Chapter 954: Don't Lower Your Head (Part 4)


Jang Ilso mumbled as he raised his glass, letting the soft moonlight bathe his pale eyes.

"Late at night, on the Yangtze River" 

He drew a gentle curve with his lips.

"Drinking alone with the moon as company, how can one not feel intoxicated?"

"I'm right here too."


Jang Ilso turned to Ho Gakmyung, who was sitting across from him with an annoyed expression.

"You have no sense of aesthetics."

"I may not have a sense of aesthetics, but I understand the logic."


Jang Ilso waved his hand dismissively and slowly emptied the glass he held. He drained it to the last drop and then placed it on the table, looking slightly drowsy.

"Isn't it nice?"

Watching Jang Ilso, who seemed to be in high spirits, Ho Gakmyung sighed deeply.

"Of course, Ryeonjul may be excited, but I am not."

"Why? Do you have some concerns?"

"Concerns, you say?"

Ho Gakmyung looked around with a troubled expression. The place where they were drinking was none other than the deck of the Black Dragon Ship. While Ryeonjul was the Lord of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, the Black Dragon Ship was a space symbolizing the Su Lo Chae. Treating that deck as if it were home was no different from entering someone's house with dirty shoes.

'It would be the same for me.'

If the Black Dragon King were to intrude and sit in Jang Ilso's seat, there would be no limits to what Ho Gakmyung would do to kill the Black Dragon King immediately.

'Could this be described as bravery?'

Moreover, they were on the river, and the Myrian Man Manor they brought with them was staying on none other than this Black Dragon ship. If the Black Dragon King were to harbor ill feelings, it could become seriously dangerous.

However, Jang Ilso was casually enjoying his drink as if none of these things mattered.

"Kook, kook, kook, kook."

Jang Ilso chuckled softly as he observed Ho Gakmyung, who kept glancing around with an uneasy look on his face.

"Gakmyung, if you're so fearful, you won't get far."

"If it were a matter of my life, I wouldn't have been afraid. But I'm not such a remarkable person to risk my life for Lord Ryeonjul."


Jang Ilso lightly waved his index finger from side to side.

"No, no. This is not boldness; this is calculation."


"The Black Dragon King is a smarter individual than you'd think. That's why he won't dare to touch me right now."


"If I die, the Evil Tyrant Alliance will lose its head and split into pieces. It'll begin to fracture from within. Then, whose turn will it be to bear the anger of those outsiders who are watching this place with gleaming eyes?"


Ho Gakmyung slowly nodded. Certainly, if Jang Ilso withdrew, the Yangtze River might be devastated, even if not Gangnam. The anger of Shaolin right now was formidable, without a doubt.

"The Black Dragon King is likely worried that an accidental arrow might kill me. So don't worry needlessly and have a drink. It's more peaceful to drink alone."

"You were drinking with the moon..."

"You have a point. I have a long way to go. Bad habits die hard."

Jang Ilso chuckled briefly and then turned his head slowly. In the darkness, the image of Plum Blossom Island was clearly visible.

"Don't you feel sorry for them?"

"Are you saying that again?"

Ho Gakmyung slowly sipped the liquor placed in front of him.

Then, as he put down the glass, he spoke with a calm expression.

"Compared to what Lord Ryeonjul has experienced, such incidents can't be called a crisis."

"It's not something I've experienced."


"It's something you and I have experienced."

At Jang Ilso's words, Ho Gakmyung, who had maintained a stoic expression all along, cracked a faint smile.

People only saw the dazzling side of Jang Ilso. At a young age, he became the leader of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, and he even expanded it to be considered one of the Five Great Evils. Now, he has risen to the position of the leader of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, overseeing all the factions in the world.

It was an incredibly dazzling resume.

But who would understand?

The path that Jang Ilso and Ho Gakmyung had walked to achieve these dazzling accomplishments. Brushing against death didn't even make for a good appetizer for them. To them, risking their lives was as natural as night following the setting sun.

Ho Gakmyung refilled Jang Ilso's empty glass with soju.

"And there will be more to face in the future."

"That's right. Hahaha."

Jang Ilso laughed jovially as if he was having a good time and emptied his full glass in one go. Meanwhile, his gaze remained fixed on Plum Blossom Island, shrouded in darkness.


At that moment, a faint twitch appeared at the corner of Jang Ilso's eye. In response, Ho Gakmyung fixed his face and inquired.

"Is there a problem?"


However, Jang Ilso soon nodded calmly.

"It's nothing."

His lips, as red as blood, traced a smile.

"Are you ready?"

"...It's done."

Namgung Hwang turned his stern face to Namgung Dowi. The young man, who looked youthful as ever, stared back at him with the expression of a veteran. Namgung Hwang nodded vigorously.

"Are the elders ready?"

"We're prepared, my lord."

The elders standing behind Namgung Dowi were no different. They had the look of worn-out old men, their frail and weak appearances, as if they could collapse at any moment. However, their eyes shone as sharply as ever. So bright that it was almost a cause for concern.

Namgung Hwang let out a short breath.


"Yes, my lord."

