Chapter 956: Don't Lower Your Head (Part 6)


Light shone relentlessly. The once-silent Yangtze River was now filled with tumult and cries.

Even the boats had suddenly shifted, so it was impossible not to know that something was happening over there.


Disciples of the Shaolin sect standing by the river clutched their fists. Their bodies, leaning forward, seemed ready to charge ahead at any moment.

But that was an impossible task.

Because the back of Beopjeong in front of them was firmly binding their feet.

The Shaolin monks who faced this situation were nervously watching the situation with bloodshot eyes. Or rather, they were glaring at it.

In the middle of the river, that place where they couldn't set foot had turned into the land of the Evil Sect, and some with Namgung in their names were struggling as if they were being torn apart by a pack of wolves.


Someone shouted, but Beopjeong didn't even turn around, only gazing at the scene with cold eyes.

"Bangjang! Shouldn't we help?"



"I said wait!"

Beopjeong responded loudly.

"Even Namgung himself isn't relying on our strength! So why should we shed blood for him?"


"Don't you see that the Myriad Man Manor isn't moving at all? If Jang Ilso and the Black Dragon King had personally intervened, everything would have already been settled. Why do you think they're just watching?"


Beopjeong bit his lips.

"If we're lured in, it's all over. We might not be the only ones to suffer, but even those who remain on Plum Blossom Island could be in danger."

Clearly, they could go. If they set their minds to it, they could go help them at any time. That's why it was even more painful. They were right there, but they had to just turn away from them.

Someone lowered their head, as if they couldn't bear to see.

"Don't lower your head!"

But at that moment, Hyebang let out a fierce shout.


"Look clearly! I'm telling you to see it with those two eyes of yours! You're unwilling to even show courage, and now you're turning away? How cowardly can you be?"


A scolded voice came from Beopjeong, but Hyebang didn't flinch. He just stared intently at the river, as if to engrave the scene into his memory.

Beopjeong closed his eyes tightly.

'How did it come to this?'

Certainly, up until the point they arrived here, they had been overflowing with the determination to save Namgung. But now, within them, there was a clear rift. A gap had formed that they couldn't easily bridge between those who command and those who must obey.

Beopjeong struggled to open his eyes. Once again, his gaze turned to the river. The radiant white sword energy unleashed by Namgung Hwang felt excruciatingly piercing.


The tip of the sword had dulled. More precisely, it was the arm swinging that sword that had dulled. Namgung Hwang's sword was no longer agile or powerful.




It's okay. His sword was where it should be when it needed to be there.

The blood spilled by the pirates turned even the dark Yangtze River into a vivid shade of red. Even the sprouting foam was not white but crimson.

Namgung Hwang continued to move forward along the river, now tinted red.


Once again, a dozen or so harpoons flew towards him. Blocking them all? Impossible.

Without any hesitation, Namgung Hwang swung his sword. He didn't aim for the most dangerous vital spots on the harpoons. Instead, he struck the harpoons that could reach Namgung Dowi first.


The harpoons that hit Namgung Hwang's sword bounced off, but two that he hadn't struck through mercilessly pierced Namgung Hwang's body.

The harpoon that penetrated his skin tore through his muscles and lodged firmly.


In response to Namgung Dowi's cry, Namgung Hwang swung his sword and beheaded the pirates who had shot the arrows.

"I can handle that level of attack too! Let me..."



Namgung Dowi closed his mouth.

His voice didn't seem to carry any strength. It wasn't the voice that had always rumbled, naturally leading those who heard it.

However... the determination contained in that voice was stronger than ever before.

"Watch... until the end."

That was all. Namgung Hwang, who kept his gaze fixed forward, began to move forward again.

The blood streaming down from his head mixed with the waves, which washed it away again.

How long had passed was unclear.


"Die! You monster!"

Just endlessly stabbing and slashing. He felt like something had pierced his thigh, but it didn't matter anymore. Sensation had long been dulled below his waist.

"Where are the elders?"

They were still here. If not for them, he might not have survived until now. As much as he endured, they also resisted desperately.

Burning their lives to the last.

With every drop of blood they spilled, their blood mixed in with the river. Looking at the red foam pouring from his face, Namgung Hwang couldn't help but smile.

"For what?"

What were they sacrificing their lives for?

To atone for bringing Namgung into this crisis?

Or to bring a glimmer of hope to the members of the Namgung Sect still on that island?

Who knew? And now, none of that mattered at all.

Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

The pirates, noticing that Namgung Hwang was losing strength, rushed at him even more fervently. Merging with the red waves, their charging forms were like hellish demons.

In this moment, there was only one thing he had to do.


- Wouldn't that work?

How can it not be possible?

A faint smile graced Namgung Hwang's lips.


As if it could tear at any moment, energy was squeezed from his lower abdomen and his weakened dantian. It flowed upwards, and the released energy rushed through his body to reach the sword.

At that moment, Namgung Hwang felt Namgung Dowi's hand gripping his shoulder. A hand that had been so small had grown immeasurably.

"I'll open it for you!"

He had only one thing to do. Save Namgung Dowi from this place. Nothing else mattered.


With all his might, Namgung Hwang unleashed his Lion Roar, and his eyes were filled with dozens of pirates rushing towards him.

Gripping the sword, he released the pent-up muscles and energy, freeing them all at once.


The white sword energy soared like a giant dragon over the Yangtze River.

It was an indescribable sword strike. The pirates who had charged at the weakened Namgung Hwang were obliterated without even having the chance to scream, their bodies scattered across the Yangtze River.

