Chapter 944: I'll Show Them What True Despair Is (Part 3)

He may not be the strongest.

Although he was known as the best in the Evil Sect, no one knew for sure if his power was truly the greatest in the world. No, they haven't revealed it.

Why? The reason was simple.

Because it was't important at all.

The position of everyone in Kangho was determined by their strength. To build a reputation, you had to prove your strength repeatedly.

But this...this were different.

Paegun Jang Il-so.

That name was unique in the martial world.

Even if Jang Il-so's strength was no more than that of a third-rate thug on the streets, everyone in the world would say this.

That this man was... the most dangerous person in the current martial world.

The man with that deadly poison was strolling slowly across the sandy beach. His steps were graceful, not threatening, and elegant rather than solemn. It was as if he had come for a leisurely walk nearby.

But not a single person on Plum Blossom Island could take their eyes off him.


Dry saliva flowed down involuntarily.

No one had ordered them to stop fighting. But the war had naturally come to a halt.

At least Namgyung Myung seemed to understand the reason.

Rabbits wouldn't fight over territory when a wolf was in front of them.

The moment Jang Ilso appeared, everyone here felt that now wasn't the time to fight each other.


A low voice mixed with a sigh flowed with the wind, blowing over Plum Blossom Island.


Jang Ilso's gaze turned to Namgung Hwang.

"Doesn't seem like a pretty sight..."

Namgung Hwang clenched his fists. It felt as if the cool scales of a snake were coiling around his neck.

In fact, this may not have just been a feeling. Because Namgyung Hwang's eyes revealed the scene where the boats that followed Jang Ilso did not approach the island but leisurely changed direction to block the river between Plum Blossom Island and the Shaolin Sect. Even if the Shaolin Sect suddenly decided to come and help now, it would be difficult to break through.

Unlike his calm steps, Jang Ilso was definitely tightening their throats.

As if to check this, the disciplined warriors of the Myriad Man Manor ran and followed Jang Ilso, and among them, Ho Gakmyung stood next to him as if escorting him.

Even though he knew that it was't the right situation, Namgyung Hwang felt like laughing out loud.

Jang Ilso and a subordinate. Were there more incompatible words?

Then Jang Ilso's lip corners went up slightly as if to tease him.

"The world-famous Namgung did they end up like this? Hmm?"

The snake-like eyes tightened the throats of Namgyung Sect's disciples who were gasping for breath. Jang Ilso breathed deeply and smiled.

It was delightful.

He loved the fact that this scene was so chilling.

Heaven's Friend Namgyung Faily.

Their eyes, once shining with brilliant fame, were now filled with nothingness and despair.

Some cried in frustration to the point of shedding tears, Some felt hopeless that everything was over. Some stared at him with eyes full of venom, and some looked at him with eyes that pleaded for possible mercy.

All these different glances were directed at one person, Jang Ilso.

But those glances had one commonality.

The light of hope could no longer be found.

Pa. Pa.

Jang Ilso stepped forward.

The opponents who had blocked the Namgung Family's path retreated with clear expressions of fear, creating a surprisingly wide path where there had been no room for them to even step a moment ago.

As if it were only natural, Jang Ilso leisurely walked along that path.

Finally, he came to a halt right in front of Namgung Sect's Changgung swordsmen who had protected the front of the formation. These were the elite swordsmen who were the pride of Namgung and had engaged in a brief but fierce battle. Due to that battle, the Changgung swordsmen who were still standing had cuts and stab wounds all over.

As Jang Ilso approached, they instinctively raised their swords, presenting themselves like cornered beasts.

However, Jang Ilso showed no sign of hesitation and continued his unchanging pace, as if he couldn't even see the swords aimed at his throat.

There was a shiver.

Ironically, it was the tips of the Changgung swordsmen's swords that started trembling.

The ones who were supposed to be threatening with their swords trembled, while the ones who were being threatened with bare hands smiled in a bizarre and eerie situation.

"Oh, oh...!"

The swordsman right in front of Jang Ilso stammered, his voice trembling. He extended the tip of his sword as if he could pierce Jang Ilso's throat at any moment.

However, Jang Ilso appeared as if he knew that the sword would never be able to pierce his throat, or maybe he didn't care if it did.

When he finally came to a stop, the bloody tip of the sword was almost touching his throat.

All it needed was a thrust.

With a little effort, they could bore a hole in that pale white neck. All they needed was a bit of courage.


The sword couldn't go any further. It trembled pathetically and pulled back, so much so that it was hard to believe that a Namgung Family's swordsman was the one holding it.

No, he seemed even more intimidated as he retreated.


Jang Ilso smiled provocatively and slowly extended his hand toward the trembling sword tip.


At that moment, they all saw it.

Jang Ilso's fingertip slightly split, and a single drop of bright red blood flowed down the sword.


Before witnessing this scene, they all had vague thoughts that his hand would never be injured by this ordinary sword, and therefore, they felt fear.

But the moment they saw that single drop of blood, it was as if their hearts were squeezed even harder.

Someone unafraid of shedding blood to the point of death, and someone who shed blood without fearing death.

