Chapter 947: How Could A Person Do This (Part 1)

The Black Dragon King sharpened his blade. On Plum Blossom Island, the Evil Tyrant Alliance members were withdrawing.


Suddenly, his lips quivered, and he trembled with anger.

"These idiots..."

He hadn't given any orders to the Evil Tyrant Alliance members. His instructions ended with the command to annihilate Namgung. Yet these dimwits were retreating at Ho Gakmyung's command.

"What is this..."

Of course, Ho Gakmyung was the right arm of the Evil Tyrant Alliance's leader, Jang Ilso. By the command hierarchy, it wasn't entirely wrong for them to follow his orders. Besides, Su Lo Chae was also part of the Evil Tyrant Alliance. However, seeing them follow Ho Gakmyung's orders without confirming his presence made him cringe inside.


The Black Dragon King took a deep breath. He had to control his anger because making a scene now could momentarily relinquish his command to them. Instead, he gritted his teeth and jumped off the Black Dragon Ship, heading towards Jang Ilso.

"Jang Ilso!"

He yelled angrily, like a furious beast.

"What the hell are you doing? Why are you letting them live like this? Just snap their necks, and it's over."

Jang Ilso's footsteps stopped. He didn't turn his body, just his head slightly to look at the Black Dragon King.

"Why are they retreating following Ho Gakmyung's command without me knowing?"


The Black Dragon King had words on the tip of his tongue but stopped talking. Unconsciously, he clenched his teeth.

Jang Ilso's gaze didn't reveal any emotion. His eyes were colorless, as if he couldn't feel anything.

He couldn't read anything from his eyes. The Black Dragon King felt a chill as though he had fallen into an abyss.


Jang Ilso maintained silence, staring down the Black Dragon King. A fathomless gaze met the fierce eyes of the Black Dragon King. It was like he had to prove his identity as if saying, 'Here, I am who I am.'

However, this standoff didn't last long. The Black Dragon King averted his gaze first.

"I'm sorry, Ryeonjul... I got carried away. My temper was excessive."

His head hung slightly.

It wasn't a complete bow, but it was enough to show respect for the other party.


Jang Ilso sighed and nodded slowly.

"Black Dragon King, I understand why you were so angry. I allowed Su Lo Chae to follow your orders, and I think that's what infuriated you."


The Black Dragon King doubted his ears. 'Irritated?'

He was talking about the Namgung Family. The leader of the Five Great Families, the honorable family that had led Kangho for hundreds of years. Merely exterminating them was a feat that would be celebrated for generations by the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Su Lo Chae.

But... Wasn't that a significant accomplishment?

"They're just minnows."

Jang Ilso said with a slight grin.

"One should catch snakeheads using minnows as bait. What's the difference if we catch just one more minnow?"

"Uh... did you say 'snakehead'?"

"A pretty big fish."

Jang Ilso turned his head slowly. His gaze stopped at the Black Dragon Ship, which was the symbol of Su Lo Chae. A subtle smile crept upon his lips.

"I'll explain in detail when we get on the ship."

The Black Dragon King's expression stiffened subtly. But as soon as Jang Ilso turned, making it seem as though there was a problem, the Black Dragon King had no choice but to nod.


"Gakmyung, let's go."


Jang Ilso and Ho Gakmyung leisurely headed towards the Black Dragon Ship. The Black Dragon King followed behind them wordlessly.


He quietly bit his lip, observing Jang Ilso's back, who led the way ahead.

The Black Dragon Ship represented the Black Dragon King's authority. No one could board this ship without his permission. Jang Ilso informed the Black Dragon King that he would board the ship, without asking for consent.

It was not a request for understanding but rather a declaration. It clearly stated the difference in status between Jang Ilso and the Black Dragon King.


The Black Dragon King clenched his fist. However, it was too late to stop now. If he had resisted from the beginning, he would have lost control from the moment they faced off. Jang Ilso would have been justified in assuming command.

'Jang Ilso...'

The Black Dragon King had established Su Lo Chae with the assurance that he could control Jang Ilso three years ago. The reason for the Four Great Evil's anointment of Jang Ilso as a their leader was the confidence that they could control him adequately.

Now, he couldn't help but feel doubts about the roots that had been firmly planted.

Could he be controlled? This snake?

Observing Jang Ilso as he boarded the Black Dragon Ship, the Black Dragon King's back began to sweat.

Master Beopjeong's expression, who had been observing Plum Blossom Island, froze.

One by one, the Su Lo Chae members who had filled Plum Blossom Island began to retreat, revealing their boarding scene.

"What is this..."

While mumbling to himself, Master Beopjeong kept his mouth shut. He had wanted to say, 'How can things be going like this?' However, he couldn't utter a word. If he had said it, he knew how foolish it would sound to the ears of those guarding his back.

But his concerns were not groundless. Even if he had spoken the words aloud, no one would have criticized them as naive. Those guarding their backs also didn't understand the situation, which was why he was careful not to speak out.


He quietly bit his lip, watching the turmoil before him. 

"It seems as if they are retreating."

Master Bopgye's words weren't directed towards the Black Dragon King. They were only muttered in the midst of confusion.

"Namgung... has it already happened?"

"...That can't be true."

Even if they were surrounded, the Namgung Family was still the Namgung Family. 

