Chapter 960: Where is Mount Hua? (Part 4)


Kneeling and bowing one's head was a posture no dignified person should ever take. However, in this place, no one thought Namgung Dowi was being undignified. How could anyone think that way when they saw a human being in such a state?


The first to react was Hyun Jong.

"Sogaju, what is… What is this?"

Was he asking, 'What is going on?' Was he inquiring about what hardships Namgung was enduring in that hell? Hyun Jong hesitated for a moment and then lowered his head. Did he really not know? 

Hyun Jong approached Namgung Dowi and grabbed his shoulders. When Hyun Jong's trembling hands touched him, Namgung Dowi's body also twitched.

"Sect Leader."

Namgung Dowi raised his head with great effort to look at Hyun Jong.

Hyun Jong looked at Namgung Dowi's reddened eyes and unconsciously bit his lip.

"At Plum Blossom Island…."


"The Namgung family members are trapped."


"Injured ones are dying day by day, and the survivors are just waiting to die... Yes, they are just waiting."

Hyun Jong's shoulders trembled.

"Please... help them, Sect Leader. Please help them."

When Namgung Dowi tried to bow his head to the ground again, Hyun Jong quickly held onto his shoulders.

"Don't do this, Sogaju."


Meanwhile, the eyes of Tang Gunak, who had been watching the situation, turned toward Jao Gae. Jao Gae sighed heavily before he opened his mouth.

"Shaolin… … ."

But he paused for a moment and bit his lip.

Was all of this really Shaolin's fault?

"The Beggar's Union, the Kongtong Sect, and Shaolin did not help Namgung."


"The Myriad Man Manor has come. Under such circumstances, we couldn't fight on the river and battle the Su Lo Chae."

"That's not what I'm asking, Elder."

Tang Gunak's voice was so sharp that it felt as if it came from a ghost crawling out of the mud. It indicated the extent of his anger.

"I understand the situation. What I'm asking is why you've been merely watching until now."


Jaogae couldn't answer right away.

There are too many reasons, but among them, there is not a single one that could be called a true reason.

When Tang Gunak exposed his concerns and glared at him, Jaogae couldn't meet his gaze and turned his head.

Why didn't he understand how much effort the Tang Faily has put in to protect those they haven't protected?

If he was among the Ten Great Sect, he could mock them, but here, he was a sinner. No one bearing the name of the Ten Great Sects would dare to lift their heads before Mount Hua and the Tang Family. No one.

"...What about Namgung Hwang?"


"What happened to Namgung Gaju?"

Tang Gunak's reason for asking was simple. The Namgung Hwang he knew was not the person who would risk his life to escape with his son. No, it would be more accurate to say that he was not a person who would send his own son to die alone.


Jaogae couldn't finish his sentence and bowed his head.


The sound of Tang Gunak gritting his teeth resounded eerily. Thick veins protruded under the wide sleeves as he clenched his fist.


At that moment, Nam Gung Dowi raised his head and looked at everyone. Tears flowed from his eyes, mixed with dried blood, and fell.

"Save them... Please, I implore you."



Hyun Jong tightened his grip on Namgung Dowi's shoulders. But he couldn't find the words to say.

If it were just his life at stake, he would have already rushed toward Plum Blossom Island. But now, there was more at stake than just his life. He couldn't ask these people to risk their lives.

"I'm sorry..."

Hyun Jong's shoulders trembled.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Sogaju. I'm sorry..."

This wasn't an apology to Namgung Dowi.

Maybe it was an apology to himself.

The painful days when he had to bear the heavy burden of Mount Hua alone and endure, and the days when he couldn't expect anyone to lend a hand. Did he not resent it? Did he not blame anyone?

Yet, Hyun Jong couldn't hold Namgung Dowi's hand without hesitation. He was on the verge of biting his own lips due to his pain.


That's when it happened.


A sound of drawing a sword came from behind. Hyun Jong turned around with trembling eyes.

Baek Cheon had slowly pulled out his sword, and after looking at it carefully, he sheathed it back. Then, he confidently stepped forward with the sword tightly secured to his waist.

Without a word, he gazed at Hyun Jong, determination shining in his eyes.

"Baek Cheon..."


Yoo Iseol drew her sword even faster than Baek Cheon. She checked it briefly and securely fastened the sword to her waist. Then she stood beside him without a word.

And they weren't alone.

Yoon Jong came forward with resolute eyes, and Jo Gol, with his face ready to leave at any moment, stood behind Baek Cheon. Tang Soso silently stood behind Yu Iseol, and the rest of the Mount Hua disciples, including Baek Sang, drew their swords and checked them before quietly forming ranks.

"You guys..."

Hyun Jong was speechless for a moment and then closed his mouth.

No one stepped forward, as if understanding that Hyun Jong was the one to make this decision.

But their actions spoke for them. The moment his order was given, not a single person would hesitate to run to the Yangtze River instantly.

Thud. Thud.

Un Geom walked slowly and stood behind the children. Un Am also stayed by his side with an unusually stern expression.

Hyun Jong looked at this scene and bit his lips. Tumult surged within his chest.

He wanted to help.

He, too, wanted to run to that Yangtze River instantly. But...

"I am the Sect Leader of Mount Hua."

Hyun Jong tried to shut his eyes firmly in that very moment.


Chung Myung, who had been silent until now, halfway unsheathed his sword and looked at them subtly.

"Chung Myung..."