But, naturally, Namgung Hwang was not unscathed.


He broke the harpoon lodged in his chest. The tip of the harpoon had dug into his flesh, making it impossible to pull it out without tearing it.

Udek. Udek. Udek.

He sequentially broke the harpoons lodged in his chest, abdomen, and shoulders, looking ahead with half-closed eyes.

His vision was blurry. His consciousness was drifting away.


But what brought Namgung Hwang back to consciousness was the intense pain he felt at his waist. He reflexively swung his sword to attack the pirate who had launched the attack from underwater. Then, he plunged his head into the water for a moment.


Beneath the deep water, he vaguely saw the Elders who were slowly sinking. He couldn't see their expressions.


Namgung Hwang clenched his lips, raised his head, and looked ahead again.


"Let's go... Dowi."

No need to feel sorrow. He was in a similar situation as them.

He moved forward, thrusting into the attackers' throats, grabbing incoming arrows with his bare hands, beheading them, and stabbing.

His hair, which had become a mat, was soaked in water, sticking to his scalp.

Kwaduk! Kwaduk!

Even with arrows stuck in his side and thigh, Namgung Hwang kept advancing, slashing through the attackers. He didn't feel any pain, as if he was just moving forward, paying no attention to the attacks.

Too much blood poured out at once, forming another river on the river.

Namgung Hwang moved like a demon from hell. Even the pirates, who had come for countless battles, were exhausted and swayed unsteadily.


"Cough. Cough!"

Namgung Hwang, coughing mixed with pain, spat out blood. His labored breath poured out continuously from his mouth and nose, like the wind blowing.

That was the moment.


A powerful blast, as if tearing his eardrums, invaded Namgung Hwang's ears. Before his mind could process it, his instincts had already raised the sword.


Colliding with the mighty attack coming from above, he was immediately thrown into the air, coughing up blood.

"These damn bastards!"

The Black Dragon King, perched on the Black Dragon Ship, roared like a wild beast.

"What are you trembling for in front of guys who are dying? Charge at them and annihilate them!"


Fired up by the Black Dragon King's determination, the pirates growled again and rushed toward Namgung Hwang.

"Master! Father! You bastards! Father!"

Namgung Dowi desperately pushed forward, blocking Namgung Hwang, who was floating on the water.

A fierce determination to not let Namgung Hwang be given to them was burning in his bloodshot eyes.


A hand tremblingly touched Namgung Dowi's shoulder.


"Go... into the water..."



His eyes were nearly swollen shut, and it seemed he was at death's door.

However, the desperate light in his pupils was not something Namgung Dowi could ever resist.

"Back... my back..."

Tears of blood flowed from Namgung Dowi's eyes.

He knew. Yes, he knew. Namgung Hwang had asked to be saved from this island in exchange for his life. So, he couldn't mistake what was more important.

But... but!

"You... are... Namgung's next... master..."


"Onto... my back..."

Namgung Dowi lowered his head and, without a word, reached around the current to grab Namgung Hwang's back. Just like a child being carried by a father.


A faint smile appeared on Namgung Hwang's distorted face.


Once again, he felt the sensation of something piercing his leg. It was the same for his lower abdomen. The attacks from beneath the water were impossible to block anymore.

But it was alright.

As long as he was holding Namgung Dowi, these attacks would not reach his son.


Suddenly, a clear voice resounded.

Namgung Dowi held Namgung Hwang's shoulder tightly.


It was that moment.

Namgung Hwang's body shot up from the water's surface like a flare, and his last remaining internal energy was all dragged out. In an instant, he regained his strength.

"Stop them!"


The pirates screamed as if they were being torn apart and surged up from the water to block him.


With a single swing of his sword, Namgung Hwang shattered the pirates and continued forward, propelling himself through the water.


White sword energy shot out in all directions like fireworks. The piratess panicked and dived underwater. It was unreasonable to resist that sword energy.


Namgung Hwang, pushing through the water's surface, advanced through the gap between the pirate ships surrounding them.

One step! Just one more step...

That was the moment.


The dark river blade, which had flown from the Black Dragon Ship above, rushed head-on into Namgung Hwang. He had used every ounce of his strength to wield the white sword energy, but the dark river blade easily deflected it and lodged itself firmly in Namgung Hwang's body.



As the faltering Namgung Hwang was about to shout again, the Black Dragon King was cut off.


Namgung Hwang didn't fall. Instead, he propelled himself through the water again.

His blood-soaked face had a fierce light shining through the tangled hair stuck to it. Blood droplets that had spurted from his body were scattered in all directions. At that moment, he gripped Namgung Dowi's arm, the son he had carried on his back.


With all the strength he had left, he threw Namgung Dowi toward the riverbank.


Dowi screamed as he flew through the air. In his eyes, which seemed to be losing all strength, he saw Namgung Hwang plummet into the river.

In the world turned upside down, Namgung Hwang's face was visible in the distance.

He was definitely... smiling.

With a splash, Namgung Hwang, impaled on a pike, slowly sank into the river.

As he submerged into the pitch-black world, he thought...

"Is this enough..."

He didn't know.

But he had done his best.

While it might not have been right to say that everything he had done was correct, at the very least, he had done his best until the end.

Now, all he could do was trust and entrust his son, who would carry on Namgung's name.


A faint smile appeared on his lips as he sunk into the dark depths of the Yangtze.

'...Be a good father...'

With that faint smile as his last, Namgung Hwang finally closed his eyes.