Chapter 941: Did You Perhaps Have Expectations (Part 6)


The warships sliced through the water, creating a rapidly accelerating white froth that swiftly colored the Yangtze River. The sight of dozens of massive warships simultaneously turning their bows and pushing forward was nothing short of spectacular. Or, perhaps, the word "spectacular" might not be quite fitting. To the Namgung Sect on Plum Blossom Island, this sight was pure "terror."


The enemy was approaching. Those who bore the name of Namgung had never feared the enemy. In fact, they often cheered upon facing their adversaries. However, what had surfaced in their eyes now was not the fiery spirit of determination. It was despair, not because the enemy was too powerful but because they realized they couldn't win in their current state, resulting in the loss of their confidence. They had never imagined such a situation.

None of them had known how relentless war could be. Facing each other at their best, overcoming formidable foes with cooperation and determination, was something that only appeared in stories.


In that moment, Namgung Hwang let out a resounding roar.

"Do not forget! The last sight they will have of you is not me, and it's not your comrades standing behind you either! Your enemies will be the ones to witness your final moments!"

His voice pierced deeply into their ears.

"Do not let them remember you as weak or frightened, Namgung Sect's last appearance! What you must protect in your final moments is the awe your enemies feel towards you!"

Did it have an effect?

It's impossible to say. However, what was certain was that the moment Namgung Hwang's words echoed, the exhausted warriors of Namgung Sect somehow managed to get to their feet.

"Weren't we better off without this? The enemy is coming. Now, we have enemies to cut down with our swords. Smile! It's only when Namgung's sword meets the enemy that it truly demonstrates its strength!"

It was truly a fanatical voice.

So it was the moment when Namgung Hwang was stoking their last battle spirit. Some of the ships that had been advancing toward the island suddenly veered off to the side.



Before the ships completed their course correction, their cannons fired shots toward Plum Blossom Island. It wasn't about precise targeting; hitting was good, but even misses served the purpose. It was intended to break their spirit, to distract their focus, to create chaos.

However, even the artillery fired without any expectation could pose a significant threat to the desperate Namgung Family. 

Kwaahhh! Kwaahhh!

The artillery rained down across the island. The endlessly clear sky, dotted by shells and the resulting rising dust, forcibly instilled a sense of reality into their minds that had been far from clear.


The Namgung Family's warriors, teeth clenched, raised their swords again. It's true; how you die proves your life. They knew that their chances of survival in this battle were slim. So why not prove themselves one last time in this final moment?

Kwaang! Kwaahhh!

The shelling continued, but the warriors of the Namgung Sect remained coldly determined. When those enemy ships approached the coast, they all watched and began to take deep breaths, solidifying their resolve. But that moment...


Before they could fully prepare themselves, dozens of enemies rose from the waters, accompanied by a water spout, right at the edge of the island.

"What, what is this?"

"Oh, they're coming! Damn it!"

The surging enemies rushed at full speed, without shouting any battle cries. Their furious attack was ferocious.

The Black Dragon King was indeed cunning. As if to say he wouldn't give the Namgung Sect any time to bolster their resolve, he sent these attack units towards Plum Blossom Island, one step ahead.


Just looking at their overwhelming speed made it clear that these were not ordinary enemies. These enemy forces, with complexions as cold as armored steel, exuded a chilling determination stronger than the perennial ice of the North Sea.

"Changgung Sword Corps! Guard the front!"


The training etched into their bodies had an effect in any situation. Even the Changgung members, who were pushed to their physical limits, moved first when the order was given by the leader.

The Changgung Sword Corps quickly stepped forward, aligning themselves at the front.

If Chung Myung had witnessed this scene, he would have immediately nodded his head. The power of a prestigious name is not proven by a young sword at the tip. It's the determination that proves the history and name.


The shelling continued unabated.

The Namgung warriors and Su Lo Chae's Black Dragon warriors collided head-on in the middle of the battlefield, sparks flying as swords and sabers clashed.

This was different from before. In previous battles, both sides recognized that they had an escape route, and the Su Lo Chae didn't plan to push Namgung to the bitter end. Likewise, Namgung knew that the enemy wouldn't completely cut off their escape.

But now, it was different. Only one side would survive. Until one side completely lost its breath, the battle wouldn't end, and everything was at stake.


The muscles of the warriors bulged as they pushed against each other. This was a scene that showed their determination not to yield an inch.

Normally, the ones who should have been pushed back were the Black Dragon warriors. The Changgung Swordsmen were the elite among Namgung's elites, so how could their swords be light?




As the confrontation dragged on, it became clear that Namgung's sword was slowly being pushed back. No matter how strong the determination, the physical limitations could not be overcome. The Black Dragon warriors began to push back Namgung's sword with their sabers and swords as if to demonstrate that fact.