Hyun Jong was surprised as he looked at him, but instead of giving Hyun Jong attention, Chung Myung turned his gaze to Namgung Dowi. Then, he slowly spoke.

"Answer me."


Namgung Dowi slowly lifted his trembling head to meet Chung Myung's gaze.

"Why should we help you?"


"That place is death. If we help, we have to put our lives on the line. Why should we do that?"



Namgung Dowi's eyes shook greatly. He had too many things he wanted to say. There was no shortage of things he could say. But there was not a single word that would entirely convince them.

"I... I can't bear it."


Chung Myung's lips tightened further.

Namgung Dowi sobbed, his shoulders trembling.

"They... my brothers, my family... my comrades... watching them die like that... I can't bear it."

Chung Myung's gaze rested on Namgung Dowi's hunched shoulders.

"Please... please."

Chung Myung could sense the emotions that clung to his trembling back. It wasn't pain or sorrow that caused this shiver. It was fear.

Namgung Dowi was trembling in fear. Fear that Chung Myung might refuse. Fear that he would face himself, who couldn't protect the ones they had to protect.

Fear of watching everyone die and the worst-case scenario of being the only survivor.

It was the tremendous fear that made him tremble.


The silent gaze that had been on Namgung Dowi finally turned towards Hyun Jong.

"Sect Leader."


"What will you do?"

The voice contained no emotion. There was no pressure or resistance. It was just a question.

As if the choice was entirely Hyun Jong's responsibility.

Hyun Jong bit his lips until they turned pale.


Originally, the words he intended to say were, 'We won't help.' He didn't care if he was criticized for his lack of negotiation. He didn't mind being ridiculed just like the Shaolin. However, he couldn't bring himself to order his disciples to put their lives on the line for others.

Mount Hua's Sect Leader may have been able to do it, but Hyun Jong who went through those hellish days, could not.

The words 'We won't help' just couldn't come out. No matter how hard he tried, only a feeble whimper escaped his throat.

Then, Chung Myung, who had been silently watching Hyun Jong, spoke.

"There was only one person I considered great."


"He was a remarkable sect leader. Everyone believed in him and was willing to put their lives on the line for him. He was the perfect person to lead a sect."

Hyun Jong closed his eyes tightly. The words seemed to rebuke his weakness.


Chung Myung looked Hyun Jong directly in the eyes and continued, "In my opinion, Sect Leader, you are no less than he."

"Chung Myung..."

"You're only lacking one thing."

Chung Myung paused for a moment. After a short silence, Hyun Jong sighed and asked, "What am I lacking?"

"What you lack is... knowledge."

Chung Myung answered with an expressionless face. There was not a hint of hesitation in his gaze.

Hyun Jong's voice, tinged with desperation, asked, "What do you mean?"

"You know it."

Chung Myung's gaze remained steady.

"The sword in Sect Leader's hand..."

His voice faltered for a moment, and a twisted grin revealed his bright teeth.


His sword was fully unsheathed.

"...How sharp it is."

As soon as these words left his lips, all of Mount Hua's disciples drew their swords in unison.

In the darkest hour of dawn, the swords, drawn downward, gleamed faintly in the darkness.

Chung Myung's calm voice resonated.

"We are the Sect Leader's sword."

Hyun Jong's body trembled.

"Order us."

Chung Myung revealed his teeth and spoke in a powerful, sharp tone.

"Carrying out the will of the sword. If Sect Leader commands, I will fulfill that will, on behalf of myself and all of them!"

Hyun Jong's gaze swept across Mount Hua's disciples who stood in formation.

Every single one of them stared at Hyun Jong with unwavering eyes, devoid of any trace of hesitation.

In those eyes, the only thing that shone was an unshakable trust. It was the unwavering belief that their sect leader would never make a wrong choice.

"We will make it happen."

Hyun Jong closed his eyes tightly.

It seemed like he was wrestling with himself, regaining his composure, or reevaluating the path he needed to take.

After a long silence, when he opened his eyes once more, there wasn't the slightest hint of doubt in his gaze.

"Mount Hua's disciples, listen."

"Yes, Sect Leader!"

All the Mount Hua's disciples knelt with one knee to show their respect.

"We will go to the Yangtze River."

Even in the darkness, their eyes shone brightly.

"We will rescue Namgung, who is trapped on Plum Blossom Island, and inform the Evil Sect of the presence of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance on this land!"


The echo of their answer rang out as if it came from a single voice.

Mount Hua's disciples stood up simultaneously.

Namgung Dowi, who had been observing this scene, burst into tears. The tension left his body, and before he could fall to the ground, someone grabbed him and forced him to stand.

"Get up."


Chung Myung grasped Namgung Dowi, addressing him with stern determination.

"If there's something you need to do, do it yourself. We won't do it for you."

His voice was like that of a furious beast growling.

"If we do everything for you, it means nothing. You must stand at the front. You're the one who will save Namgung."

Namgung Dowi, who had been gazing at Chung Myung with uncertain eyes, gradually stopped trembling, and a deep resolve filled his two eyes.

"Yes, I will!"

Chung Myung turned to look back, and every disciple of Mount Hua stared at him with faces filled with unwavering conviction, as if waiting for his words.

With a slight nod of his head, Chung Myung affirmed their determination.

"Let's go!"

Finally, the eastern sky began to glow pale pink, turning the horizon into a vivid shade of red. And with that, Mount Hua Sect and Sichuan Tang Family, the two sects, marched toward the Yangtze River under the banner of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.