Chapter 936: Did You Perhaps Have Expectations (Part 1)


Beopjeong didn't respond to the call. There were times when he always wore a gentle smile, but now his face remained cold and silent, like someone who had forgotten how to smile.

It couldn't be helped.

He had left with great assurances but returned from Mount Hua without any achievements, which was a source of great shame to him. In Shaolin, where everyone had been eagerly awaiting his return, his failure was so embarrassing that he couldn't face anyone.

"Namgung is surrounded."

Amidst this, hearing this news further silenced Beopjeong.

No, perhaps the word "dumbfounded" might be more fitting. It felt like his mind had emptied out in an instant.

Among all the imaginable scenarios, the worst outcome had been thrust upon him.


Jaogae, who had been watching Beopjeong, made a short tongue click. It wasn't necessarily an act of malice, but that brief sound twisted Beopjeong's expression more than anything.

"It would have been better not to waste time and go directly to the Yangtze River."


After a long silence, Beopjeong's words amounted to a slight disapproval. He had been waiting for a response in silence.

"If we continue to be idle at a time like this, the only option is to endure. If the Evil Tyrant Alliance arrives first, the Namgung Family's name might disappear from Gangho."


After a lengthy silence, someone's heavy voice seemed to resonate in agreement.

"This is not the time to be idle. We need to head to the Yangtze River immediately."

Even Jonglihyung, who had been advocating for the opposite course of action, didn't object to this. The situation had become just that urgent.


Beopjeong, who had closed his eyes, finally opened them under Peng Yeop's urging.

"...Very well."

Blue light emanated from Beopjeong's two eyes.

"Now that the situation has come this far, there can be no more hesitation. I will lead all the martial artists of Shaolin to the Yangtze River. So, those of you here should also mobilize the power of your respective sects."

Jonglihyung was taken aback. "B-Bangjang, are you considering a full-scale battle?"

"...Is there any reason not to, given the circumstances?"


It was clear what Jonglihyung wanted to say. Engaging in a full-scale battle against the Evil Tyrant Alliance with only the martial artists present here would be akin to a suicidal act. Even if they managed to win by some stroke of luck, it would likely only lead to more troubles.

However, Beopjeong appeared to understand his intentions fully, but this time, there was no sign of retreating.

"We will send letters to each sect requesting their support."

"...Will they change their minds just because we do that?"

"The situation has changed, so they must make a choice."

Jonglihyung fell silent.

He felt that Beopjeong's tone was different from before. Although it wasn't overtly coercive, for some reason, it felt awkward and forced, unlike their previous conversations.

"...Even if some of our nearby allies step in, it would only ease things a bit."

When Jonglihyung muttered in frustration, Beopjeong's eyebrows twitched.

"What difference will it make if we search for those who are missing?"

"That's true, but..."

"All of you must understand by now."

Beopjeong gave a stern look.

"Until now, I endured things in accordance with propriety, not because Shaolin's strength was insufficient. However, if the situation takes such a bad turn, there may come a time when we have to create propriety even by force."

It might not be an inaccurate statement.

However, no matter the situation, it all sounded rather hollow. It would have been better if they had made a decision a bit earlier, so things wouldn't have reached this point.

Beopjeong spoke with a sharp voice, like a blade.

"We must head to the Yangtze River without delay. Speed is crucial above all else."

He no longer had a choice. Although this entire situation was brought about by the Namgung Family's haphazard actions, if Shaolin truly considered itself the leader of the North, they would have to accept responsibility for everything that occurred.

"If the Namgung Family is isolated in the Yangtze River and suffers defeat, it will truly devastate public sentiment toward the Righteous Sects. At the very least, Namgung tried to fight against the Evil Sects, but if the Righteous Sects turns away from them..."

"Hurry, please. We need to arrive at Yangtze River as quickly as possible, ideally before the enemy forces reach there."

"Is that possible?"

Jonglihyung asked with concern, and Beopjeong decisively nodded.

"It is entirely possible. Aren't we much closer here than Guangseo, which has the Myriad Man Manor? Even if the enemy moves upon hearing the news, they won't reach the Yangtze River faster than us."

Jonglihyung nodded, agreeing with the rationale.

"Looking at it from a different angle, this is similar to the Namgung Family having captured the Su Lo Chae scattered throughout the Yangtze River. Clearing out Su Lo Chae spread all over the Yangtze River is a challenging task. But if they gather in one place, it becomes an exceptional opportunity. If we can take this opportunity to jointly attack the Su Lo Chae with the Namgung Family, the tide of this war will turn in our favor immediately."

Beopjeong shouted decisively with a fervent voice.

"So, let's move immediately."

Peng Yeop immediately responded, "Yes."

Jonglihyung still had a slightly uneasy expression, but he couldn't withdraw his steps in this situation, so he ultimately concurred. However, while doing so, he didn't forget to express one thing.

"Bangjang, I will follow your words, but you should also consider the possibility of an unfavorable situation. I believe that you must be able to lead support from other Righteous Sects."

In response to that statement, Beopjeong turned his head to look at Jonglihyung.


There was a moment of silence, and then an emotionless voice immediately penetrated Jonglihyung's ears.

"I will do so."