"While I know you've resolved yourself, I have one last request."


"Don't look back."

Namgung Dowi clenched his fists.

"What rests on your shoulders is the life of Namgung on this island. Compared to that, our lives are nothing more than insignificant."

"I understand."

Namgung Hwang finished speaking and nodded his head. With resolute determination, he gazed at Namgung Dowi.


Having imprinted his son's image in his eyes for the last time, Namgung Hwang turned away without leaving any regrets.

"Namgung Myung."

"My, my lord."

"I entrust this place to you."

Namgung Myung gritted his teeth. His face displayed unwavering determination.

"Yes, please leave it to me."

"Very well."

Without looking back, Namgung Hwang spoke firmly.

"Let's go."


"Approach as discreetly as possible, avoiding detection."

There were precisely seven of them: Namgung Hwang, Namgung Dowi, and the five elders who were essentially the core of the Namgung. Like dark ink infiltrating water, they silently began to make their way along the inky black waters of the Yangtze River, making not even the slightest sound.

They swam beneath the water's surface, not making a single splash, and slowly approached the ship.

Namgung Dowi followed right behind Namgung Hwang, gingerly feeling his way through the murky water.

As he swam through the water where even the path ahead was unclear, Namgung Dowi felt a fleeting sense of false hope surge within him. There was a possibility he could make it ashore under the ship without being discovered. 

But wind is just wind, and hopes were dashed.

Before they could get halfway to the ship, something suddenly rose from the riverbed.


White bubbles escaped from Namgung Hwang's mouth. Those crazed underwater creatures were keeping an eye out for anyone lingering near the riverbed.

If they were above water, they would have had no chance of detecting Namgung Hwang's presence. However, they were underwater, which meant there was not a single hiding spot to be found.

Even Namgung Hwang himself would be unable to escape their watchful eyes in these circumstances.

Sploosh, gurgle, gurgle!

From beneath the water, a series of loud noises resonated, followed by dozens of long harpoons hurtling towards them.

Namgung Hwang grimaced and drew his sword.


Suddenly, the tranquil surface of the Yangtze River erupted into a massive waterstorm.

"What is it?"

"The enemy! They're attempting to escape underwater!"


The Black Dragon King yelled and scanned Plum Blossom Island. He squinted his eyes, and he could still see figures struggling in the middle of Plum Blossom Island.

'What's going on?'

Most of the personnel were still lingering on Plum Blossom Island. Then, what was this?

"Namgung Hwang!"

Roaring, the Black Dragon King bolted across the deck.


Soon, the figure of Emperor Sword Namgung Hwang emerged clearly from the water.

"Hehehehehaha! You little rats! You actually want to live through this!" The Black Dragon King burst into laughter as if there was no need to hesitate. He motioned with his hand.

"Shoot! Turn those cowardly bastards into hedgehogs!"

The underwater creatures converged on one side of the ship, causing it to tilt precariously. They were packed shoulder to shoulder, aiming their bows at Namgung Hwang.



Arrows filled with power were fired in unison. Arrows launched not only from the Black Dragon Ship but also from dozens of other boats rained down like a deluge over Namgung Hwang.

If it were daytime and not night, this spectacle would have created a giant shadow over the Yangtze River and still retained some astonishment.

"Black Dragon Kinnnnnnnnnng!"

However, in that moment,


The enormous energy unleashed by Namgung Hwang's sword gleamed like a rising sun piercing through the river, illuminating the surroundings. The torrent of arrows scattered in all directions as they collided with the mighty energy, leaving spectators awestruck.


But instead of being shocked by this sight, the Black Dragon King was even more delighted.

"Rip him apart! Teach that fool what the price is for daring to set foot in the Yangtze River!"

The archers, who had just dropped their bows, leaped into the water. They jumped into the water so swiftly that the splashes they created seemed to dye the river a faint hue.


With their numbers, they rushed forward with incredible speed, striking Namgung Hwang and the other six head-on, both above and below the water's surface.

In the water, as well as out of it.

It was like a scene where hundreds of sharks charged towards a trapped tiger in the water.

"My Lord!"

"I know!"

Namgung Hwang shouted loudly.

"Elders, stop those approaching in the water! I will handle those above water!"

He gripped the handle of his sword so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

'I must let Dowi live!'

Intense determination suddenly blazed in his eyes, unlike anything seen before.

"Come on! You dogs of the Su Lo Chae! I'll show you how Namgung's lord dies!"

Like a wounded tiger, Namgung Hwang's sword roared with incredible force, slicing through the water's surface and sending waves of water flying.


Suddenly, a massive ripple appeared on the Yangtze River. The surging waves violently rocked the boats on the surface.

And at that moment,


As if they were dolphins leaping above the water, the pirates jumped out of the river towards Namgung Hwang and Namgung Dowi, unleashing their harpoons.




Namgung Dowi stepped on Namgung Hwang's shoulder and leaped out of the water like a fish. His sword left a trail of white light in the air.

Under the dark sky.

In the pitch-black Yangtze River.

Amidst it all, the beams of white light seemed somewhat forlorn.