Which one was scarier?

Slowly, the snowy white fingertip, despite trembling, advanced along the sword's edge. He gently stroked the bloody sword tip and finally reached the hilt of the sword in the Changgung swordsman's hand.

It was only a slow, snakelike movement, but it felt as if everyone was holding their breath, watching this scene without taking a breath. It was as if they were witnessing something sacred.

At that moment.

The fingertip that was merely extended began to spread.

Just when everyone was startled by this sudden change.


Jang Ilso's hand covered the head of the Changgung swordsman. It was as if he were gently caressing a child's head.

"Poor thing," Jang Ilso's affectionate voice filled with compassion resonated softly.

"You fought so hard..."

The Changgung swordsman started trembling all over. The Namgung Sects' swordsmen, who watched this, bit their lips until they bled.

How do you even express a situation where enemies receive comfort and then momentary solace and more in this situation?

Did anyone expect such a scene when Jang Ilso appeared here?

Jang Ilso slowly raised his head and spoke again.

"But in the end..."

The words that Namgung Sects' swordsmen never wanted to hear were spoken.

"You have been abandoned."

In an instant, everyone felt as if their breath was taken away. They had seen despair, then hope, and had fallen from the hill of hope into the pit of despair. No one wanted to hear these words.

"Poor thing..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Jang Ilso's eyebrows lowered as if in genuine sympathy.

Namgung Hwang grinded his teeth in frustration at the repulsive sight. He couldn't just stand there and watch this situation any longer.

"Jang... Ilso!"

As Jang Ilso slowly turned, Namgung Hwang was behind him. His expression was full of puzzlement, as if he had forgotten that Namgung Hwang was there.

"Don't mock us."


Jang Ilso seemed to find the words amusing.

"Yes! Mock! We would rather die than endure humiliation! Just kill us cleanly!"

Namgung Hwang's words made Jang Ilso raise the corner of his mouth.

"That's strange. The more I hear it, the stranger it sounds."

"What's strange about it?"

"When have I mocked you?"

Namgung Hwang's face was utterly bewildered, and it was obvious to anyone that the expression was feigned. But what was important wasn't that. It was how much he could shake them up with that single expression, that single gesture.

"Have you been mocked by me?... When?"


An expression of extreme confusion, as if he had no way to express his bewilderment. Everyone knew that this was all an act. But the important thing wasn't that. It was how much he could disturb them with that expression or gesture.

"Who mocked you was not me... It was Shaolin, wasn't it?"

"What nonsense!"

"Wasn't it?"

Jang Ilso's hand went up. In an exaggerated gesture, his hand reached towards the sky and then slowly lowered, pointing beyond the river.



"It's just a river. There's no reason they can't cross it. Wouldn't the Shaolin name suffer if they couldn't cross a river just because there were boats in the way?"

Namgung Hwang bit his lips.

"But what are they doing? They're just watching. They're watching your last moments as you die here."

"Jang Ilso!"

"That's what I call..."

As Jang Ilso lowered his arm, a blatant sneer appeared on his face.


Namgung Hwang clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white.

Jang Ilso spoke.

"They came running here as if they were going to rescue you, pretending to be a great savior, but in the end, they have no intention of shedding blood to save you. That's how much you're worth to them."

Namgung Hwang realized that his anger wasn't because he was being mocked. It was the painful truth of Jang Ilso's words that was tormenting him. A scream that he couldn't bring himself to utter swelled in his throat.

"So what? Are you going to mock us in this situation?"

He said through gritted teeth.

"Don't mock us, Jang Ilso! Namgung will never become a mockery! If death is already decided, I will fight to the last person! Being abandoned won't tarnish the name of our Namgung!"

He spat out the words uncontrollably, even though he himself didn't know what he was saying. But the bitterness in his voice clearly conveyed to those who mentioned Namgung that he wouldn't yield. Some eyes that were losing focus suddenly regained their spirit.


Jang Ilso shook his head as if he was troubled.

"Come forward, Jang Ilso! I will be the first to die!"

Namgung Hwang rallied all his strength. He had to be the one to show the scared Namgung swordsmen that it was the way of the Murim to prove oneself through death.

As Namgung Hwang was about to rush forward with his precious sword, Jang Ilso slowly opened his mouth.

"Shall I let you live?"

Namgung Hwang's body came to an abrupt halt. It was as if he had been struck by lightning.

Distrust and amazement, despair and hope, all these emotions swept through Namgung Hwang's eyes in the blink of an eye.

"What... did you..."

That was a devil's whisper. It should not be heard. But Namgung Hwang had no choice but to hear it.

As if he couldn't bring himself to open his mouth, he stammered his words with great difficulty.

"What... did you say?"

Jang Ilso smiled broadly. He seemed like a devil who had crawled up from hell toying with humans.

He lightly repeated the same words with the same tone as before.

"Shall I let you live?"

Silence fell deep and heavy in the plum orchard.


In that silence, a laugh erupted.

"Ahahaha! Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Jang Ilso's laughter and the sound of jingling jewelry filled Plum Blossom Island like a married woman's ear-wrenching voice....