The sharp sabers pierced their enemies' flesh, blood spurted, and agonized screams rang out. Yet the Changgung Swordsmen didn't easily retreat even when they were pierced by sabers.

There was no need for anyone to shout angrily. They already knew where they needed to die – right here.

"Don't give an inch!"

One of the Changgung warriors yelled desperately, swinging his sword.


Like a streak of light, the sword pierced the throat of an oncoming enemy. The enemy looked down at the sword impaled in his throat, trembling as if in disbelief.

"An enemy like you..."


But at that moment, the impaled enemy's saber penetrated the lower abdomen of the Changgung warrior who had let his guard down.

A sound of air escaping came from the Changgung warrior's mouth. Their determination was firm, but they were still inexperienced on the battlefield. They overlooked the simple fact that they should never let their guard down until their opponent's breath was completely extinguished.



Then, from behind, a saber swung by an oncoming enemy beheaded the Changgung warrior who had let his guard down. His eyes popped out, and his head spiraled into the air.

"Goa, Gwanga!"

"Namgung Gwaaaah!"

The battle was becoming more intense. Unlike martial sects where people with no connections come together to share a common purpose, the Namgung Sect grew up together from a young age. This meant that the shock of someone's sacrifice was far more profound than in ordinary martial sects.

To some, they were brothers, to others, older brothers, and to yet others, sons. As the necks of their loved ones soared into the air, tears of blood welled up in the eyes of those who had to witness this gruesome sight.

"You bastards!"


As hatred and anger swelled, cooperation and resolve vanished on the battlefield. What remained was nothing but blatant enmity, a desire to tear apart those right in front of them.

The carefully crafted stories meant to plant dreams in the young swordsmen's hearts crumbled, revealing the true nature of the battlefield. The victory they sought was gained by sacrificing sons. The glory of offering a brother's heart. Who would discuss the sacrifices? Who would speak of the sorrows? There was no applause for those who had died. Glory was solely the privilege of the living.

Someone needed to understand that behind every glory were countless forgotten deaths. Unfortunately, in this place, the people were immersed in hatred, fear, and rage, rushing blindly at the enemies before them.



The Changgung Swordsmen, their eyes bloodshot, wielded their swords with great ferocity, as if their souls were aflame.

It was a fierce rebellion. Even though they were completely exhausted, the rage they unleashed was so intense that it was almost unbelievable.

But the Black Dragon warriors were not caught off guard. A cornered rat bites a cat, but does that mean the cat will die? They had expected that the enemy would resist fiercely. What mattered was driving the enemy completely into a corner.

Initially, they had charged in fiercely, but now the Black Dragon warriors had loosened their reins on their attacks. They advanced leisurely without haste.

Kwoong! Kwoong!

Then, the ships that had advanced toward Plum Blossom Island collided with the sandy shore, creating an eerie echoing sound.

And then, finally, the massive, all-black ship symbolizing the Black Dragon King, the Black Dragon Ship, had reached Plum Blossom Island.


The enormous sound shook everyone to their very core. It was a sound that made them doubt whether a ship moving at such speed could safely dock. But the impact of that sound was certainly impressive.

The fact that the enemy's main force had arrived was confirmed not with their eyes, but through their ears. The Namgung Family involuntarily shrank back.


Shortly after, someone from the Black Dragon Ship slowly revealed themselves as the front of the ship docked.

A tall, imposing figure that could humble people. A black beard reminiscent of Guan Yu [real-life legendary warrior in ancient times]. Eyes like a tiger's.

Not only his strength but also his appearance was enough to make those who watched him shudder in awe.

"These insect-like fools..."

The Black Dragon King, who had finally entered Plum Blossom Island, looked down at Namgung Sect members beneath him.

"How dare these insects challenge me in this Yangtze River? Turn these insolent fools into fish food!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

From the combat ships that had docked with terrifying closeness, enemies poured out like swarms of ants. It was a breathtaking sight.

From ships that had occupied all sides of the island and from the water, enemies relentlessly surged onto the island.

"Black Dragon, aaaaaargh!"

Namgung Hwang roared like a lion.

"King's Sword."

However, the Black Dragon King only twisted the corners of his mouth upon hearing that sound. Namgung Hwang, who fixed his eyes on him with hatred, he shouted.

"If you are still a man, step forward! I'm sure you have the courage to challenge me to a duel that you never got to finish!"

"You are still an idiot, Namgung Hwang."

The Black Dragon King openly sneered.

"Did you really think you had the qualifications to challenge me?"


"There, struggle with all your might. Watch your last moments with these two eyes!"

"Black Dragon, aaaaaargh!"

"Kill them."

The enemies started to run towards the wounded giant fish, as if they intended to tear them apart, leaving not a single piece of flesh behind.