Especially since there was the Sword Emperor, Namgung Hwang.

No matter how powerful Jang Ilso or the Black Dragon King were, it was impossible to suppress the Sword Emperor so quietly.


'What in the world is happening over there?'

Why wasn't there a battle taking place?

And even if there isn't a battle, why did the Namgung's adversaries, who had him cornered, just withdraw and leave?

Did they release them of their own accord, knowing they had been cornered?

A laughable notion.

If that were the case, they wouldn't even be called the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

"Amitabha... Amitabha."

Beopjeong cursed hastily.

He had no idea what was happening or how things had turned out. Since Jang Ilso arrived here, it felt like his thoughts were tangled, and everything was chaotic in his mind.

"Bangjang, perhaps..."

Beopjeong turned his head to face Beopgye.

"Namgung... and them..."

"Can't you close your mouth?"

A sudden shout, filled with anger, burst from Beopjeong's mouth.

Beopgye likely wanted to ask if Namgung had made a deal with them. But he knew he couldn't speak those words aloud.

"Do not discuss unconfirmed matters! It would be disrespectful to them!"

"I'm sorry, Bangjang. But the situation..."

Though he got angry, Beopjeong could understand Beopgye's sentiments and the possible idea he was thinking. Even Beopjeong had thought about the possibility, as unlikely as it seemed. But there was no other way to make sense of what was happening.

"Amitabha... Amitabha."

Beopjeong bit his lip. As luck would have it, he spotted someone in a red coat boarding the Black Dragon Ship.

'What's he thinking?'

There was no need to consider who was managing this entire situation.

It was Jang Ilso.

That fiendish figure was clearly orchestrating some sinister plot.

However, Beopjeong couldn't fathom Jang Ilso's true intentions, not even in the slightest.


Beopjeong's eyes were locked onto Jang Ilsu as he said this.

"They're moving."


The ships that had been anchored near the island slowly began to retreat. Even the pirates who had boarded the ships lying on the sandy shore now returned to their vessels.

"They... Are they really leaving like that?"

"Why... what's going on?"

A low murmuring arose behind them.

It was indeed a confusing sight when Shaolin, one of the most respected sects in the world, was in the presence of their leader and yet appeared utterly perplexed.

"Are they really retreating from the island?"

"What in the world...?"

It was evident in their eyes. The survivors of Namgung, standing sporadically at the center of the island from which the pirates had just retreated.

With a pale face, Beopgye spoke up once more.

"Commander, it's just... it seems they've made some kind of deal."

"Stop talking!"

Fury flared in Beopjeong's eyes, causing Beopgye to hastily clamp his mouth shut. Beopjeong clenched his fists.

'It can't be such a simple ruse.'

Was Namgung making deals with them and returning alive?

Why would that be suspicious?

Beopjeong was not one to doubt and reject Namgung based on such an obvious scheme. What wouldn't someone do to survive? A true hero, in pursuit of justice, would not hesitate to band with their enemies and even accept the leftovers.

There was no reason for Beopjeong to be ensnared by such a blatant ruse.

"It's not like that. It's something else. But just... just what... What can we possibly gain from this situation?"

However, Beopjeong soon realized the answer. He realized that it might have been better not to know.

"The ships..."

"Commander, the ships are surrounding the island again."

Shaolin disciples shouted with bewildered voices. The vessels that had withdrawn from the island were now slowly repositioning themselves to encircle Plum Blossom Island once more.


Do they have to do it again? If they're going to do that, they might as well just kill them all...


At that moment, Beopjeong's eyes widened as if about to pop out of their sockets.


A sound erupted from his mouth as if his soul had momentarily escaped through it. It was a loud groan that even Beopgye, who had spent his life by Beopjeong's side, had never heard.

His mouth was agape to its maximum, and his eyes shook as if in an earthquake.


The bows of the ships that had surrounded the island thickly were now clearly turning towards the north, that is, the northern side of the island.

"How can...? How can a person resort to such deceitful acts? How can humans use such treachery? How! How can they!"

A desperate scream erupted from Beopjeong's mouth.


Beopgye, who still didn't understand the situation, was greatly flustered. It was because he had never seen Beopjeong act so maliciously.

"Paegun! Paegun, you wicked bastard, will fall into this hell! How could a person do this? How could!"

"Bangjang, please calm down!"

It was right at that moment.

A formidable black dragon ship, impressive and gigantic at first sight, had slowly approached them, parting the water currents. Eventually, the ship reached the river between Shaolin's monks and Plum Blossom Island, slowing down and coming to a stop.

Not a single person exhaled.

Not a single person spoke.

Upon the sharp prow of the black dragon ship, a man dressed in a black and red robe casually revealed himself. He was calm as he came across the river, splitting the waters, to the astonishment of everyone.

Nobody dared to move even a finger.


Jang Ilso's sharp eyes were precisely aimed at Shaolin.

"Why is everyone so angry?"

His voice was smooth and gentle, piercing their ears.

"I tell you...."

The silence during his brief pause sent shivers down the spine of everyone present. Gradually, the demon chuckled as he continued.

His smooth and melodic voice had a hint of charm to it.

"I have come to offer you a chance."

His blood-red lips were as bright as the crescent moon.