Certainly, what came back was a positive response, but for some reason, Jonglihyung felt that the answer from a moment ago seemed negative.

But would there be a way to confirm that? In the end, he could only answer with an anxious heart.

"Kongtong will join as well."

Beopjeong's gaze turned to Jaogae. Jaogae nodded without saying a word.

"Very well. I understand that. We're short on time, so return to your sects immediately and make preparations. Gather in Guwang as soon as you're ready."

"Yes, Captain."

"We don't have time! Hurry!"



Those who were seated quickly stood up and rushed outside. Just before Jaogae, who had finally gotten up from his seat, reluctantly took his steps, he turned his head. He saw Beopjeong sitting on the sacred stone with his eyes closed.

'Seems like when it's time to make a decision, he endlessly hesitates, but when it's time to be cautious, he's already made a decision and is moving.'

Jaogae didn't think poorly of Beopjeong. As the leader of Shaolin and the senior figure of Kangho, Beopjeong had done his job well up to this point. With his unique mild temperament, he had effectively mediated conflicts among the various sects.


'It is said that a person who is a good ruler in prosperous times can become a bad ruler in difficult times.'

As the world began to change rapidly, it seemed that Beopjeong's strengths were not being utilized at all. He wanted to speak up and voice his opinion to stop Beopjeong. However, there was only one reason Jaogae didn't express his opposition.

"It must be like hell."

The Namgung Family, and the horrors they were likely experiencing, was a scene that could be imagined.

"Please endure it. Namgung Gaju."

Jaogae, who had two characters, "conscience," engraved on his chest, raced toward the Beggar's Sect headquarters like the wind.

* * *

Namgung Myung looked down at the person lying before him. His face contorted into a fiendish grimace.

With eyes wide open, the man who was on the brink of death was someone he knew very well.

All the members of the Namgung Sect were nothing short of family to him. Yet, now, the first casualty among these family members had occurred.


He gnashed his teeth in frustration and anger. It felt like a venomous blade was plunched into his side, stabbing again and again.

It had happened nearly nine times. It was the number of times they had been attacked over the past three days.

The victims?


No one had been injured, and no one had died. The attackers had emerged from the river and tried to attack those guarding the area, only to end up dead themselves.

It was so pathetic that the word "trivial" fit perfectly. The results were nothing but proof of Namgung Hwang's statement that there was no reason to fear the Su Lo Chae on dry land.

However, that was only looking at the results. If everything had gone smoothly, Namgung Myeong wouldn't be in this situation right now.

When they first repelled the attacks, everyone was full of courage, and morale was soaring. When they repelled the second attack, there were even suggestions to take the initiative by sending infiltrators to the enemy's ships.

Then, after successfully repelling the third attack, Namgung Myung realized something. No one had properly watched for the enemy during the two days of continuous attacks. Despite the ferocity of the attacks during the day and even under the cover of night, they seemed to have no scouts posted.

And still, the attacks persisted. They came at night, they came boldly during broad daylight, and in various other forms: during the morning mist, under the blood-red glow of dusk...

Namgung's swordsmen fought valiantly, but it was only in the most recent attack that they had their first casualty.

"...Empty one of the storage rooms and move the body there."

"But, my lord, shouldn't we give the deceased a proper burial first..."

Namgung Myung turned a sharp gaze to the speaker.

"Do you think this fellow will rest in peace on enemy soil?"

"I apologize."

Namgung Myung gritted his teeth while speaking.

"We'll be able to leave this island in a few days. You can retrieve the body then. Just do as I say."


As he watched the men move the corpse, he clenched his jaw.

"Damn it."

The enemy was not formidable, not even remotely decent. Yet, there was a casualty.

Succumbing to consecutive attacks, they had been forced to make mistakes they would never have made in normal circumstances.

The island was large enough, more than capable of accommodating hundreds. But at the same time, it was narrow enough that enemies could easily traverse from one end to the other, taking less than half a day.

In other words, they were like a defenseless fortress within crumbling walls, almost as if they were waiting for enemy intruders.

"No, that might be a hundred times better than our current situation."

In such a scenario, at least they would know where the enemies were.

But they had no idea where the enemy would strike from. Perhaps, even under the water's surface that Namgung Myeong was gazing at right now, the enemy might be lurking for an opportunity.

Because of this uncertainty, none of them could rest easily. They never knew when the enemy might launch an assault, and when their defenses would be breached, leaving the enemies to rush into their quarters.

Although they knew they should relax, the tension had reached its breaking point, not allowing them a moment of respite.



"Damn it!"

"Why are you shooting for no good reason? You idiots!"

The enemy ships surrounding the island occasionally approached stealthily, firing cannonballs towards the island. Of course, the trained swordsmen of Namgung were far enough that they wouldn't be hit by those distant cannonballs. However, this island offered no hiding places. While they could dodge if they were vigilant, the occasional bombardment arrived without warning. In such conditions, who could completely let their guard down?

"At least hold on a bit longer. Reinforcements will come for sure!"


The response was feeble. The morale that had soared when they repelled the first attack had long since crumbled.

Now, all that was left was to endure. The sun had set unnoticed. Namgung Myung unknowingly clenched his fist.

Once again, the endless night was creeping towards Plum Blossom Island.