow, I will deliver all the goods. If you have any remaining cargo, bring it quickly!"

Upon hearing his words, the merchants' eyes widened.

"Alright, let's get moving!"

"Damn it, there's still a ton of cargo in the warehouse!"

"Wait, even if we move the cargo, how are we going to get back the replaced goods?"

"We'll think about that later!"

Amid the chaos, they couldn't bring themselves to ask Im So Byeong anything further. In the midst of the mess, Im So Byeong chuckled.

'An Evil Sect's conspiracy?'

It was a ridiculous idea. When it came to scheming, he couldn't even compare to the tip of the devil's toes.

Im So Byeong surveyed the vast city laid out before him. It was a commercial city where the richest merchants from around the world gathered, a lure tempting anyone. 

"Is there a bigger bait in the world than this?"

Whether Chung Myung had actually thought of this three years ago or if it had naturally evolved into this situation, Im So Byeong didn't know. He had doubts but no evidence. Regardless of the intent, this harbor was bound to become the eye of the storm, sweeping countless individuals away.

"...It's a pity, though..."

Im So Byeong smacked his lips and gave a nod to his subordinates.

"Prepare the cargo in advance. We have to leave as soon as tomorrow."

"Yes! Nokrim... No, Island Master!"


Im So Byeong unfolded his fan, waving it wide to cool himself.

"It's a shame that the name Island Master is disappearing, but it doesn't matter much."

His gaze shifted across the river.

"It seems like things will be more interesting from now on."

The sound of soft laughter trickled through the shouts of the confused crowd.